Grinding down America

Started by Sassy, October 12, 2011, 01:45:18 AM

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Thanks Sassy. Another interesting post!

Way too many posts here get looked at, are appreciated but never acknowledged so....appreciated and acknowledged.  ;)
These here is God's finest scupturings! And there ain't no laws for the brave ones! And there ain't no asylums for the crazy ones! And there ain't no churches, except for this right here!

John Raabe

Oh boy, we get to blame the communists again! Now they are the all-powerful conspiracy behind all social progress of the last 50 years - civil rights, feminism (which, of course destroys family values - we should keep them barefoot and pregnant), gay rights, etc.

I consider this rear view mirror fear mongering. You can hear the fear building in the soundtrack music - feels like the TV show "Lost". What is the goal of this video?
None of us are as smart as all of us.


LOL.  Yeah, marriage and family were destroyed in the past few years by homosexuality, which are actully communists.  It was perfect before that in ..... the 90s ?. 

It's also convenient how he remembered this influential meeting of subversive communists controlling society in 1992, yet he didn't talk about it until 2008.

If only women were more subservient to men and had less rights, that would fix society.


When will people wake up and realise it's not the commies, nazis, muslims, whatever flavor of the week. The world is run by a handful of people who control 90% of all the wealth on the planet. It's been like this for hundreds of years. Propaganda and fear mongering is what keeps them where they are. We can't hurt them if we are busy hating each other. bla bla bla. Just watch the damn news if you don't belive me. Every few weeks a new villian is annouced. Then as soon as that gets boring they give us another one. No one ever shines the light in the right direction.

John Raabe

I've had two members report this thread as hate speech, and while the video could be considered inflammatory, I think the follow-up is more open and enlightening.

ScottA is right on. People are rightfully upset about jobs and the economy and looking for someone to blame. The blame game is at a fever pitch these days and you can choose which TV network to watch depending on who you want to get madder at. This diverts attention from solutions and has successfully frozen the country into a froth of inaction.

What follows is a report from the Occupy Wall Street protest in NYC - the invisible lower 99%. It is a good antidote to hate and blame.

What is also most unusual about Occupy Wall Street is that the evolving self-governing practices at the twice-daily General Assembly and the organic way the park is being organized, are literally modeling a vision of the desired new world. A rotating group of facilitators, a constant check to make sure all voices are heard, timekeepers, free medicine and medical help, composting, learning groups, a free library, learning circles, workshops on human rights, arts and culture, history, extraordinary speakers at open forums.

I had the fortune to spend the night with a group of about 30 occupiers -- the talk could have gone on through the early morning. The depth of the conversation, the intensity of the seeking, the complexity of ideas were startling. But, what moved me even more was the respect, the way people listened to each other and honored and appreciated each other.

I would like to encourage another take on Occupy Wall Street. I would like to ask that perhaps we stop trying to define it or own it or discount it or belittle it but instead to celebrate it. It should make New York proud. It should make this country proud.

We say all the time how we believe in democracy, that we want the people to speak and be heard. Well, the people are speaking. The people are experimenting. The people are crying out with the deepest hunger to build a better world. Maybe instead of labeling it, we could join it. There is so much to be done.

Because the city has forbidden the use of microphones and sound systems, the group is using a human microphone. This system of communication is compelling and metaphoric. The group is forced to repeat the words of the speaker so the speaker is forced to talk slowly, with less words at once. The audience is asked to listen in a whole new way and to actually help transmit the message to others. Accuracy and transparency are the crucial elements. To make sure the human microphone is working properly the speaker calls out Mike Check and the crowd repeats Mike Check and by doing this it becomes clear if the voice of the speaker is being carried through the entire crowd. I think our media needs a general Mike Check. So last night I committed to creating a column that would carry the stories of the occupiers at the heart of the park.

There are certain hand signals that are used in the group to signify response. My favorite is the signal for agreement, or something you like a lot .

People lift their hands and wiggle their fingers. This has come to be called Upsparkles.

More here:
None of us are as smart as all of us.


I am sorry that some were offended by this.  What caught my eye the most was the quote at the start of the video: 

"America is like a healthy body & its resistance is threefold:  its patriotism, its morality & its spirituality.  If we can undermine these 3 areas, America will collapse from within."  Joseph Stalin

I guess a person can have free speech if they agree w/the current social mores, but someone who disagrees is using hate speech.  It's ironic, people can aim all the hate speech they want towards someone who speaks out against certain things, that's ok...

Teamsters president Jimmy Hoffa aimed his hate speech towards Republicans by saying "Let's take these SOB's out!" at a recent Obama event & Obama said that he was "proud" of Hoffa.  I don't claim any party affiliation, but if a Republican leader were to say that about a liberal there would have been outcries of "off w/their head."

John, you can remove this whole thread...  I wasn't meaning to offend anyone or bring up the bogeyman Communism to label anyone.  There are basic tenants of Communism, socialism, democracy, libertarianism etc.  Can we not talk about what people believed years ago & state the truth about how that has come about?

Everyone tiptoes around certain sacred cows - there is no free speech anymore  for fear you might be accused of hate speech. 

