Water Boarding

Started by Redoverfarm, May 27, 2009, 04:10:17 PM

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Here is a down to earth explanation of torture commonly known at "Water Boarding" . I would say this is very effective especially when it is done in multiples. 



I always thought it was torture! ???

These here is God's finest scupturings! And there ain't no laws for the brave ones! And there ain't no asylums for the crazy ones! And there ain't no churches, except for this right here!


My vessel is so small....the seas so vast......


It says something that the "waterboarder" in that video appears in a mask.  Oh, I suppose it's the "liberal media" that wants to expose these "patriots", but if deep down you believe it's righteous and "patriotic", you wouldn't mind a public appearance.  Of course it's all done under the auspices of "public protection".  Once the "public serviceman" start serving in masks, it's gonna be Hallo-freakin-ween every day in America.

It's odd and scary, the things people will do behind a mask.

Yup, a lot of quotation marks in that paragraph, but it makes you think about the word manipulation used every damn day.

I have a friend, of 20 years, who served in the Navy for 4 years.  He thinks the "best thing" for America is the military patrolling the streets.  Every day 24/7/365.  Every town in America.  RFID chips.  If you're accused by the govt, then you're guilty.  Shut down the borders.  No trade.  No foreign-speaking citizens, unless you're enrolled in an English class..then you have 2 years to speak english so he can understand it.  

All of that, and more, under the declaration of "patriotism".  

I need to shut-up now.  It's caused a deep rift amongst myself, friends and family.  They all sit on the Republican/Democrat fence.  I refuse to submit to an "either or" governance.  Neither represent Our Republic.  Neither represent me.

"They must find it difficult, those who have taken authority as the truth, rather than truth as authority"- G.Massey

"Freedom is just Chaos, with better lighting." - Alan Dean Foster

glenn kangiser

Glad you're here, IronRanger.  You think like me.  I don't worry a lot about what they think - I let them think I'm crazy if they want to - no worries - it's their loss.... [waiting]  

At least I'm aware of my surroundings and what's going on.. :)
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin  http://countryplans.com/smf/index.php?topic=151.0

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Quote from: IronRanger on May 27, 2009, 11:05:39 PM
I need to shut-up now.  It's caused a deep rift amongst myself, friends and family.  They all sit on the Republican/Democrat fence.  I refuse to submit to an "either or" governance.  Neither represent Our Republic.  Neither represent me.

I really don't like the way our government is controlled by Democrats or Republicans.  Especially when it comes to the president. It is impossible to win if you are not Rep/Dem.  The sad thing is the Republican party only represents 33% of the population and the Democratic party also represents 33%. That leaves 33% of the population that isn't represented.

Also, people tend to vote the party line. It is fact that the biggest factor of which way people will vote is which party they belong to. Especially when it comes to politics, the phrase "opposition party" doesn't sit well with me.  I don't like the idea that which ever party isn't in control opposes everything that the in control party proposes, regardless.

Aside from the 33% idea, interests groups are really in charge.
Individuality: You are all unique, just like everybody else.


To your

QuoteAside from the 33% idea, interests groups are really in charge.

I raise my ceremonial wake up cup of coffee, and say HERE! HERE!!


Typically special interest groups blind the masses and provide honey to their ears.  They are masters of spinning the facts, doctoring the details.  They require that all march with them march lock step with their views.  They degrade anyone with an opposing point of view.  Individuals that think for themselves or that can think for themselves are their enemies.  Thinking people must be reduced to looking like spotted buffoons.

And heaven forbid right now if anyone happens to say that the emperor has no clothes on.

My thoughts for the day, oh dang there is that thinking word again.  I really have to watch that.       

Proverbs 24:3-5 Through wisdom is an house builded; an by understanding it is established.  4 And by knowledge shall the chambers be filled with all precious and pleasant riches.  5 A wise man is strong; yea, a man of knowledge increaseth strength.


