Heading to my daughter's first elk hunt tomorrow. Maybe.

Started by NM_Shooter, October 09, 2012, 07:00:24 PM

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This has been long overdue.  She's prepared now for her first hunt for about 18 months.  Last year, on the day we drove to our cabin, we got hit by a freak snow storm.  Got snowed out. 

Trying again this year..... everything packed, she is practiced, got even better loads worked up for her 30-06 (1.044" groups at 200yds, no kidding). 

Guess what.  Another early snow storm is rolling in.  Grrrrrrrrr........

We may get one day of hunt before it hits.  We might hunt that day, then come down off the hill and overnight in town to see how bad it gets.  Try to get in the next day early and pick up where we left off. 

Apparently, even in a drought, she and I can make it snow.  Keep your fingers crossed for her. 
"Officium Vacuus Auctorita"


Just because something has been done and has not failed, doesn't mean it is good design.


Looks like maybe that storm is not going to happen? We have high hopes for the weekend too-- bore site in a new .30-.30 and scope, and if it is clear, setup the telescope Saturday night-- darkest skies in the country in northern NM.

1.5" groups at 200 yards is impressive. What is the gun and scope? It sounds like you hand-load.  Want to try that sometime soon.  Best of luck for your daughter.


Luck to you both. I'm still sticking arrows in them for another month.
These here is God's finest scupturings! And there ain't no laws for the brave ones! And there ain't no asylums for the crazy ones! And there ain't no churches, except for this right here!


Good luck all around!

We leave tomorrow so the boys and a friend can hunt deer even though they seem scarce this year (maybe the cougars and wolves have something to do with that but I also think the economy does too....).

I'll spend time at the cabin and enjoy it while maybe shooting a grouse or two and perhaps a wabbit or two (I like eating wabbit's!).....


Weather chased us off the mountain.  Two years in a row.  Got one full day of hunt in this time, as opposed to zero last year.

Saw a nice 5x5 in a meadow early this morning.  Watched it for about 10 minutes.  Sarah decided not to shoot because there was some grass between her and the vitals.  She was pretty bummed.  We saw a herd of 5 cows, but no bull ???   watched those for about 15 minutes hoping that one of them would grow horns. 

Expensive 13 hours.
"Officium Vacuus Auctorita"

Pine Cone

Quote from: NM_Shooter on October 12, 2012, 12:26:31 AM
Weather chased us off the mountain.  Two years in a row.  Got one full day of hunt in this time, as opposed to zero last year.

Saw a nice 5x5 in a meadow early this morning.  Watched it for about 10 minutes.  Sarah decided not to shoot because there was some grass between her and the vitals.  She was pretty bummed.  We saw a herd of 5 cows, but no bull ???   watched those for about 15 minutes hoping that one of them would grow horns. 

Expensive 13 hours.

Over time the "Expensive 13 hours" should slowly convert to "Priceless!"

Too bad it didn't work out.  Does this mean no other chances this year?


Nope.. not for her.  I have a cow tag that I am giving to a buddy to hunt with next weekend.  I'll probably get some meat out of that. 

There were some pretty cool memories even of that one day.  She finished up in a blind and watched a flock of turkeys cross the trail too. 

While watching a meadow in the afternoon, I told her to take a nap.  She curled up on the leaves and darn near passed out.  I think I watched her more than the meadow. 
"Officium Vacuus Auctorita"