What an amazing resource!!

Started by OcoeeG, December 10, 2011, 07:18:43 PM

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I normally don't do this but I just found this forum and I am very excited.  I am planning on buying some land and building a small 16x24 timber framed cabin on it to live in initially.   I am glad to have found this forum to be able to read everyone's, advice, successes, failures and experiences.  This forum is going to be an AMAZINGLY VALUABLE asset.  I hope to start this summer, plenty of time to pick thru the posts here hand gleen info.

Texas Tornado

Welcome!!!! It is a wonderful place just loaded with the most fantastic people on the planet!!!!  w*


Quote from: OcoeeG on December 10, 2011, 07:18:43 PM
I normally don't do this but I just found this forum and I am very excited.  I am planning on buying some land and building a small 16x24 timber framed cabin on it to live in initially.   I am glad to have found this forum to be able to read everyone's, advice, successes, failures and experiences.  This forum is going to be an AMAZINGLY VALUABLE asset.  I hope to start this summer, plenty of time to pick thru the posts here hand gleen info.

w*  It is very helpful if you could let us know what area (general) you are from of where you intend to build ( profile information).  Questions arise which are specific in nature to your geographical location.  You never know that you may have neighbors here already.

Again   w*


Thanks guys!!  I will be looking for land and building around Chattanooga, TN.  I plan on finding land somewhere within 30-40 minutes of town.  Prices range from $6000 all the way down to $1500 per acre in the more isolated areas.  I am chomping at the bit to do this but the more I read the more I realize that I need to do my homework AND NOT RUSH THIS.   Problem is I will be living in Colombia (yes the country) until June so I will not have the ability to look at land too much.  But I still can look on the internet and do my homework.  I figured when I get home I rreally can start looking in ernest.  In the mean time I can buy my sawmill and start sawing the timbers, framing lumber and sheathing, thats right I am going that route.  There have been some serious tornadoes in that area with int the last year or so so waste trees are plentiful all you have to do is look on Craigslist.  Ok well thanks again.
Chris G