Okie Bob is back!

Started by Okie Bob, December 04, 2011, 09:08:52 AM

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Okie Bob

Some of you hopefully will remember me from a long time back, others, I look forward to being back with Country Plans.
This is the most helpful website I've ever found and the people on here at the best. John has inspired so many of us to do
what some never thought possible. I doubt I would have been able to complete my project with out it. Oldtimers were so
supportive like, Glenn, MtnDon, Peg and many others whose names I can't recall....I have CRS disease (can't remember s***)
I'm now retired and living in my lake house on Cedar Creek Lake about 80 miles SE of Dallas, TX. I'm a displaced Okie and
hope maybe to return to my home state someday.
Thanks for letting me back in the forum and I look forward to learning even more from all you 'pros'.
Okie Bob
Sooner Born-Sooner Bred-And when I die I'll be Sooner Dead


Okie Who?   ;D ;D

I'm sending you a PM and an email in a moment.
Just because something has been done and has not failed, doesn't mean it is good design.


They may stray, but they all come back in the end.  Welcome back!
A bad day of fishing beats a good day at work any day, but building something with your own hands beats anything.



Hey Okie Bob!  I've mentioned to Glenn on several occasions "we never see Okie Bob anymore..."  So how've you been?  Glad to see you back here - used to enjoy your banterings w/Glenn  ;D 

BTW, can you post some more pix of your place?  You did a beautiful job on your home....  we always like pictures  [waiting]

NM-Shooter was gone for awhile but he's back at it w/us.   :)

Seems like part of the family is missing when we don't hear from you.

Thanks John, for making all this possible  c*

You will know the truth & the truth will set you free

glenn kangiser

Hey BoB,

You were never gone.......... from our thoughts at least.  :)

Thanksgiving dinner I was telling relatives about "Icynene"  for their potato shed roof, and how could I say that word without thinking of you and telling them how much you love it.  [noidea'

Glad to see you are talking to us again though.  heh
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin  http://countryplans.com/smf/index.php?topic=151.0

Please put your area in your sig line so we can assist with location specific answers.

Okie Bob

Wow, thanks for all the kind words from everyone. Glad to be back and plan to stay involved. John has given us a wonderful place to
share and learn from each other and for that I thank him. It is really good to see so many still active here and so many new names.
One I missed was Jonsey from Down Under. Ever hear from him anymore? He has some really unique ideas and a great sense of humor to boot.
And Glenn, I'm even more of a fan of Iceyene insulation. Last August, we were experiencing the worst heat wave ever here in Tx and most
of the SW. My house is about 1300 sq ft and completely encased with Icynene. My total electric bill for August was a whopping $104. This during daily high temps over 100 F. And we keep the thermostat around 72 day and night, 24/7. Those that live around here consider that
amazingly low and I could not be more happy, just the way I had hoped it would turn out. Now if Icynene would just pay me to advertise for them!!!
PS: although I'm back, I don't get on the computer like I used to. Trying to wean myself off!
Sooner Born-Sooner Bred-And when I die I'll be Sooner Dead