I have friends of every persuasion, religion & government.  I may not agree w/their beliefs or lifestyle, but we are still friends & can discuss the issues w/out being "labeled." 

Didn't realize I was opening such a big can of worms with some of the members here & apologize once again.  This is your forum, John & I respect that there are issues that you might not deem to be acceptable to discuss on the forum.

I truly put that video out in all innocence as I believed there were some points that merited thought.

Ok guys, you can turn me over to the thought crime police now...   d* :(

You will know the truth & the truth will set you free


Thanks Sassy.....<hug>

Myself......I'm still dealing with the events that occurred in Chicago....

On August 28,1968

The Whole World Was Watching...........

My vessel is so small....the seas so vast......

Gary O

Quote from: sparks on October 13, 2011, 01:21:08 AM
Thanks Sassy.....<hug>

Myself......I'm still dealing with the events that occurred in Chicago....

On August 28,1968

The Whole World Was Watching...........


Oh the unrest, and that really was some restless days back then.
I tend to agree that a hand full of entities run a good portion of the show, spawned thru the media. Kinda been that way for, say, ever.

Man, oh, man, you guys can really come up with some stuff, and I, coming from simple folk from the dust bowl (The Joad family is the epitome of my kin) am fascinated with what's been laid down in the threads I've read these two months I've been a member.

I'd make a lousy Juror, as good attorneys (oxymoronic term) can effortlessly sway my mind back and forth.

And in this day of infosaturation my mind gets boggled quite easily.

The news, Lawdy

'Yeah, right on, those left wing bastards anyway!'

'Hmm, got a point there.'

'Shazam, never looked at it that way.'

'I need another gun'

I tend to hold behind a large rock and watch the other fish swim madly upstream. Kinda hate getting caught up in outright activism, cause I could easily be fighting for something I'm dead against. Been there.

Guess I'm no better than the majority of this inert society we live in today.  Thing is, as long as we have a way to sate our material appetites, the unrest will stay contained to the thinkers, and the horde of worker bees will march to whatever drum is the loudest.

My activity is in the voting booth, reading petitions, studying what's behind 'em, signing some. The local issues keep me quite busy. Last petition that didn't make it was trying to keep non-elected officials from being able to enact regulations and policies.

Yeah, jobs, money, and housing is taking a hit, and socialist programs are coming into play. Can't be helped. Capitalism works with capital (duh).
I think we've found the the mirror.

Talking to my father about politics is like discussing terrorism with Woody Woodpecker.

'When did the lobby get so bad, Dad?'
'Yeah, you know, the legalized bribery that's so rife today.'
I go on to explain what I've read.
'They do that?'
'Night night Dad.'

Sassy, no need to apologize. I've seen many videos (on reel to reel) since McCarthyism, and there's some truth there.
But our true enemy is quite within.
I applaud the people in NYC.

The pot has been stirred.
Soup anyone?
You'll need to get in line....................

I'm enjoying all that I own, the moment.

"Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air." Emerson

John Raabe

Thanks Sassy:

I know you and respect your opinions. I got a chance to say me piece on this video and others did as well. That's as it should be.

There is a lot going on right now in America and around the world. Some people are very angry and looking for someone to blame. We are as close to instituting "witch hunts" as I have seen since the 1950's McCarthy era (I was just a boy but knew that people were using hate to gain power and manipulate people with fear).

Hopefully we can discuss topics on this sub-board without prejudging a certain group to be unworthy of an opinion or the protection of law because they are of a certain religion, ethnic, sexual or political group - that is the basis of hate speech. We can see it in ourselves when we react to hate speech by throwing it back at the speaker with the same prejudgment and use the same dehumanizing language.

None of us are as smart as all of us.



Often, our ignorance is not as great as our reluctance to act on what we know.


These here is God's finest scupturings! And there ain't no laws for the brave ones! And there ain't no asylums for the crazy ones! And there ain't no churches, except for this right here!


"Hate Speech" was a term coined by folks who don't like what you have to say. It does'nt matter what the topic is; you can be termed a hater for disagreeing with, let's see: Welfare reform, enforcing immigration laws, homosexual marriage, free needles for druggies, any govmint program, or any other "progressive" agenda that may pop up. I remember when ideas were debated and people were not tagged a "hater" for disagreeing with each other. Those were the days..............


Thanks John,  well said.

Hate speech should be called out when it happens.  And the link above is hate speech.

The man in the link could have said "I'm against gay marriage and equal rights for women and here is why........." and that is not hate speech.  But when he tries to say that those who are in favor of those things are trying to destroy America,  that's when it crosses the line into hate speech.  Trying to marginalize any sub group for their beliefs is dangerous.  It's easy to dismiss the concern about hate speech,  but there is a big difference between simple dissent and disagreement,  even heated disagreement,  and hate mongering.

There is no historical record of Stalin ever saying what is contained in that link (and who cares what Stalin thought anyway - even the Russians don't anymore  ;))  It's just baseless fearmongering to manipulate the gullible masses.

ScottA had it right above.
Give me a place to stand and a lever long enough,  and I will move the world.


Whatever it is, it's not hate speech.  Just my $.02x(1.035^98) inflation-adjusted cents worth.
New Mexico.  Better than regular Mexico.