Building in the Texas Desert

Started by LeoinSA, January 26, 2010, 06:16:28 PM

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This fella - is doing some interesting stuff - even built a 128 sqft 'cabin'.

I'm watching him weld trusses - LIVE- WITH sound! - over his DSL web-cam on one screen as I type this on another.

His blog here:

Interesting reading for those of you still snowed in - and even for us not so encumbered. 

Was through there back in late December when we visited BBNP.  Prolly drive out again in March when Momma is off on spring break.



 It's obvious that ZZ Top isn't as popular as it used to be when you see the band members completely switch careers like that.

Hey, did you ever end up locating an area near San Antonio that was reasonably inexpensive and appropriate for a build?

I'll be down in Austin before long, and as I'm sure you know the prices up around there are insane.


Nope to the land.

Got some medical issues to sort here in the near future so everything but daily life is on hold until the diagnosis is made.  No answers yet - just heaps of questions for the specialist this Thursday afternoon.

Did drive through the area where that $700-$1000 an acre land was/is located.  Prime goat and sheep country.  With the drought we're just coming out of the land was/is grazed to bare rock.  Hard for me to imagine that there wasn't hardly a blade of dry dead grass to be seen on many of the roadside lands.  And all the trees were trimmed up to the height that a goat/sheep/cow could bend their neck or stand on their hind legs (not the cows) to reach.  Too many cattle, goats and sheep it seems.  And definitely too many damn rocks!

Once we get this medical issue sorted, we're gonna look north of I10 and see what's to be seen in the Harper - Menard - Llano triangle.  Prolly more rocks :)



That Field Lab is pretty interesting.
Funny in a way because I actually looked and started to buy out there.
It was just too far to be able to do anything in a weekend trip.
I ended up going north of Brenham Tx. And really happy I did.
But back to the field lab, its interesting to see how he is doing.
He has actually done a lot and it looks pretty cool.
One has to appreciate his success in that remote area.
Temps go from 0 to 120, thats a killer in itself.
One more thing, hope all went well for your medical issues!