post to deck beam connection

Started by drbuilder, May 13, 2013, 02:51:55 PM

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I am looking for ideas, pictures, and/or suggestions for how to attach 6x6 or 4x6 porch posts (that will carry the roof load) to a 4x10 deck beam.  Should I notch or use deck post connectors?


Just because something has been done and has not failed, doesn't mean it is good design.


I read the AWC document several times, but unless I am missing something it only addresses decks without a roof load or columns that will support this load.  I understand the discussion on the pier to beam connections.  However, my question has to do with the beam to post/column connections (which will carry the roof load).  Am I overlooking something?  If so, please point me in the right direction.


Oops. Sorry, I picked up on the deck word and the roof word escaped me. I should have read the question more carefully. If I understand the rules correctly once a roof is added to a deck it is no longer a deck. It becomes a porch at that point. I'm pretty sure it then falls under the same rules that apply to the rest of the house; house quality foundation, etc.

Hopefully Don_P will stop by as I'm quite sure he will have first hand knowledge.

I do believe you can use metal brackets to connect the post to the beam. You definitely do NOT want to place the post on the decking.
Just because something has been done and has not failed, doesn't mean it is good design.


Bring the post from  under the roof beam to direct bearing , hang the deck beam off the posts with HUC type hangers .

The roof went up the next year IIRC .

Use a suitable HUC Simpson hanger.




When in doubt , build it stout with something you know about .


I wish I would have seen this before I left the cabin today, I could have taken Pictures of how I did mine.  Mine just sets on the deck boards which is blocked underneath and is sitting directly on the beam.  I could have run my posts all the way up to the roof but the posts would have had to been 16 feet long.  So I accomplished the same thing with how I did it.  I used a post cap to connect to the deck blocking then to the 6x6 post to the roof beam.  If you have an questions just ask.


  I just got the same Simpson post caps that join beams and flipped them upside-down.  They hold the ridge beam and the 6x6's, too.  They weren't cheap though

  If you can't imagine what these strongties were actually designed for, here they are in action--

  You have to pay attention to lefts, rights, and corners and order the correct thing.  You also have to carefully drill really big holes very straight (it's best to drill part way through one side then find that hole drilling from the other)  So in your case you'd order them with W1 (and W3 if needed) at 4", and W2 at 6" (or 4" if you go with 4x6 and they are turned that way.  I really like the stout look and feel of the 6x6's though)
Find what you love and let it kill you.