Hey! Where's My Money?

Started by sparks, July 23, 2011, 04:06:14 AM

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   I've been saving my spare change for years. Usually in coffee cans above the clothes washer. And when the can got heavy I'd take it to the bank and put it in a mad money savings acct. That mad money acct was partially instrumental in the down payment on the house I(we) currently live in.

  I'm not a cheap bastard, but I do believe if you watch your pennies, the dollars will take care of themselves.

  A couple years ago I began saving the loose change for our grand daughter......and opened an acct for her at my bank.

  She's now three and a half, and since a coffee can was full of change, I thought it might be a good idea for her to take it to the bank and make the deposit personally. A learning experiance so to speak.

  I left the task to my wife....

  Sooooo, she takes the little gal to the bank, introduces her to the teller, the teller tells her the coffee can has to go to change counter and that she'll be right back.  Sounds OK, doesn't it?

  In the meantime, the wife is trying to explain where the coffee can went and what a savings acct is to a three and a half year old girl.

  The teller returns, fills out a deposit slip, and hands it to the little gal.....' thank you sweetheart'......this did not set well with the liittle gal.........and she blasts out........


  Needless to say this commotion raised a few eyebrows and muted laughter from those in the bank.

  Today, I had the little gal in my truck driving thru town and pointed out the bank....the next thing I heard.........


  I just hope her words aren't an omen for the rest of us.


My vessel is so small....the seas so vast......


A perceptive and astute young lady - if she was running the show the financial crisis might have been averted ...


My lakefront cabin project in East Texas


She is a keeper!
Funny story.


That sounds like a real-life Mary Poppins story.  The bank was lucky there wasn't a run on the vault!
New Mexico.  Better than regular Mexico.


Often, our ignorance is not as great as our reluctance to act on what we know.


I love it! Kids only say out loud what we are thinking anyway. The innocence of youth keeps us all younger.

Homegrown Tomatoes

Ha ha ha, smart kid!  Thanks for posting. :D