Mexico Building Its Own Border Fence

Started by MountainDon, September 24, 2010, 11:19:24 PM

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On their southern border, the one with Guatemala.  Hypocrisy anyone.

The Mexican government is apparently receiving a great deal of criticism from the Guatemalan government.  Deja vu all over again.   ;D
Just because something has been done and has not failed, doesn't mean it is good design.



Crazy indeed, Don. Saw it on the news last night. This will kill any "moral grounds" argument Mexico typically uses when assailing our fence. Ironically, they're probably building theirs at 10% the cost of ours!


Shawn B

Yep, been aware of this for awhile now.

I don't think the U.S., or the States should build a fence as the expense and maintenance is too high. I think it just adds to the image of the U.S. as rapidly becoming a police state. Take away their incentive to come here, such as free medical, welfare, anchor babies, etc and they would self-deport back to Mexico, Central and South America.

"The natural liberty of man is to be free from any superior power on Earth, and not to be under the will or legislative authority of man, but only to have the law of nature for his rule." Samuel Adams


Lucky them, the border is so small compared to ours.


Quote from: Shawn B on September 25, 2010, 09:57:32 AM

Take away their incentive to come here, such as free medical, welfare, anchor babies, etc and they would self-deport back to Mexico, Central and South America.

  Yes!   It's really quite simple . . .

  (1). Secure our Borders.
  (2.) Crack down on employers that intentionally hire illegal labor.
  (3.) Remove all benefits such as licenses, in-state tuition and welfare for illegal aliens.
  (4.) Empower local police to enforce immigration law.

    . . . said the focus was safety, not filling town coffers with permit money . . .


My friend in Texas is on the border with Mexico and gets to see the seeder side and cost of human life of people coming over the border. He's a Mexican American and proud of it but doesn't identify with the people coming over here illegally. He's anxious to see something done on our border and soon.

glenn kangiser

You will have to straighten up Washington DC before you will be able to stop illegal immigration.

DC is owned by corporate and elite America.

Mexicans are their slave class and they profit highly from their exploitation.  Get rid of our criminals and then you might be able to do something about the other problems here in the US.

As for the Mexicans ... I work with them daily.  None of them taking advantage of the system.  There may be some in hard times that our system has abused to the point they can't afford to live also.  

I knew a (fortunately) dead now, farmer who used to spray his workers gardens with poison - Roundup etc. because he snickered and laughed - he and his son didn't want them to have anything.  He was a white farmer typical of many here in the San Joaquin Valley.

Most of the Mexicans I know are too tired from slaving for us gringos to go stand in a food stamp line.

Lots of white trash there though.... [waiting]
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glenn kangiser

Here is how the legal Americans do it.... I am very sure this is not a Mexican.
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