Why American small business has a chance

Started by peternap, August 03, 2009, 05:47:17 PM

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I was on a quest for the perfect holster today. I have good holsters for all my revolvers, but none that I like for Autos.

I looked at all the majot manufacturers and they were made for CHP people, GI joe wannabees and police.

I started calling custom holster makers. I don't know how they call themselves custom, but none would make one the way I wanted. One fellow in Alaska, Simply Rugged, or something like that, has to be the dumbest SOB I've talked to in a month. So what if he carried one for 30 years, I don't want it and it's my nickle.

Then I ran across a local leather worker not 20 miles from me. I drove over and looked at his stuff. It was top notch. I told him what I wanted and he pulled one out of a drawer. Told me he had gotten the idea from a conversation with Elmer Keith 35 years or so ago. Must have been just before Elmer died.

Anyway, we made some changes on paper, and I asked how much. The price was less than a good factory made holster. He apologized because he was backed up and it would be two weeks delivery.

That's the way American small business will survive.
These here is God's finest scupturings! And there ain't no laws for the brave ones! And there ain't no asylums for the crazy ones! And there ain't no churches, except for this right here!


Peter before I finished ready I was going to tell you to try your local prison.  Most have leather shops and would custom make one for you at a fraction of retail.  Well anyway I am glad you found one.   


I'm glad you found what you needed Peter. But sadly if this guy ever gets big enough to make a real buck some lawyer will wipe him out.

American small business is being regulated to death and eaten alive by lawyers and corupt government officials. The construction industry is a prime example. Almost all residential construction is done by small businesses. But the honest law abiding guy doesn't have a chance. They pick on the licenced contractors not the unlicenced ones. How does that work? I am being put out of business by people who don't speak a word of english and never saw a code book in thier lives. And what does the government do? They raise my licence fee to suposedly provide better enfocment. What a joke. The homeowner keeps getting screwed by crappy work for a not so bargin price. And the good tradesmen get put out of business. The way things stand now I'd be better off burning my licences and working under the table. I'd have less hassles and make more money. Instead I'll just retire and let them have it.

glenn kangiser

Here they aren't issuing enough permits to keep the building dept afloat (parasites) so they raised the fees and are talking of attacking home owners who may have built something without a permit - trouble is - that includes everyone in this county almost including the building officials.

Our last building director was outed for not approving work until he owned the property - then things got signed off - no prob.... 
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin  http://countryplans.com/smf/index.php?topic=151.0

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Good news, Peter. Please post a photo when you take delivery.

And by the sound of it he's happy doing what he's doing.
Just because something has been done and has not failed, doesn't mean it is good design.