Romney destroyed thousands of Jobs during his Bain Capital Days

Started by Windpower, January 13, 2012, 02:05:06 PM

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Often, our ignorance is not as great as our reluctance to act on what we know.


Quote from: Windpower on January 13, 2012, 02:05:06 PM
Romney destroyed thousands of Jobs during his Bain Capital Days

Wouldn't it be great if he, or whoever the next president is, would do the very same thing with the federal government? Maybe then that would trickle down to state governments and then to city and other local governments? I think that is what a great number of Americans really want.

Just because something has been done and has not failed, doesn't mean it is good design.


Quote from: MountainDon on January 13, 2012, 07:01:50 PM
Wouldn't it be great if he, or whoever the next president is, would do the very same thing with the federal government? Maybe then that would trickle down to state governments and then to city and other local governments? I think that is what a great number of Americans really want.

Because if there's one thing this economy needs it's thousands more unemployed. ???
Ajax .... What an ass.


Quote from: Ajax on January 13, 2012, 09:10:50 PM
Because if there's one thing this economy needs it's thousands more unemployed. ???

Why does it always seem this day and age that the government has to be the chief employer.  Why not attract business back to the USA.  Why not return to a manufacturing, industrial economy rather than the service based economy it has become.  Why not make it more attractive to be an entrepreneur.  One where you employee yourself, your wife and cousin Joe to start with.  Then grow it to a hand-full of employees.  Who knows it might even get up to ten or twelve or several hundred. 

I see so many on this forum that have great ideas and ability to work and produce.  We created one that seemed to do well.  Part of the partnership was called to moved to Thailand.  I did not have the time working for the railroad full time and to do it as well so we folded the tents.   
Proverbs 24:3-5 Through wisdom is an house builded; an by understanding it is established.  4 And by knowledge shall the chambers be filled with all precious and pleasant riches.  5 A wise man is strong; yea, a man of knowledge increaseth strength.


The Bain capital stuff against Romney is false. 

I haven't watched your video but I've been learning that Newts Super Pac add is so full of BS that it might as well have been produced by the DNC themselves.

Romney's record, and I'm no Romney fan by the way, at Bain was actually very good and from what I've learned all the claims made against him involve things that happened either when he wasn't there, or because of the actions of others.

Don't believe everything you hear in a political campaign.

Oh, and lastly, if we use Obama's calculating methods then Romney created or saved 700,000,000,000,000 and a half jobs.


OlJarhead  Just one interesting article on the subject.

But what bothers me the most is the people who supposedly believe in freedom, liberty and free markets that are attacking Romney.  Excuse me?  What is it about Capitalism that isn't understood?  Venture capitalists invest money, to make money.  Nothing wrong with that.  Some times they invest in good ventures and make money (and of course employ people while they are doing it) and sometimes they invest in bad ventures (and of course employ people while doing it).  In either case, those of us WITHOUT money benefit because we get jobs.

If the company is a failure, so be it.  Move on, find another job while they take the loss but for gods sake stop acting like little Karl Marx wannabee's.

It's killing me to see how pathetic American's are becoming.  Killing me.

Heck, most have no idea what Rockefeller did for them.  No idea.  They call men of his time 'Robber Barons' (a great catchy nickname created by those who didn't believe in freedom) without any inkling that actually men like him LOWERED the cost of goods to the working man and RAISED his bloody wages.  The evidence is right there in front of you if you take the time to look through it.  Heck, Rockefeller could be credited with saving the whales (far more so then Green Peace by the way) but do you know that?  If you do then you are of a very small minority.  If you don't then you have no idea what I'm talking about -- none.

Folks, I've yet to hear anything wrong about what Romney's done with Bain -- what I have heard, however, that he's done in MASS while Governor gives me great pause.  His appointments do not appear to be those of a man who believes in Liberty and Freedom, his RomneyCare program is clearly not the program of a man who believes in free markets (yes that's right, nothing to do with Bain Capital but damn sure an affront on free markets), liberty, responsibility or any conservative values.  I could go on but my point is that attacking Romney on capitalism is just plain wrong.  Attacking him on his obvious lack of respect for free markets, liberty, freedom, conservative values and other issues is just plain THE RIGHT thing to do.

