Met a forum member today

Started by Don_P, March 08, 2012, 06:12:34 PM

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That was fun, always nice to put a face to someone you've been talking to  :)

A few weeks ago Redover had pm'ed me that he was having trouble finding the borate that I use. We traded messages back and forth and today we met in Salem. We had described vehicles and I was pretty sure as I pulled into the parking lot. All doubt was over when I spotted the Redover Farm tag on the front of his truck. Redover had also brought a gift, my favorite, food! He gave us bacon and sausage from his son's FFA project  [cool]. I was a bit distracted all day and don't think I expressed myself well. John it was a great pleasure to meet you and that was quite a haul, Thank you!


Don_P the pleasure was all mine.  Now I only have 6,767 more members to go. ;).  But I am afraid at this rate I will only be a memory by then.  You can exchange post on different subjects, private messages and the like but  I have always been a people person so it is good to put a face to a name.   So far I haven't been disappointed.  I guess we could call it the "east coast" meeting of members with some absenteeism.  ;D.  Maybe we can do it again and get some others involved.


very   [cool]    It may be a while before we make the east coast, but I would like to. We've plans for a CA meet this May-June.   :)
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