Diary of a 20x24 cabin going up in NH

Started by cockergod18, May 18, 2006, 05:11:25 PM

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we took this weekend off so no picture or any other updates :'(

I am starting a new post about cabin and log home furniture.

please post what you have make or got that is really cool or different.




Well we had a short weedend for working at the camp. Alex and I had to work our jobs til 12:30 on Saturday so we did not even get working til 3:30 . Sunday Alex had to work and i took a day with the wife.
Here are a couple of pic's


Had no kids this week so after work a few day off to the camp to get some stuff done we went.

One loft done and got the wrap on. Taking the week end off to spend with the kids. It is going to be high
90's this weekend.

More to come next week



 Looks good Dave  :)

 Those joist look to be 2" thick , locally milled? White Pine ?

 I see you had to use a different type of hanger than a normal off the shelf kind. Those ones you used will look good / heavy / cool once your in the dry and you either paint them of even just leave them as they are . Better than a Simpson hanger with 15 teco nail heads sticking out ::)

 Some of your plwood looks to be salvage , the sheet by the door are discolored / stained. Have you found a bone yard to save $$ or where they left overs you found a place for ?

 You should bring the kids to the camp and puttum to work ;D Maybe they're to lil . Anyway G/L , PEG

 BTW I never seen Typar wrap with a building suppliers name on it , wonder what that cost the supply company :o   Typar MTL pretty proud of there name , bet it was a spendy deal they made  :o


QuoteHhmm.. I've only every seen the Typar with the suppliers name on it.

 Huummm ya wanta bet on who's been lookin at / usein Typar longer ;D

 Maybe back east lumber suppliers spend more on advertiving :-/ :-/

 Almost , in fact I'd say , all building wrap I've seen here in the PNW that has suppliers names on it is "off brand"( IE not Typar or Tyvek. )

 That the only reason I commented on it .


You guys have been busy can't believe how fast it's moving along.  Looks great anxious to see it.  


the wood was cut at a local sawmill, 2x8 and 6x8 dont know what kind of wood it is but there quick, cheap, and good quality.
the hangers are home made cut from angle iron and and daves kids painted them black
the house wrap we bought was then cheapest place we could find. 2 of the ply wood for the walls we bought at home depot on sale for like 8 dollars, and we think it was water damaged.


Good day at the camp. Got the second loft up . Had a little help today.
thanks guys

[size=14]My brother Paul (Alex's dad) and his friend skipp cutting wood to length and drilling holes for the hangers.[/size]

[size=14]Me and Alex putting up some floor joists.[/size]

[size=14]Half way there![/size]

[size=14]Alex not to fond of heights  :)[/size]

[size=14]All done  :)[/size]

[size=14]a different view[/size]


Good progress on the cabin.  Nice wood cut on a circular saw it looks like. :)

Could you give us a rough board foot price on the boards?  Just curious.


2x8x10 which where more like 2x8x12 where 7.65 each



Not bad, thanks, Dave.  I really like the rough sawn look and making my own boards.  A framer friend on a job wanted to buy a band saw like mine and get rough looking boards.  I told him to bend a couple teeth with a Crescent wrench - otherwise the band sawmills make a pretty smooth board.


Well another week/weekend has gone by and a little more is done. Alex and jay where trying to put a tarp over the cabin when the rain started . Man did it rain.

We ended up leaving it rained so hard.
They did get both loft floors down . they look great.

Today we started on the roof but did not get as far as we wanted.

off til next saturday



Cool, Dave--- that rain filled tarp looks a bit like me in my blue t-shirt after an extra large lunch. :-/


Heh, the blue bulges...we remember that well from this spring.  Looking good, wish your cooler weather made it down to us this weekend...


What a awsum day we had yesterday. Got all the raffers up . Great thanks  to Jay for spending his Saturday helping out.


Great progress!

I had the exact same thing happen to me with the rain and the tarps.
Wal Mart sells a great mid sized wet vac that will let you attach a water hose to the exit port.
One thing I learned about the large water bulges in the tarp.... Never use the end of a two by six to push it up and try to get it to drain. 30 gallons of water at one time over your entire body will give your wife and kids something to bring up at family gatherings for years.


The cabin looks great! Thanks for the photos and up-dates ....


QuoteGreat progress!

One thing I learned about the large water bulges in the tarp.... Never use the end of a two by six to push it up and try to get it to drain. 30 gallons of water at one time over your entire body will give your wife and kids something to bring up at family gatherings for years.

Having just returned from a family reunion, Jimmy I fully realize the gravity of this statement.  A new family member kept coming over to me every hour or so  and telling me the others  were telling more stories on me.  I never even realized that I ever did that much to talk about.

Did anybody get any pictures of the water bulge removal, Jimmy? :)


 i have been in nj on busness but uncle dave has been working on second floor,  wall framing and roof overhang


How nice!  We need more uncles like Uncle Dave around!  Lots of good progress...  :)


Looks like you got a whole lot done!

It goes so much faster when you know more or less what you are doing!


You guys have really been working!  Looks really good  :)



I think this picture sums up the way I feel at the end of the house building day..


We had a good day with no trouble at all. Weather was awsum.