As for Gingrich, what a #$@!.  Seriously, Newt, big government Woodrow Wilson loving, Obamacare supporting, global warming believing (well probably not, but then Al Gore doesn't believe it either, it's just a means to an ends), progressive, FDR loving elitist grade A politician (you can read politician as A hole if you like, it's pretty much synonymous anyway) why on earth would your attacking Romney with falsehoods and outright lies and an assault on Capitalism (you sure you aren't a Progressive Democrat Newt?) cause me to want to vote for you?  It wouldn't...but then nothing would.

Folks, the problem in America, which won't be fixed, is that Americans too often, all to often vote for politicians.  What I mean by that is that you seem to think that the guy (or gal) standing up there lying to you (and you know there lying) will actually mean it this time. 

Sadly, for me, there is NO candidate that I see as worthwhile.  Ron Paul?  No way, I love Ron Paul in many ways but Mr. 30 year politician, yes politician, has too many ghosts in his closet (like the 911Truthers -- and sorry for those of you who are but I think you're whacked.  I tell that to those I know personally too and I've yet to have one actually participate in a coherent discussion that didn't involve them telling me everything rather then actually listening to something).

Ron Paul is right however about many many things but no one cares because even the most strident supporter of the Constitution, unless they actually really truly believe in it and know it, even knows that that means.

Ask these questions of said individuals and you'll see what I mean:

1.  Would you end all social programs starting with Social Security and Medicaid?  Answer?  Damn near always NO!  I paid into it.

Right -- check one for not understanding.

2.  Would you end the war on drugs and get the government out of dictating what a citizen can ingest, inject or inhale?  Answer?  No way I'm not legalizing Heroine!  -- hey idiot, I never even asked or said that....right, check two for not understanding.

3.  Is it the Federal Governments role to legalize or illegalize (is that a word) prostitution? Drugs?  Raw Milk?  Guns?  Speech?  heck I could go on an on but people don't get it nor understand it because they've been educated away from it and are now used to living this extra-constitutional life of ours.

To quote a great man:

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on the objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents."
  --  James Madison


Quote from: Ajax on January 13, 2012, 09:10:50 PM
Because if there's one thing this economy needs it's thousands more unemployed. ???

If you work for the goverment you are working for the tax payer.
You produce nothing that helps our economy grow that I can think of.

Let me explain-
In the area I live in there is a gold mine that wants to start up. So to do it leagely we contacted the county planing department. We told them we want to open a small underground pocket mine that was working up until 1988 and that we are only going to move 10 ton of rock a week.
But to get the permission from the goverment we must frist file all the proper forums and pay the fees to these different parisites.

The list-
The state of California (They want a enviromental impact review done)
The California air quality board
Mines safety inspection board
The county heath department
The county building department
The county planing department
The forest service ( we are on private property by the way)
bureau of alcohol tobacco firearms and explosives
and a few more that I can't think of off hand.
All want money before we get the permits.
To top it all off the county wants a $75,000 reclamation bond!!!
It's a mine, always has been sences back in 1850!!
But we get the money back if we put it back the way it was before it was a mine (maybe).
There is no top soil to plant a thing on right now so we would have to import the soil. Dirt and trucking it isn't free.
It goes on and on.

Instead of leting us go to work and fineing us if we mess up they want our money up front  to keep the parisitic jobs running and they can still fine us if we mess up.
Were is the "Liberty" in this??

If we could go to work it would-create jobs,support businesses and bring new weath to the country [cool]

Sorry about my spelling and grammer it is what I got from a goverment run educational system.


Make Peace With Your Past So It Won't Screw Up The Present


Maybe I'm selfish but every job I've ever had, I did it for the money. If I was to start/buy a business I would do it for a proffit not to create jobs. If that business is successful jobs will be created.

I'm no fan of Romney but attacking him for being in business for proffit is the wrong way to go.

I find this article startling. At what point are we no longer served by the government but servants of the government.


I read in the paper this morning that Obama has suddenly gotten the idea of reducing the size of the government- in an election year, no less. Quelle surprise....

This stuff would be funny if it weren't our nation's future at stake.

I'm not poor- I'm financially underpowered.


Quote from: MushCreek on January 14, 2012, 07:48:37 AM
I read in the paper this morning that Obama has suddenly gotten the idea of reducing the size of the government- in an election year, no less. Quelle surprise....

This stuff would be funny if it weren't our nation's future at stake.

