Just getting acquainted

Started by dave423, March 09, 2006, 07:00:10 PM

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We have 85 acres in East Tennessee my parents bought years ago.  This weekend my wife, my 82 year old Mom and I are going to tent camp on the property, and attack the underbrush.  We hope to put a more substantial shelter in place this summer.  We plan to first build a deck to put the tent on.  Later this year, we'll wall up the deck and put a shed roof on it, so we'll have a dry spot to sleep and store some gear.  We have a good quality year round spring, a lovely little creek, and there is access to power, phone, cable, and hi-speed internet at the edge of the property.  I'm reading the postings in this forum to get as many ideas as I can.  I don't want to be a pest and ask questions that have already been answered, but you'll probably hear from me frequently.  



Welcome to the forum!

My DH and I have asked many questions and received a lot of good advice from the many good people on the forum.

Enjoy your stay! ;)


There are no dumb questions, Dave so if you don't find what you want, ask - usually we can beat it around a bit and come up with a few decent answers or options.  Your site sounds great.

Welcome to the forum and please keep us up on your progress.

While you are starting with your tent deck, you may want to do it from a set of John's plans, of something that fits into your desired size then you will already have a start on your cabin.


Dave.....again, welcome...I cannot say enough positive things about this forum, as far as the information and helpful hints that I have gained....sounds like a nice piece of land you are sittin' on there...when can we move in ????   8-)


Thanks for the welcome.  I've already learned enough to know that I don't know enough yet.  For example, buying a set of plans was not in the plan.  Now I'm seriously considering it.  Since we are paying as we go, we haven't gotten to that point yet.  The road into the site needs lots of work, and security is a problem.  We've already had some materials and a small mower stolen.  We now have a steel cable across the road, but will install a more formidable gate as soon as finances permit.  Until then, we can't leave anything on site.  

My brother is a contractor who has worked in the area for several years, and I've had him review some of my drawings.  Usually he points out that I have a tendency for overkill, or over design, particularly in the foundation and floor system.  I hate bouncy floors.

I rented a brush-cutter mower from a Knoxville equipment company, and plan to use it relentlessly.  I had to rent about an hours drive from the property because I couldn't find a local company that still rented mowers.  They told me that equipment abuse and liability made it unprofitable.  I do plan to use local suppliers when possible.  Many rental companies have a "pick it up Friday, bring it back Monday" one day charge policy.  The trick is to schedule as many rentals as you can on weekends with a Monday holiday, so your return is on Tuesday.  You can really get a lot done with three days of Bobcat.  And after introducing my wife to the joys of mixing concrete in a five gallon bucket, she thinks that $35  to rent a mixer for a weekend of foundation work is probably a wise decision.


Quote And after introducing my wife to the joys of mixing concrete in a five gallon bucket, she thinks that $35  to rent a mixer for a weekend of foundation work is probably a wise decision.

That is the type of thing Glenn has been has been trying to teach me..  Get your wife to think it was her idea!

Welcome to our little corner of the internet! It is a great place to learn. I dont know how the do it but Glenn and John it clean and tidy, with none of the bull that comes with other forums.
I have asked many dumb questions and always get several smart answers.
Good luck and let the clearing begin!


Here's what Jimmy is saying, Dave,

I never make them do anything they don't want to do.  I just make them want to do it.

The reason I mentioned John's plans is that all the details are worked out.  The floors don't bounce.  Several foundations are available.  John is so cheap that if I save a few hours work, or a few boards not wasted, I have already payed for the plans. They may change your ideas to post and pier for greater savings  or a slab floor.  Note that I bought most of John's plans and am currently building an RV storage garage from a modified set of John's Little House Plans.  They are also part of The Big Enchilada Plans Kit which have about all the additions you could ever want included.  Here is a link to all plan descriptions

Here is a link to his plan   Pricing. Note that I don't make anything from his sales.  I just want to see him make enough off his plans so that he will allow us to have this free general forum to gather at and help each other without restriction.  The forum is open to all and help is free to all even if they don't buy plans or are building from other plans.  Plan and Book Sales help support this forum.  I've told John he is way too cheap on the plans, but he insists on keeping prices so anyone can afford them.  



