Price to lay block foundation?

Started by oakey, January 21, 2011, 03:04:53 PM

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I finally decided on a plan. It is a 26 x 42 one story cabin. I have a flat lot and need a block/crawlspace foundation. My frost level is 12 inches or less. I already have the block. Does anyone know what range of price I may be looking at to get someone to dig/ pour the footer and lay the blocks? It will be 4 high and just a guess-ti-mation of around 400, probably less due to vents and a space for an access door. My lot is in Eastern Georgia.


Of yesteryear they were about the same as the price of the block to lay them.  But now I would figure that it is around twice the price of the block. Here 8" lightweight are going for about $1.50 each.  I think I heard that some masons are getting upward of $4 per block.   Generally unles you have a "jack of all contractor" the digging of the footer is done by another individual at a cost of approximately $65-75 per hour for the machine.  Have you considered having them poured.  Another option is the insulated styrofoam forms that you can erect and pour yourself.  I don't have the info off hand on a site for them but I would say that you can find them on the net.  Sorry I wasn't more help to narrow it down further.


I had a price on pouring them and they guy must think his work it very superior. He was too high for my budget. He was the only one that would come to my area too, due to it being far off the beaten path.


You can't get it poured, but you've found someone who would be willing to put in blocks?  

Have you considered dry-stacking/surface bonding them and doing it yourself?  
It's pretty straightforward work, though I'll confess, I sweet-talked my husband into doing the 11th and 12th rows simply because they were so far above my head it was breaking my back getting them up there.  
I'm 5'5".  He's 6'3".  ;)

But I've pretty much decided if I can do it anyone else can too...  
Four blocks high would be an almost pleasant job. 
The wise woman builds her own house... Proverbs 14:1


I live way out and carpenters/masons are easier to find. Hard to get specialist in such as installers for ICF's. Actually the guy that quoted me on the ICF that was so high does bank vaults and safes. He just said he was willing to drive the distance.



For a crawlspace in GA, I'd keep looking at block myself. It is not that hard to DIY if the price comes in too high, if you don't like how it comes out pour some cores and parge it. You are going to be far stronger than a pier and beam, there is not an issue with insects in foam, there is not the need for the lateral strength of  a poured wall on such a short wall with little or no unbalanced fill. Go for it  :D


Me too, Don.
I'm a GIRL, and I did 8' basement walls (almost) by myself!!    ;)

Seriously oakey, blocks were designed for DIYers.  And a wall that's less than 3' high??  
A pro would be faster, but for a wall that short, not by much...  
The wise woman builds her own house... Proverbs 14:1