Me, My Mandible and My Blender...

Started by MountainDon, June 24, 2011, 04:57:29 PM

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Hannibal here.  ;D  

Well, I saw my doc again this AM and I am now temporarily wired shut. Actually they used about a bazillion rubber bands that connect between the fixtures they install across the upper row and bottom row of teeth. They are the most stiff rubber bands! I have a pair of pocket scissors in case of emergencies; sensation of wanting to vomit, needing to eat a Nathan's Hot Dog, stuff like that.  ;)

Six weeks, give or take. The good news is I can eat anything, anything I want, as long as I run it through a blender on a long and fast cycle.  ;D  So far so good. Because the bones are held rather firmly in place chances are very good they will connect without the need for any further surgical invasions. I would most definitely like that!

Speaking of blenders.... Has anyone seen these guys?  

Actually I think Hannibal just had a wire mask. I got the real deal.

Oh1 And good Scotch or Irish Whisky is better not blended anyhow. Long live single malts!!   ;D ;D
Just because something has been done and has not failed, doesn't mean it is good design.

John Raabe

You probably look pretty scary, but this solution sounds better than getting out the bone cutters. Glad to hear you're NOT in surgery today!

None of us are as smart as all of us.


I'm better looking than that guy! Aren't I??

'specially if I keep my lips closed.  ;D

And right now my bark is worse than my bite   ;)
Just because something has been done and has not failed, doesn't mean it is good design.


You are one brave guy Don.
That whole deal would freak me out. I had to keep my jaw shut for two weeks and that was way too long. I made a 5 point landing
off a scateboard when they first came out. A "friend" convinced
me that it was safe.....I was going down this long slow sidewalk
and realized that my speed was a lot faster than safe, so I mistakenly
jumped off with the inevitable results. Luckily I kept my jaw shut solid and only had a hairline fracture. If I hadn't, I wouldn't be here
now at all.
Bruce & Robbie
MVPA 23824


I think what you said is good news least under the circumstances. ???
Glad you can joke about it.
On the same subject...kinda, the African Natives would often pull their front teeth so they could be fed if they got lockjaw.

I wonder if you could figure a way to hinge them.  :-\
These here is God's finest scupturings! And there ain't no laws for the brave ones! And there ain't no asylums for the crazy ones! And there ain't no churches, except for this right here!


Good thing we're pretty much past the point of worrying about lockjaw from tetanus infections; as long as one can remember when the last one was received.

I have a molar missing on the left rear. I can thread a piece of vinyl tubing through the hole, dip the other end in a drink and suck whatever it is beyond the teeth. I've found thorough blending is required to get the particulate size down very small. If there food particles are too large and I suck it in my teeth and the rubber band arrangement makes a dandy filter and that is hard to clean out. There is something to be said for the very smooth liquid nutrition drinks like Ensure. Walgreens has some in their brand that are less expensive than the big name brands.

Dinner tonight was some leftovers; brown rice, green beans plus grilled chicken and green chilis with enough water added to make it draw thru the straw/tube. I found a website where a fellow wired up guy put an entire pumpkin pie through his blender.  :D  I may try an apple cobbler. No pain killers since Noon, although I presently have a glass of Cabernet Sauvignon at my elbow. No straw needed for that. ;) Tastes better than the liquid pain killers too.

It may be interesting to see what my first reaction/thought will be on awakening in the morning? ???

Thanks all. I have to make it entertaining or it might make me crazy crazier.  8)

Just because something has been done and has not failed, doesn't mean it is good design.


We have a Vitamix.  It is almost on par with the Bass-o-Matic:

Seriously, the Vitamix is amazing. 
New Mexico.  Better than regular Mexico.


The locals here have an amazing way of preparing corn and fruit so that it is a tasty, easy to sip, clear liquid. Fruits, vegetables and grains are very important for good nutrition.
A friend suggested tehini (sp?) when I had some bad breaks trying to knit. It's smooth and pretty tasty.


Quote from: MountainDon on June 24, 2011, 08:58:29 PM

Dinner tonight was some leftovers; brown rice, green beans plus grilled chicken and green chilis with enough water added to make it draw thru the straw/tube.   crazy crazier.  8)

I feel for you Don...having to eat leftovers. Would you like me to send you some yummy chocolate flavored powdered chalk. [hungry]
These here is God's finest scupturings! And there ain't no laws for the brave ones! And there ain't no asylums for the crazy ones! And there ain't no churches, except for this right here!


Peter,   rofl rofl rofl

While I may laugh at the offer it is not so humorous when it really is a part of your own diet; or the whole dang thing.

:( :(

I'm going to the local True Value Hardware tomorrow to find the tubing that best slips in between the left side molars. Seriously. Good selection there.

Just about anything goes better with good green chili sauce.
Just because something has been done and has not failed, doesn't mean it is good design.


Quote from: Don_P on June 24, 2011, 10:01:28 PM
A friend suggested tehini (sp?) when I had some bad breaks trying to knit. It's smooth and pretty tasty.

Tahini?  ground sesame seed paste used in cooking? We use it some.

Just because something has been done and has not failed, doesn't mean it is good design.


That's it, he was a health nut and said it would help. This was pre internet and I never looked it up to see how it was supposed to help, it just came to mind. Don't know that I ate enough to make any difference, but I didn't mind the flavor.


