Osama Bin Laden is Dead!

Started by astidham, May 01, 2011, 10:32:57 PM

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10 years....can't hide forever
"Chop your own wood and it will warm you twice"
— Henry Ford


 :)   Great News!!  Unfortunately Obama will act quickly to claim credit, but good it wasn't delayed until October 2012 so we will still be able to ask; "What have you done for us lately" prior to the election.
Rwanders lived in Southcentral Alaska since 1967
Now lives in St Augustine, Florida


   Yes . . .    I'm surprised they didn't wait until October to thaw him out . . .    ;D

  To bad they couldn't have captured him alive . . .    He would have been a wealth of information!

   Shot in the head twice . . .    And buried at sea.   Thankfully we able to identify him with DNA.


    . . . said the focus was safety, not filling town coffers with permit money . . .


Yep...Bad fellow, needed killing. Unfortunately there are lots of people that need killing.

Obama's already taking credit and saying the war isn't over. Uh, which one.
I'd be a lot happier if they hadn't already done what they set out to do.

They have had ten years laughing at us. We passed laws that would make Hitler  proud, jump like little girls every time there's a little "Internet Chatter"....We have bankrupted ourselves and continue to spend Billions we don't have to fight wars no one really understands.

Soooo...Whoopee! ???
These here is God's finest scupturings! And there ain't no laws for the brave ones! And there ain't no asylums for the crazy ones! And there ain't no churches, except for this right here!

glenn kangiser

So many years to admit that our CIA asset educated in the US is dead.... He said he didn't do 911 and he is probably telling the truth but now we are stuck with the crap that our government wanted to saddle us with.

Keep an eye out for the motive of the announcement at this time.

I don't think they will do Obama for reporting the fake killing but they did do Bhutto for reporting the real one.
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin  http://countryplans.com/smf/index.php?topic=151.0

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First they come out with another fake birth certificate now this. Looks like Obama has started his re-election campign.  ;)

glenn kangiser

He's already been working on it - they must have decided to make him more than a one term president.

This is so cool.... Buried at sea so no evidence and Osama can now go back to his new life as Tim Osman....  (assuming we are pretending that the real one did not die years ago...let's pretend to go with the official fairy tai... I mean story.. )

I love it how the US government thinks of everything when they give one of their operatives an new identity....


Obama... from behind the teleprompter once again regains his stature as our Messiah....
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin  http://countryplans.com/smf/index.php?topic=151.0

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Just when I thought Glenn already had the crazy turned up to 11, he cranks it up another notch
Ajax .... What an ass.


glenn kangiser

Ahhh yesss Ajax.. you are beginning to see how I can see through the government lies and rhetoric... [noidea'

Watch me and you will be able to see through it too... :)

If it is on the major media and they are all saying the same thing (following the script) then it is time to look for the real motives --- follow the money... power trip... coverup... that should lead you to the real answers....  [idea]
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin  http://countryplans.com/smf/index.php?topic=151.0

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However,  sometimes,  a cigar is just a cigar.    ;)
Give me a place to stand and a lever long enough,  and I will move the world.


Perhaps the intended audience of this news was Libya.   ???   "Resign now or we'll send in the SEALs."  Obviously we had no exit strategy for Libya and this would be a quick way to end it.

In politics, there is always an ulterior motive.


This is starting to get really embarassing

first the rank amatuer B Cert with the layers left open on the WH web page proving the Obama BC was photoshopped

now this

just how stupid do they think we are ....   (don't answer that)

Often, our ignorance is not as great as our reluctance to act on what we know.


 :D  Now I see how conspiracy theorists find their "evidence" to support their theories----they manufacture it----Photoshop can be so much fun. I've noticed that a lot of the theorists seem to be very knowledgeable about what you can do with it----they must practice a lot.
Rwanders lived in Southcentral Alaska since 1967
Now lives in St Augustine, Florida


Quote from: Windpower on May 02, 2011, 04:09:38 PM
This is starting to get really embarassing

first the rank amatuer B Cert with the layers left open on the WH web page proving the Obama BC was photoshopped

now this

just how stupid do they think we are ....   (don't answer that)


That's a fake picture, no doubt, but it was not released by the White House.  No pictures have been released.
Ajax .... What an ass.


