T&G exterior/interior install

Started by beckhamk, February 23, 2011, 09:23:28 AM

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Hello all,

This will be one of many posts that i am sure to make as we just got the 20 x 30 1/2 story plans and are working through them.
First I had a few questions about installing T&G for ext/interior walls.

When installing the exterior walls with horizontal t&g simular to dave and kim's 1 1/2 story, does one start at the bottom and work your way up or top to bottom?   

Secondly, looking at how the exterior corners on dave and kim's 1 1/2 story, they seemed to have the t&g sides overlap the t&g ends of the buiding which is one look, but what if you wanted to put trim up on the corners could you just put the trim over top of the t&g like it is on dave and kim's?  Or would it be best to first nail the corner trim and then have the t&g but up against the corner trim?




Bottom up on T&G

Corners; different ways for different people.

I like using vertical corner trim which is applied first. Then the T&G is installed. The corner trim should be thicker stock if this method is used. The T&G should not quite touch the trim as there may be expansion/contraction.

Or the T&G can be installed out to the corner, more or less. Then trim stock is applied over that with the trim stock edge overlapping the other in an L shape. (viewed vertically).
Just because something has been done and has not failed, doesn't mean it is good design.


Quote from: beckhamk on February 23, 2011, 09:23:28 AM
Hello all,

This will be one of many posts that i am sure to make as we just got the 20 x 30 1/2 story plans and are working through them.
First I had a few questions about installing T&G for ext/interior walls.

When installing the exterior walls with horizontal t&g simular to dave and kim's 1 1/2 story, does one start at the bottom and work your way up or top to bottom?    

Secondly, looking at how the exterior corners on dave and kim's 1 1/2 story, they seemed to have the t&g sides overlap the t&g ends of the buiding which is one look, but what if you wanted to put trim up on the corners could you just put the trim over top of the t&g like it is on dave and kim's?  Or would it be best to first nail the corner trim and then have the t&g but up against the corner trim?



Without looking up their thread I am not sure what type of T&G they installed on the exterior but most like a ship lap rather than T&G but I could be mistaken. When installing horizontally you would start at the bottom and progress to the eve.  The way most T&G's/ship lap are designed so that the top laps over the bottom piece and it would be hard to install in the reverse fashion.

The proper corners IMO would be to install the siding to the corner and then cover with a trim board over both opposing directions from the corner.  It would make a lot neater looking job than to try to exactly cut to fit the pre-installed trim.  In addition it would be an area where water could penetrate and cause problems in the future.  In fact you could even run a bead of sealant approximately 1" in from the outside edge of your trim board when installing to prevent that water penetration.  An added tid bit would be that you orient the corner seam in the same fashion on the same faces.  Meaning lap the front board over the side boards on same side of the house to give a uniform look from each side.


I assume bottom -> up for interior also? 


For Ceilings yes.  Walls are generally laid in the verticle fashion.