I raise my cup of Joe this morning as say Here, Here!!   
Proverbs 24:3-5 Through wisdom is an house builded; an by understanding it is established.  4 And by knowledge shall the chambers be filled with all precious and pleasant riches.  5 A wise man is strong; yea, a man of knowledge increaseth strength.


Quote from: MushCreek on January 14, 2012, 07:48:37 AM
I read in the paper this morning that Obama has suddenly gotten the idea of reducing the size of the government- in an election year, no less. Quelle surprise....

This stuff would be funny if it weren't our nation's future at stake.

The problem is that it's pure brilliance on his part.

1st:  Grow the size, power and scope of Government.
2nd:  Ask for power to reduce size, power and scope of Government.
3rd:  Accuse Republicans of not wanted to reduce the size, power and scope of Government because they won't give you the power.

The man is scary.


Quote from: Ajax on January 13, 2012, 09:10:50 PM
Because if there's one thing this economy needs it's thousands more unemployed. ???

Those who work for the Government, no matter how important to us, are a drain on the economy. 

I'll make an even more inflammatory statement (as a Veteran having served both in the USMC and the USA when I say the following please bear that in mind):  Those who are paid with tax dollars DO NOT PAY TAXES.

So, you're a policeman, garbage man, soldier, sailor, mayor or whatever and your wages come to you via the tax payers which is a drain on the economy.  You think you pay taxes since you file a 1040 or whatever and 'get a return' from the IRS even but in reality you do not.  You're only giving back to the tax payers (well actually the IRS who then keeps it since we're so far in debt but that's another story) some of what you received from them.

I like to put it this way:  If I give you $20 in one dollar bills and you take it, and then I realize I need some milk from the store on my way home and have you give me back $5, how much did I give you in the end?  Did you pay me the $5 with my own money?  Or did I just give you $15?

Simple really.  I gave you $15.

You see, not only are you not then a tax payer but you are then a tax taker.  Yes, that's right, a TAX TAKER.

Where does the tax money come from?  Those who pay it of course, but those who pay it are the working people who make over (roughly) $50,000 a year.

And before someone tells me that a person making $24,000 a year also pays taxes let me remind you that transfer payments negate any taxes that they paid throughout the year and therefore they paid NONE.  I've watched my step-daughter and son-in-law collect $5000 from the IRS in a 'RETURN' (misnomer) after having paid only $2200 into the IRS in the first place.

Where did the other $2800 come from?  Me, you and the rest of us actually paying taxes.

Oh and the sales tax they paid throughout the year?  Didn't amount to more then $2800 in fact, didn't amount to more then half that so guess what?  THEY PAID NO TAXES.


Quote from: MushCreek on January 14, 2012, 07:48:37 AM
I read in the paper this morning that Obama has suddenly gotten the idea of reducing the size of the government- in an election year, no less. Quelle surprise....

This stuff would be funny if it weren't our nation's future at stake.

Putting them all under one roof doesnt make them smaller it just makes them stronger.
Make Peace With Your Past So It Won't Screw Up The Present


Quote from: Whitlock on January 14, 2012, 11:10:26 AM

Putting them all under one roof doesnt make them smaller it just makes them stronger.

Amen (also Amen to the earlier post).

But the discussion is really moot since it's BS.

Kinda like saying that you cut the budget by $38 billion last year because you didn't raise spending by $238 billion but rather only raised it by $200 billion instead.

Um, no $#@'s you RAISED spending by $200 billion.  I'd call them all Morons but it's really the media and the voters that fit the bill since they seem to believe them.


Quote from: OlJarhead on January 14, 2012, 12:31:42 AM
The Bain capital stuff against Romney is false. 

I haven't watched your video but I've been learning that Newts Super Pac add is so full of BS that it might as well have been produced by the DNC themselves.

Romney's record, and I'm no Romney fan by the way, at Bain was actually very good and from what I've learned all the claims made against him involve things that happened either when he wasn't there, or because of the actions of others.

Don't believe everything you hear in a political campaign.

Oh, and lastly, if we use Obama's calculating methods then Romney created or saved 700,000,000,000,000 and a half jobs.


"I haven't watched your video but I've been learning that Newts Super Pac add is so full of BS that it might as well have been produced by the DNC themselves."

If you did not watch it your opinion is irrelevent.

and it is not 'my' video

here's another one you can not watch and potificate on

Often, our ignorance is not as great as our reluctance to act on what we know.


Really?  I don't think so.