It's amazing the lengths some people will go to to deny this President his props.  This was a very well conceived and executed plan.  And he deserves appropriate credit - as do all the people working under his command.

I can tell you dozens of things I think this President has done wrong.  But if we are to be intellectually honest,  give then man credit when credit is due.

Anything less is just petty sour grapes.  IMHO
Give me a place to stand and a lever long enough,  and I will move the world.


Obama did not kill Bin Laden. An American soldier(s), who Obama just a few weeks ago was debating on whether or not to PAY, did. Obama just happened to be the one in office when our soldiers finally found OBL and took him out. This is not, imo an Obama victory, but an American victory!!

So, yes Obama might have given the go ahead to seek out this sight and see if Osama was there but it was our soldiers who put their lives on the line and executed a plan. So lets make sure credit is given to all and not just to the one who happens to be in office at this present time.


Just because something has been done and has not failed, doesn't mean it is good design.


Quote from: StinkerBell on May 02, 2011, 08:02:21 PM
Obama did not kill Bin Laden. An American soldier(s), who Obama just a few weeks ago was debating on whether or not to PAY, did. Obama just happened to be the one in office when our soldiers finally found OBL and took him out. This is not, imo an Obama victory, but an American victory!!

So, yes Obama might have given the go ahead to seek out this sight and see if Osama was there but it was our soldiers who put their lives on the line and executed a plan. So lets make sure credit is given to all and not just to the one who happens to be in office at this present time.

A perfect example of the sour grapes I'm talking about.  You're bending over backwards to not give the President any credit.   This was an operation that has been planned from the very top since at least August of 2010.

And I did give credit to the soldiers involved.

If this operation had failed,  then the President would have been held completely responsible for it's failure.  He deserves appropriate credit for it's success - as do the soldiers and intelligence people involved.
Give me a place to stand and a lever long enough,  and I will move the world.


What would folks be saying if this had happened on Bush's watch?

Just because something has been done and has not failed, doesn't mean it is good design.


Sour grapes? I just want to make sure everyone is given credit just not Obama. Also for us to recall just a few short weeks ago with this budget fiasco that we are in. The one thing I know about myself is that I am very promilitary. I do not agree with these "wars" or "wars that are not called wars" but I never ever want to return to the time in history where our military members where treated so harshly and blamed for the wars our government sent them to fight. I may not agree with government but I will always support and give credit to our military members.

"So lets make sure credit is given to all and not just to the one who happens to be in office at this present time."

If Bush was in office or some other person my position is and would be the same. I just want to make sure our military members get their acknowledgements seeing they are the ones placing their lives on the line.


CIA: Mr. President, we know where he is.
BO: General, do you have the assets to get him?
JCS: Yes, Mr. President.  We have the assets in place.  We have trained for this scenario and our boys are prepared for the mission.
HRC: What about the Pakistanis?
BO: F-them.  Ok General, Go Get him.

There seems to be a lot of finger pointing about who gets credit.  Credit BO for making the call to go in and get him under the Pakistani's noses.  Tough call...Ramifications abound.

If the president gets the credit for simply approving the operation, does he also get credit for things he has daily control over such as...economy, unemployment, record debt, etc, etc.

Lets not drool all over ourselves just yet.  There are still major problems to overcome at home.  Just saying...


Does this mean I can keep my clothes on when I fly?  Do I still have to go through the nudie scanner?  Is Uncle Sam still reading my email and listening to my calls?  Those are rhetorical questions, Farley.  It is business as usual in the US of A.
New Mexico.  Better than regular Mexico.

glenn kangiser

Not at all.  

Fake security at the airports will get tighter as foreigners who believe the story of killing the long dead Bin Laden may get upset and try to attack us.....

The buried at sea due to Islam... they will likely get mad about those lies corrupting the word of the Koran, eh?...and 2000 miles to sea...why do that except to hide evidence of a fake.


I'm rolling up my pants legs as this one is getting way too deep.....  Lets give them all credit.... credit is free..... :)

Actually I think it is a good fake Photoshopped pix especially for the fake story.  Good job BO.

"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin  http://countryplans.com/smf/index.php?topic=151.0

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glenn kangiser

"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin  http://countryplans.com/smf/index.php?topic=151.0

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