Life and it's challenges. Erg. Hang in there.


Glad you are laughing, Don...  better than the alternative  :) 

Glenn bought some tahini from an Iranian delicatessen when he was working in the bay area - popular w/Middle Eastern people.  Tasted kinda like a bland peanut butter & soupier.  It can be used in different food preparation.  Very healthy, though.

You will know the truth & the truth will set you free


You let me know when you get that wire off and stretched out good. 

Quarter's burgers on me!

"Officium Vacuus Auctorita"


We can go anytime if they'll let me in with my blender!   :o   

No, I'll wait. I can hardly wait to bite into some things. I am getting cravings for certain things. I have some Nathan's hot dogs I had bought for 4th of July before this came up.

Karen and I had a wonderfully marinated and grilled RibEye the other night along with baked white sweet potato and asparagus. It's not quite the same all blended together. Next time I'm thinking of separate purees for myself so I can mingle the flavors as I choose. More bother but maybe better tastewise.
Just because something has been done and has not failed, doesn't mean it is good design.


Just because something has been done and has not failed, doesn't mean it is good design.


For those that may be interested... I have been de-wired as of this afternoon. In place of the 0.025" S/S wires I now have silicone rubber bands. They do not hold the jaw closed as tightly as wires or the original rubber bands. These permit some jaw movement. They also restrict the entrance of solid foods. No chewing is permitted yet. Soup and mush. I can remove and reinstall the rubber bands. FYI, they are cut from surgical silicone tubing. Tweezers and an illuminated magnifying mirror make it a straightforward task.

Some limited movement helps promote bone healing. The fractured parts knit better and the insert will knit/connect better as well. Another panorex xray showed more bone density and healing at the fracture line.

Another couple weeks of this.

Just because something has been done and has not failed, doesn't mean it is good design.


Are you losing weight?  How do you keep the calorie count and energy up?  Even blending things up it has to be hard to suck down enough calories of real food. 
New Mexico.  Better than regular Mexico.


I have lost a little weight; nothing I can not afford to lose.  :D  I did think I would lose more than I have.

I cook the normal dinner meal for the two of us. Then I take my share and chop it into inch cubes or thereabouts. Dump into the blender. Maybe add some chicken stock, vegetable stock or plain water. Blend. Sufficient liquid must be added; that can increase the volume by a factor of two. (I have missing molars where the mandible was resected so there is plenty of space to insert a 7/16" OD vinyl tube.) I can suck up dinner faster than I could chew it. Some days I finish off the whole thing. If I don't finish the blender meal at dinner it becomes lunch the next day.

If I don't have a left over dinner available for lunch I have a home made soup/slurry. These range from an assortment of veggies; onion, celery, peppers, brussels sprouts, beans (green and/or pinto or kidney), tomato, and so on. I've made an assortment and freeze portions for later consumption. I make some rather thick so I need to add water later. I can also run assorted meats through the blender to include in the soup/slurry. Some combinations are more palatable than others.

Some combinations are much better than others. Ham, white sweet potato and asparagus is quite good as is grilled salmon, brown basmati rice and corn. For some combinations, if the initial sip doesn't spark my taste buds much, the addition of some green chili makes the day.  :D  Mac 'n' cheese with tomatoes was pretty good.

I also consume a couple of Walgreens nutritional "shakes", equivalent to the Ensure brand, per day; 350 calories, 13 grams protein plus a good load of vitamins. The missing teeth also provide space to insert vitamin pills/capsules into my mouth. I'm taking extra calcium and Vitamin D3.

Breakfast is a banana, fruit and green leafy vegetable smoothie. Blend on high for a minute. (Banana, strawberries, spinach, kale or romaine lettuce plus water or orange or grapefruit juice).

The vanilla flavored nutrition drink makes a pleasant mixer with Irish whiskey.   ::)  It's not quite Bailey's but it's okay.

Just because something has been done and has not failed, doesn't mean it is good design.


That's extremely good news Don. Sounds like it's healing this time. [cool]
These here is God's finest scupturings! And there ain't no laws for the brave ones! And there ain't no asylums for the crazy ones! And there ain't no churches, except for this right here!


I'm sure you are totally tired of those meal concoctions in the blender!  Looks like you are headed in the direction of a good steak you have to cut & other goodies you like!  Good to hear things are healing up.  What an ordeal...

You will know the truth & the truth will set you free


Thanks. Throughout this whole thing the one constant bright spot has been that I have not had to deal with prolonged pain. There's the post surgical pain but that passes soon enough. Discomfort with the external fixment and the wired jaws was more an inconvenience than pain. Other than being a PITA.  ;D  I am looking forward to real food though. If I care to take the time I can unhook the rubber bands so I can eat soup with a spoon rather than suck it through a tube. But no chunks that can't be squished between tongue and palette.

I hope you are doing well.
Just because something has been done and has not failed, doesn't mean it is good design.


I think a trip to Sadie's is in order.  You bring your blender.  When the food is delivered you whip out the blender and mix away!   ;D ;D
New Mexico.  Better than regular Mexico.


Well, I've been "graduated" to mush!!!!   ;D

I can remove the front rubber bands and use a spoon on such delicacies as mashed potatoes and gravy. Anything I can eat without chewing is okay. Then replace the rubber bands. Two weeks more.

Just because something has been done and has not failed, doesn't mean it is good design.