Hey! I need to know. Is the sky falling or not?

Started by NM_Shooter, May 15, 2009, 08:37:41 AM

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Not a peep on the news about Swine Flu these days.  Are they embarrassed to admit that they might have jumped the gun?
"Officium Vacuus Auctorita"


I read on CNN another American died from it recently, but that's all I've heard in the last week or so...also read that in spite of demand for oil and gas dropping the prices continue to go up...go figure.


4 have died on the US and a school in New York is on shut down. The VP at the school is gravelly ill.

Just heard this on our local news station.

John Raabe

The initial bout is no longer news worthy in many parts of the country. Far more people are dying from standard flu than from the H1 strain...

The concern now is what might happen in the Fall. Mutated versions could be being devised even as we speak. Clever little devils those viruses.

International health networks actually worked pretty well together this time out. Thankfully it was more of a dry run than anything too devastating. Still, there are many families this has touched.
None of us are as smart as all of us.


Dry run, exactly, get the sheeple ready for when Big Brother comes to the rescue next fall.


You know what?  It appears that this is much more serious than I thought.  There has been at least one celebrity death that was not very well publicized. 

Poor little feller.  He should have known better though.

"Officium Vacuus Auctorita"



Miss Piggy did it. She could never control her temper.


seems to me the flu is alive and well, and is spreading daily however it is not particularly lethal.  No more than a normal flu at least.  Take todays news from somewhere about 10 miles from here, in the Heights part of Houston.


712 kids attend an elementary school, 400 are out sick today with 12 confirmed swine cases. this is today. 

sticking to my original post on this, a highly contagious flue that has a low fatality rate.  most healthy people should be able to fight and beat this easily.  the highest risks seem to be 1) pre-existing conditions 2) secondary infections - not the virus itself, but bacteria infections that can set in once your body is weakened.  (ie, an example of this would be if you ever have allergy attack and sinus problems and wind up with bronchitis after a few days.) 

sky's not falling, or if it is it's still way way way up there. 

glenn kangiser

The hype is political/corporate sales hype.  Many of the politicians have investments in big pharmacy.  Surprised they ran this one again after Rumsfeld's profits a few years ago, and the sheeple fell for it again, but worthless Tamiflu sales are increasing nicely.  Tamiflu is not medicine - it only treats symptoms and does not even guarantee that, if not taken within a a certain timne window.  But enough government propaganda and scare and the politicians and corporations profit handsomely.

"Stupid people do stupid things,
Smart people
outsmart each other,
Then themselves"   

SOAD  Philosophy   

The sheeple are capable of being fooled many times over as they refuse to look at reality.  (ME :)  )
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin  http://countryplans.com/smf/index.php?topic=151.0

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It's mostly just a "See,,,, you NEED government!!!  You must have us!,  You would all die without us... Now, give me more power..."

glenn kangiser

Parasites wish to see to it that all other parasites are supported by the people so that they do not endanger their portion of the good ol' boy system.

Some day they will come to the end of the line for the ripoffs of the people.  It will be a cool day when the people collectively say ....no more.   I hope I live long enough to see it. [waiting]
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin  http://countryplans.com/smf/index.php?topic=151.0

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