Romney destroyed thousands of Jobs during his Bain Capital Days

Started by Windpower, January 13, 2012, 02:05:06 PM

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QuoteSadly, for me, there is NO candidate that I see as worthwhile.  Ron Paul?  No way, I love Ron Paul in many ways but Mr. 30 year politician, yes politician, has too many ghosts in his closet (like the 911Truthers -- and sorry for those of you who are but I think you're whacked.  I tell that to those I know personally too and I've yet to have one actually participate in a coherent discussion that didn't involve them telling me everything rather then actually listening to something).

I don't understand this part of your post. You are not going to vote for Ron Paul because someone somewhere claims that he is a 911 truther? Even though he denies it? Paul does admit that maybe the United States shares some of the blame for the terrorists attacks, but he doesn't say that we blew up the twin towers on our own.

I don't really care what Romney did while he was at Bain capital, I will not vote for him because you cant nail down where he stands on most issues. He has flip-flopped on abortion, gay rights, gun control, climate change and immigration. If you vote for Romney, who knows what you are getting.

While I don't agree with Ron Paul on all of his views, at least I know where he stands. The only thing that I can think of that he chainged his view on is abortion, and that was very early on in his career. I know a lot of people like Ron Paul because of his domestic policies, but are scared of his foreign policies. Do a little research on some of the predictions that Ron Paul has made in the past. He was dead on with most of them. He understands history and recognizes the dangers that our actions put us in. Take the Iran issue that is currently going on. Most of the other canidates are chomping at the bit to get us into another war in the middle east because "Iran poses a threat to Israel." We are provoking them by pushing for UN sanctions, and as a result Iran is threatening to close the straight of hormuz. Guess what! Israel says that there is no threat and that they don't need our help. Some people in our military agree:

One of the things I like about Ron Paul is that he tells you what he is going to do and then he tells you how and why he is going to do it. It's not just empty promises like Obama's promise of change. Take a look at this video on Romney vs Paul on medical marijuana:

Romney is an ass and his only response is that he does not support medical marijuana. No reason given, just walks away. Ron Paul has a well thought out response that makes sense. This is who I want as our President.

And to answer your questions:
1.  Would you end all social programs starting with Social Security and Medicaid?  Answer?  Damn near always NO!  I paid into it.

Yes I would end them. This is supposed to be a free country. What is so free about taking my money by force and giving it to someone else. These programs are all mis-managed, so I have no expectation of getting anything out of them by the time I retire anyways. I would prefer to not have to pay into them at all. Let me invest my retirement money how I see fit.

2.  Would you end the war on drugs and get the government out of dictating what a citizen can ingest, inject or inhale?  Answer?  No way I'm not legalizing Heroine!  -- hey idiot, I never even asked or said that....right, check two for not understanding.

Yes. The war on drugs causes more harm than good. How people don't see this is beyond me. There are clear parallels between prohibition in the 20s and what is happening on our borders today. Besides, it is not the government's position to tell us what we can and can not put in our bodies. Again, this is a free country. What is more free than your own body? I take personal responsability for my actions. I expect the same from other people.

3.  Is it the Federal Governments role to legalize or illegalize (is that a word) prostitution? Drugs?  Raw Milk?  Guns?  Speech?  heck I could go on an on but people don't get it nor understand it because they've been educated away from it and are now used to living this extra-constitutional life of ours.

Again, not the federal government's job to tell us what to do with our own bodies.


MWAndrus those were excellent answers and your post is noted.

There are things I really like about Paul, don't get me wrong.  IN fact, out of all the candidates he is closest to my political leanings for certain, I just have a hard time with some of what he's said and some of those associated with him -- and perhaps that's the media working on me.

His stated policies I think are the closest to constitutional that I've heard any politician take.

As for Romney, I'm NO fan, but the attacks on Him at Bain Capital are completely unfounded and disingenuous.  Heck his success rate with companies there was much much higher then his failure rate and anyone going after his failure rate and using failures that happened WHEN HE WAS NOT THERE is drinking the kool-aid or just plain dishonest.


Often, our ignorance is not as great as our reluctance to act on what we know.


Maybe it's because Ron Paul is the only Republican running who is opposed to getting us involved in pointless wars in the Middle East.   
Give me a place to stand and a lever long enough,  and I will move the world.


If I had to vote today, Dr. Paul would begrudgingly get my vote but I do not like him or his history.  He is a congressman for 30 years.  He currently chairs a subcommittee called "International Monetary Policy and Trade" that oversees the treasury and fed.  He took that role in 2010.  I'm still waiting for the walk that goes behind the talk.  He has certainly had the opportunity...


This is interesting and not surprising.  THe SuperPac made that film the way Michael Moore makes his:  film people saying one thing then present it as if they are saying another (taking them completely out of context).

It's one reason why Moore is a skunk.


Proverbs 24:3-5 Through wisdom is an house builded; an by understanding it is established.  4 And by knowledge shall the chambers be filled with all precious and pleasant riches.  5 A wise man is strong; yea, a man of knowledge increaseth strength.


Quote from: rick91351 on January 19, 2012, 12:00:55 PM
Well paid skunk at that.   c*

Funny how Moore the capitalist makes money by bashing capitalism and selling movies to the useful idiots.  Isn't it?


Quote from: OlJarhead on January 19, 2012, 12:28:58 PM
Funny how Moore the capitalist makes money by bashing capitalism and selling movies to the useful idiots.  Isn't it?

He and June Fonda should get hooked up.
Proverbs 24:3-5 Through wisdom is an house builded; an by understanding it is established.  4 And by knowledge shall the chambers be filled with all precious and pleasant riches.  5 A wise man is strong; yea, a man of knowledge increaseth strength.


Quote from: rick91351 on January 19, 2012, 12:43:16 PM
He and June Fonda should get hooked up.

Oh lord don't get me started on that crack pot! hahahahaha  d* d* d* ??? ??? ??? d* d* d*