Isn't it amazing how our populace has been manipulated into bickering about how much better one party is vs. the other?  How much different are they really?  How much "change" has there been since 1/20/09?  Mass media feeds the sheep little, dumbed-down tidbits to reinforce whatever ideas they already have to inflame them against "them" (meaning the other party.)  While this sleight-of-hand distraction is going on, we're losing our rights and having our pockets picked.  As far as policy goes, it's one big Demopublican party.  I don't care if the legislators are blue donkeys or red elephants; in reality they're all clowns and marionettes being controlled by those pulling the strings.  Virtually none of us are actually being represented.  I sure as hell wouldn't ever say any politician "represents" me.  As the saying goes, follow the money. 

To keep this somewhat on the original topic, here's one of those people who crowed for years about how waterboarding wasn't torture and bragged about how long he could handle it himself.  Seems he changed his tune...lasted six seconds. 


I'd love to see some of the legislators who support waterboarding try this next.  The average person can supposedly handle it for 14 seconds; care to guess how long the average politician could last?
If the women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy. (Red Green)


QuoteGlad you're here, IronRanger.  You think like me. I don't worry a lot about what they think - I let them think I'm crazy if they want to - no worries - it's their loss...

Thanks, Glenn.  Yep, we think very much alike.  I've been trying to get my ass underground for awhile now, but life tends to happen.  

No, I ain't popular right now, but I'm the much-loved "weirdo" in the family.  Also, my atheism doesn't earn me any popularity points either.  

QuoteTo keep this somewhat on the original topic, here's one of those people who crowed for years about how waterboarding wasn't torture and bragged about how long he could handle it himself.  Seems he changed his tune...lasted six seconds.

That Mancow video's making its way around.  I watched it a few days ago.  I've forwarded it to the family/friends.  

Now, if only Sean Hannity would make some waterboarding videos for us.  

I saw a video of Jesse Ventura on "Fox and Friends" where one of the hosts walked-off-air in a huff because Jesse said waterboarding's torture (he was waterboarded in SERE school).  What a little puke the host is-  he won't even stick around to hear the argument.
"They must find it difficult, those who have taken authority as the truth, rather than truth as authority"- G.Massey

"Freedom is just Chaos, with better lighting." - Alan Dean Foster


I just want to put in my .02     I've seen both videos on waterboarding and I am taking what the victims said into consideration.

I have never been tortured in any way...but if I had to be tortured, I think I would choose waterboarding over anything else.

In the end, after the waterboarding is done, you can dry off and go back to your cell. But think about the other kinds of torture...bambo under the fingernails, physically beating, stabbing, cutting, acid on your skin, extreme stretching, scorpion stings,it isn't quite the same to just walk away from these things as it is from waterboarding.

Individuality: You are all unique, just like everybody else.


Quote from: IronRanger on May 28, 2009, 01:55:07 PM

I saw a video of Jesse Ventura on "Fox and Friends" where one of the hosts walked-off-air in a huff because Jesse said waterboarding's torture (he was waterboarded in SERE school).  What a little puke the host is-  he won't even stick around to hear the argument.

Brian Kilmeade gave Ventura more time than he deserved, and left to go to his radio broadcast.  Ventura is a clown.  He's doing this to promote his book. 
"Officium Vacuus Auctorita"


Here's Kilmeade in action again-

Video and the rest of the story:  http://www.jabberwonk.com/flinker.cfm?cliid=tl2li

"...Kilmeade and two colleagues were discussing a study that, based on research done in Finland and Sweden, showed people who stay married are less likely to suffer from Alzheimer's. Kilmeade questioned the results, though, saying, "We are -- we keep marrying other species and other ethnics and other .

At this point, his co-host tried to -- in that jokey morning show way -- tell Kilmeade he needed to shut up, and quick, for his own sake. But he didn't get the message, adding, "See, the problem is the Swedes have pure genes. Because they marry other Swedes .... Finns marry other Finns, so they have a pure society..."
"They must find it difficult, those who have taken authority as the truth, rather than truth as authority"- G.Massey

"Freedom is just Chaos, with better lighting." - Alan Dean Foster

glenn kangiser

Ventura knows what is going on for the most part. I haven't seen many smart morning show hosts.
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin  http://countryplans.com/smf/index.php?topic=151.0

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