Rain water management

Started by itpdk9, July 01, 2013, 07:47:17 AM

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Hello all,

So last year when we bought our property, we spent time there camping and getting to know the land to find the best build placement.  Well last year was a really dry year as far as snow and rain was concerned.  This year not so much, we had a lot of snow, which meant a lot of snow melt and this spring we have had a ton of rain, unseasonable amounts.

I now have my cabin in place, 20 x 40 post and beam.  I have all run off water going around the cabin from grading and french drains that I have installed.  However the front of my cabin has an 8ft porch that runs the whole length, the porch has a 1 1/2 foot overhang.  Rain that comes off of the porch runs down the length of the cabin but the last 10 feet it cuts under the deck and then under the cabin, which I am not liking. 

So here are my thoughts... I would really like to put gutters on which would solve a lot of the problem, however I don't want them to get ripped off with snow and ice.  If I install the roof snow stops on my metal roof would that work?  What have others done?  I know most don't put gutters on but I need to do something to redirect the water.  Also, there is no way that I can get in there to dig, so I was thinking about maybe putting some sand bags under neath to stop the water from going under for that last ten feet.  Any Ideas are welcome.

Thanks in advance.


Here is what I installed.

As far as the water you might consider breaking the downspouts into two directions.  Meaning to elevate the center of the gutter to pitch to both ends.  With that much area you might also consider using 4" downspouts to handle the water. 

I really haven't had a large amount of snowfall since I installed the snowguard(witches hat) but what I have had it worked well.  You can usually find it color matched to the metal roof color.  They make different sizes so make sure that you get one that is right for the amount of snowfall you anticipate.


Thanks for the quick reply! Did you purchase or make those snow guards? if so where did you buy them?  The ones that I have seen are small that go in-between the ridges in the metal roof.  Thanks again.


These are sold in 10' lengths purchased locally at a roofing supply store.  The individual ones are usually referred to as "snow birds".  The older ones were cast winged guards that resembled birds like depected @  http://josephjenkins.com/store/snow-guards/  but for me they were too costly.  They do make plastic ones but according to some users they do not hold up as they are generally installed with double face tape adhesive.  If you check at a metal roofing supply company they should be able to locate the continious bar or make them using a metal break and coil stock.


There is a product called Gutter Helmet I seen at a trade show.  The salesman claimed and his literature showed that it works well in our Idaho snow country.  I have no experience with this product nor am I 'pitching' it.  However our 'big snow areas' and VIP homes like at Sun Valley and McCall use them.  It does not go over an existing gutter but they are a product type of there own and according to the salesman  they must be installed by the company.     
Proverbs 24:3-5 Through wisdom is an house builded; an by understanding it is established.  4 And by knowledge shall the chambers be filled with all precious and pleasant riches.  5 A wise man is strong; yea, a man of knowledge increaseth strength.