Gadhafi Assassinated

Started by Windpower, October 21, 2011, 07:46:44 AM

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"Somebody just got added to a list."

hehehe at least I'm not alone then !

I get stopped just about everywhere for extra screening - extra interviews and multifinger printing

Guilty by travel !

Too many odd country stamps in my passport. 8)

reference Ghadaffi's visitors over the years

Most of them were in reference to the following

get Ghadaffi to hand over the lockerbie bombers
the shooter of the British Police women outside the Libyan embassy
To close the IRA training camps
and from him to beg for permission to fly again/ spares for the aging internal fleet

You can also add Chavez and Fidel to his list of visitors.

They were'nt there as friends !

he's gone- thats good for the country

If they do sharia law- it really makes no diference - Dubai has that - and has millions of happy foreign investors and expats working there.

Its not my cup of tea- religion should be seperated from governement- too many wars and opression have historicly come from the Church,Mosque and local witch doctors.

But its their country and they can choose to do what they wish !

Just being Muslim does not mean your a terrorist !


Quote from: Windpower on October 25, 2011, 01:58:04 PM
Is Bloomberg any better, if you don't like the Examiner

I think you nailed it with that one.  Ever wonder why we and most of the west went into Libya in a moments notice, but don't give a crap about Syria.  Both were rolling in tanks against their people at the same time.

"It is true that America cannot use our military wherever repression occurs. And given the costs and risks of intervention, we must always measure our interests against the need for action."

President Obama in his (this is not a military action) Libya speech.  He then went on to claim it was for humanitarian interests.


Quote from: Squirl on October 25, 2011, 02:41:31 PM
I think you nailed it with that one.  Ever wonder why we and most of the west went into Libya in a moments notice, but don't give a crap about Syria.  Both were rolling in tanks against their people at the same time.

"It is true that America cannot use our military wherever repression occurs. And given the costs and risks of intervention, we must always measure our interests against the need for action."

President Obama in his (this is not a military action) Libya speech.  He then went on to claim it was for humanitarian interests.

I'd support support/action in Syria similar to the support provided to Libya.   How about you?

New Mexico.  Better than regular Mexico.


By some estimates Gadhafi killed or contributed to the death of millions of humans.  I'd bet they would take their chances with Sharia over Gadhafi's system.
New Mexico.  Better than regular Mexico.


From his Green Book:

For the wealth of the world has limits at each stage as does the wealth of each individual society. Therefore no individual has the right to carry out economic activity in order to acquire more of that wealth than is
necessary to satisfy his needs, because the excess amount belongs to other individuals. He has the right to save from his needs and from his own production but not from the efforts of others nor at the expense of their needs. For if we allow economic activity to extend beyond the satisfaction of needs, one person will only have more than his needs by preventing another from obtaining his. The savings which are in excess of one's needs are another person's share of the wealth of society.

So let it be written, so let it be done...except for me.  I get dozens of palaces, billions in Swiss Bank accounts, hundreds of luxury cars, a private jet or two, hookers, liquor, drugs, and of course plastic surgery.  The stuff all legitimate rulers are entitled to...
New Mexico.  Better than regular Mexico.


Quote from: Windpower on October 25, 2011, 01:58:04 PM

-- Gadhafi was recognized as the head of Libya, there was no problem until he started to organize the African Gold Dinar and talk about selling oil for the Dinar.

There is this crazy guy running North Korea who is recognized world-wide as their "leader" might have heard of him:  Kim Jong-il.   
New Mexico.  Better than regular Mexico.


My folks forwarded this note from a friend in one of the former soviet republics that they taught english in. More of our evil work I suppose.  He is talking about another leader of ill repute and this thread came to mind.

"We had a dinner at our home with my dad's special guests on last Saturday. His school teacher Nina from the 1st grade and her daughter Tanya came to our flat. Nina is 92 years old and she teached my dad when he was in 1st, 2nd and 3d grade at school. She told us some stories about her and her relatives lifes in time when Stalin was the head of USSR. Her husband was accused and he was sent to a Syberia just because he said that Stalin is stupid man. He said that when he was in a bar with his friends. It was right after WW2. As you know there was a KGB in USSR at that time and they said that Nina's husband is a public enemy (article No.58). There were thousands of people who were sent to Syberia forever under this article. Those friends got 5 years in jail just because they were together with him in that bar. So Nina was a wife of Decembrist (her husband) and she together with her little daughter went to see her husband to Syberia to live there together. She told us how it was hard to get there and some other interesting things. I have listened her with my open mouth. It was very interesting for me to hear our history from the person who was there. It's different than if you read books. So we had a great time."

My wife and her family fled Libya when she was a little girl. My FIL was working there as an engineer at the time. I wasn't in favor of our involvement but have no sympathy for the man.


"It really has nothing to do with saving people from brutal dictators." 

Exactly.....please note the dearth of "American intervention" in the slaughterhouse of Africa.


Quote from: considerations on October 26, 2011, 01:29:16 PM
"It really has nothing to do with saving people from brutal dictators." 

Exactly.....please note the dearth of "American intervention" in the slaughterhouse of Africa.

Or in North Korea...

You will know the truth & the truth will set you free


Often, our ignorance is not as great as our reluctance to act on what we know.