Here's what Jimmy is saying,
I never make them do anything they don't want to do.  I just make them want to do it.

I get it now!
I guess this explains why I am still working alone!
Well, She did help me hold a few windows in place while I attached them..
But she really wanted that to happen. I had nothing to do with that motivation.

Dave be careful. Once you get started you will get the FEVER...
It seems like a long time from week end to week end!


You could start like this Jimmy --

A seemingly random comment - "Boy. if I could only afford some help we would really get moved into the house a lot faster."  She'd think about it a bit then later walk over to you and say, "Jimmy, you big strong hunk of a man, I'm not sure what I can do to help but I'm your slave if it will help to get us in the house faster."

If things don't progress per plan "one" then you could say something like, "I wonder if the neighbors daughter in the Daisy Duke shorts would like to earn a little part time money helping to work on the house so we can get moved in faster."  Careful with that one though -- as usual --- all suggestions from the forum are to be used at your own risk.  You may wish to consult with a local professional before acting on any of the above advice.

Note: I occassionally fail with my advice-- sometimes I get beat to within inches of death ---(not really).  It's supposed to be funny. :-/

Jimmy C.

If things don't progress per plan "one" then you could say something like, "I wonder if the neighbors daughter in the Daisy Duke shorts would like to earn a little part time money helping to work on the house so we can get moved in faster."  Careful with that one though -- as usual --- all suggestions from the forum are to be used at your own risk.  You may wish to consult with a local professional before acting on any of the above advice.

You are killing me... I now have Pepsi up in my sinus cavity from laughing at this!

The disclaimer is what got me!
The hardest part is getting past the mental blocks about what you are capable of doing.
Cason 2-Story Project MY PROGRESS PHOTOS

John Raabe

As usual, Glenn's advice is invaluable (worth at least twice what you pay for it  :D).

My question would be which local professional I should consult in such a situation?
None of us are as smart as all of us.

glenn kangiser

Sorry 'bout the nose, Jimmy. :-/

Some things I just have to leave for you to ferret out for yourself, John.  

All I can guarantee is that you will get results.  I can't guarantee the rate of satisfaction.

Speaking of Ferrets - this reminds me of a popular though uncommon sport.

Ferret Legging

Note this is a PG-13 story however some do seem to get some satisfaction from it.  
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin  http://countryplans.com/smf/index.php?topic=151.0

Please put your area in your sig line so we can assist with location specific answers.


The "Daisy Duke" comment reminded me of something that happened to my brother many years ago, about '72 or '73.  One of my brothers, Tom, had a date planned with a really cute, buxom young co-ed one Saturday, but our Dad wanted him to do some bush-hogging down at the Ol' Home Place.  He decided to take her along with him, get the work done, and then go on a date.  When she saw our antique Oliver tractor, she wanted to drive it, so Tom got it started, showed her what to do and let her go.

After she motored over the hill out of sight, our Uncle Fred showed up and found Tom sitting in the  shade of the fence row drinking a cold beer.  He lit into him about how Tom was supposed to be working and how Dad was counting on him.  How could he just sit there and drink beer when there was work to be done.

In the meantime, the young lady decided to get some sun and got topless.  While Uncle Fred was chewing Tom a new one, she motored back over the hill, smiling and bouncing, naked from the waist up.  She drove to the edge of the field, turned the corner and headed back over the hill.  

Uncle Fred stood there speechless for a moment, then said, "Tom, I need one of those beers.  Forget everything I said.  You're one of the smartest kids I've ever met.  I'll let you get back to work."

Uncle Fred never told Dad, either.

glenn kangiser

See what I mean, Jimmy.  I will have to assume that, even though Dave doesn't mention it, his brother probably  wisely offhandedly made a comment or two that made her want to drive that tractor.  Probably something about being able to help with the work if she learned how to drive the tractor.  :)

What an interesting little just getting aquainted story, Dave.  See, sometimes whether we realize it or not, the ladies just want to help out.  Sometimes all it takes is just for us to show them what to do.  What a fine little lesson from life.

I think I'll go have a beer. :-/
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin  http://countryplans.com/smf/index.php?topic=151.0

Please put your area in your sig line so we can assist with location specific answers.