My backs killing me.

Started by Redoverfarm, March 28, 2008, 03:36:53 PM

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These here is God's finest scupturings! And there ain't no laws for the brave ones! And there ain't no asylums for the crazy ones! And there ain't no churches, except for this right here!


Well, we use super glue to hold incisions & cuts in place  ::)

You will know the truth & the truth will set you free


Quote from: Sassy on June 04, 2008, 08:35:59 PM
Well, we use super glue to hold incisions & cuts in place  ::)

I wish I still had the picture but I lost it in the last computer crash.

I make knives as a hobby. One day I had made a very large 19" bowie and was going to use a poured pewter bolster on it. It's pretty simple, you make a paper mold around where you want the pewter, and pour molten pewter in. I wrap the paper with duct tape to keep it from flowing where it isn;t supposed to flow.

Anyway, I heated the pewter and was wrapping the mold with tape. I was really pulling to get it tight. The tape broke and the blade jumped up and cut a gash across my forehead. The pewter was hot and the mold was on and I was going to do the pour no matter what....Problem was, I had blood running in my eyes and couldn't see.

I wiped the blood away and looked for something to stop the bleeding. I tried duct tape but it just leaked.
Sooo....I poured a whole tube of superglue in the cut and then duct taped it. That worked like a charm. ;D

My wife is used to seeing me with cuts but I looked like I'd been scalped and put back together with duct tape. She had a fit, I took the picture in the mirror and was voted Dunce of the year on Bladeforums. com
These here is God's finest scupturings! And there ain't no laws for the brave ones! And there ain't no asylums for the crazy ones! And there ain't no churches, except for this right here!


Whew, that was close, Peter - no wonder your wife was upset, glad the superglue & duct tape worked  n*

Reminds me of when Glenn had 2 molars pulled - was told to rest for the remainder of the day - instead he drove 170 miles to a job - worked 16 hrs & slept in his truck...  the next morning his face was really swollen so he duct taped a cold piece of steel to his cheek...  he looked pitiful...  then he emailed me a picture of himself he had taken...  wish I still had that -  could post it...  probably not as graphic as a bunch of blood pouring down his face but he'd probably have come in 2nd after you!   heh

You will know the truth & the truth will set you free

glenn kangiser

"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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These here is God's finest scupturings! And there ain't no laws for the brave ones! And there ain't no asylums for the crazy ones! And there ain't no churches, except for this right here!


Improvise.  #1 solutions for most problems that really don't have answers.

glenn kangiser

Luckily , while I was freezing sleeping in the front seat of the truck, the steel was freezing too, so it was a nice substitute for Ice.

I think the duct tape stuck to it better too -- well - I had to make a kind of a duct tape bandage to keep it there.
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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Interesting and very good topic. Unfortunately a lot of the good advice will fall on deaf young ears. Not really deaf of course, simply ears mounted on a "it can't/won't happen to me" head.

I somehow have avoided all back problems; maybe because I'm lucky, maybe because my Dad had all sorts of back problems and I saw the grief it caused him from a young age (mine, not his).

I do wish I had known about the dangers of sudden loud noises (gunshots) a long time ago. Unlike a back injury this sort of damage takes a long time to getcha. Small hairs and hair cells in the ear get damaged early but continue to work after the initial ringing goes away. However they fail later in life. I now use electronic sound canceling ear muffs; it may be too late, but better late than never, maybe. Other culprits are chain saws and workshop circular saws, and of course any loud machinery. Loud is usually defined as 85 Db or more.

The nice thing about the noise canceling muffs is that inbetween loud noises you can hear normal sounds very well.

The cuts and bleeding reminded me of a product I have in the Jeep first aid kits, in the RV, in the workshop, and as well as the small first aid kit in the hiking backpack. It's a stop bleeding powder and also stop bleed bandages that have the powder contained in them. The substance causes blood to coagulate quickly, even if the bleeder is on blood thinners. It forms a gel like substance that clots up the bleeding wound. Just the thing for something like a serious knife, axe, or saw wound.

I have QR Stop Bleeding Powder (do a Google) as well as KytoStat bandages.

Just because something has been done and has not failed, doesn't mean it is good design.


Don got the ears to go with the rest of it too.  Too much equipment running as well as range shooting.  Although inconvienent I really damaged my one ear while deer hunting.  30-06 I guess as I looked at my watch and thought it stopped several minutes afterward.  Couldn't hear the ticking(age defining watch) in one ear but could in the other.  Scuba diving although the department I dove for said it hadn't contributed but 7 out of ten members had the same problem. A combination of a lot of things I guess. I might be able to hear when I die.  Slowley declining.  My dad had to get a Coakley implant at age 78 because of his loss.

The blood cloting things reminds me of a septic pencil. Burns like fire but will stop the Shick slice.

The back thing I have had since 74 when I worked in a furniture store delivery. Pianos, sofa beds and everything else. Started then and kept getting worse.  I guess it never really healed.  Surgery in 95 but still not right.  Although the recent I am confident that it was just a muscle and a couple days away from the cabin and I am fine.  Should have done it a month ago.  So much to do so little time.

I'll have to check on the clotting agent.  Did you buy it at the drug store or somewhere else?


I found them online. I purchased about three different times IIRC, once through Amazon, the others through safety equipment / first aid suppliers. I just searched around using Google.
Just because something has been done and has not failed, doesn't mean it is good design.