Starting from nothing in the Ozarks, updated building progression from beginning

Started by Ozarkhomesteaders, July 05, 2015, 09:18:29 PM

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Framing up some upstairs interior walls.  Also recycled lumber.

These next few pics show how I tied the roof line into the existing house.  Work out alright was hope to have a single roof line from peak of addition to peak of original house didn't work out that way but it is pretty close.

In doing this I had to remove some of the roof of the existing house, so prayed for a couple days of no rain and framed and sheeted it in so would not have rain in our house.  I put a lot of faith in the zip sheathing and zip tape.  Must say though it works pretty good.  No water yet.

And so this brings us to where we are at today.  I know it has been picture overload but I have been wanting to do this for awhile and glad to get the opportunity to share with all you.  We will continue to post our progress as it happens now since all caught up.  Also All the work with getting everything level and square worked out good.  At the top plate of our second floor walls I ended up being 1/4" out of square which I thought was exceptable.  laid three sheets out on the roof to start square and just continued from their and I all laid real nice and easy all fell butt joints fell center on trusses.  Overall we are happy with the outcome sofar.  Has been a journey getting to this point but a real fun and learning process. 

And finally some upstairs pictures.



Really building an awesome homestead there! I bet the family will just love all that new space.I can also agree with you on the durability of those HF cement mixers I think I pushed about 450 bags through mine so far doing my floor and it didn't skip a beat ,a little noisy but whatever.I was telling my wife about how much concrete you where mixing and her eyes got wide and she says "You mean there's someone crazier than you out there"LOL! Good luck with the rest!


Hey Patrick thank you for the kind words.  We are getting really excited to be able to use the space.  It will be weird at first I think, going from  300 sq. ft to about 2100 sq. ft I have a feeling we will just be using a little corner of it not knowing what to do with all that space LOL. 

You know the feeling then with the concrete I would have to agree we are a little crazy.  Everybody always says that and ask why we didn't just have a truck come out and deliver it.  Their are a few reasons I did not go that route,  for one I did not have access to forms so we would of had to pay a contractor to do it which we are trying to stretch every dollar for this build. Also buying by the bag you can buy as many bags as your can afford each week,  Not a big lump sum.  Two you learn a lot and get a lot more appreciation for the work by doing it yourself.  In the end I feel it was completely worth it.   I think we are at right around 630-640  80# bags.  Yeah the mixer is a little noisy especially if you put too much water in the concrete.  But that thing just keeps going, we are happy with it and worth every dime.


Nice man...lots of good sweat labor there...i can respect that. 

Garden: those tomato treillis's are going to use that design.  My wife use's metal stakes ..but we got tons of wood and I like the look of those you built much better.   Getting our landscape sured up around house then finally the epic gardens will start. 

That is big though....i guess I"m more of small shelter guy.  Also awesome on re-using so much stuff. take it easy.


Well it has been a few months, haven't got to much more done. Time is a hard to come by lately with the little one getting around,  work and the darkness of winter lol.  However here is what we have accomplished.   

Got the doors and windows all installed.  Had to buy a New front entry door but all the windows downstairs and back door are all recycled salvaged from a tear down.  I was getting ready to go buy new windows for the upstairs and about a week prior to me going to get them a deal came up on craigslist and was able to get all seven of the upstairs windows plus 2 extra for $100.  Could not pass it up all vinyl double hung low E.  Four of them are 3" taller so I just Used Them for the master bedroom and opened the framing up to accept the windows no biggie.  Also trying to finish up the Zip tape have a little left to do yet. 


Got some of the can lights installed in the office area and living room area.  It is neat being able to have it all lit up. 

From outside looking in.



You get my vote as the hardest worker! Awesome progress, hope all continues as planned.
"You will find the key to success under the alarm Glock"  Ben Franklin
Forget it Ben, just remember, the check comes at the first of the month and it's not your fault, your a victim.

Pray while there is still time