I watched part of it by the way and it seemed to me just like the rest of the super pac ads against Romney....evil Romney the Capitalist Pig.

Sorry manno, I think my opinion is as relevant as anyones unless somehow I missed the point of the add and it was actually an Ayn Rand in conjunction with the Mises institute pro-Romney/Capitalism plug.  Then yes, I'm completely wrong and the add was I'm sure, brilliant.


Quote from: OlJarhead on January 14, 2012, 10:25:16 AM
Those who work for the Government, no matter how important to us, are a drain on the economy. 

That doesn't make any sense.  I'll let you think about why.
Ajax .... What an ass.


I don't see the fuss over Bain to be relevant.

There are companies that are in trouble all the time. Not necessarily due to rough economic times but as a result of their own mismanagement. There are a host of things management can do, or maybe did not do, to cause a business failure. If left to their own devices those companies may fail, putting all the employees out of work.

I'm not going to vote for Romney, but I can not fault him for what he did.
And I still believe there are too many present day government agencies and too many government employees.
Just because something has been done and has not failed, doesn't mean it is good design.


Quote from: Ajax on January 14, 2012, 01:13:19 PM
That doesn't make any sense.  I'll let you think about why.

Hmmm...perhaps you fail to understand economics?  Government, while necessary for a civil society, is a drain on the economy of that society.  It cannot and does not create wealth or jobs.  What it does is it takes wealth and redistributes it, thereby removing it from the economy, to those it deems 'necessary' whether they are or not.

For example, defending us from our enemies foreign or domestic is an important role of government.  Thus we allow the government to take money out of the economy and give it to the military to pay it to the soldiers etc and use it to buy beans, bullets and band-aids.  However, NONE of that improves the economy.

Now some may argue that because the Army bought beans, bullets and band-aids that it does, but that's because they fail to understand what would happen if you did not take the money from those earning it.  Furthermore, in it's simplest form government actually removes a percentage of all money out of the economy while redistributing it.

For example, since we need a secretary of the navy (not sure that we do actually but for the sake of arguing) and he must earn a salary some of the money is removed and given to him.  He creates nothing, only uses.  Meanwhile since he needs a paymaster to make sure he gets paid some of the money given to the army to buy beans, bullets and band-aids must be removed and given to him also.  Again, he creates nothing, only uses.

In the end the percentage of waste in Government programs is always higher then in civilian programs (because they aren't subject to free market principles) and thus more of the money is taken out.

So, finally, the funds are removed from the economy and some of them trickle back to it in various forms but not all of it.

By the way, if government taking money actually helped the economy then Communist Russia would have done much better during the cold war and we wouldn't be so far in debt today.  They didn't, we are and that's that ;)


1st claim in the video is that Bain Capital stripped the companies it bought of assets and then selling them to the highest bidder.

1.  Assuming any of that is true (in most cases it is actually false) it's perfectly fine.  If I can get more money by selling my car for parts then I can for selling it outright I'll sell it for parts and so to will EVERY ONE OF YOU.  So, if this were a true claim I see NOTHING wrong with it.

Furthermore, if the companies were bankrupt (seems most of them were) then who cares.  They were failures and if someone is willing to to invest a little in them to try to turn a profit I have no problem with that.

Finally, the claim isn't actually true.  Yes SOME companies were stripped and sold but even in those cases there will be a story/reason behind it.  Like the company Bain bought and tried to save from Bankruptcy.  They tried to save the company but needed to renegotiate the union contract because the pensions were part of the problem of the failed company.  The union went on strike, Bain closed the doors and sold the company assets -- I say GOOD.  Unions far too often forget where their pay checks come from and must learn that while you have a right to demand higher wages and more benefits a company has the right to shut down if they do not feel they can make a profit and provide what you demand.

2.  A story of greed?  Thanks but no thanks Karl Marx. 

3.  UniMac -- 3 minutes 28 seconds into the video it starts in on UniMac.  Problem is the video fails to tell you that while Romney was the CEO of Bain Capital this company WAS NOT shut down and people WERE NOT laid off.  In fact, three of the companies in the video were closed AFTER Romney left.  Like I said in my first post:  pure bullcrap propaganda from the left and Newt Gingrich. 

QuoteAt CNN Money, Dan Primack points out that the film is riddled with timeline inaccuracies and verifiably false claims. The movie focuses on four companies that Bain Capital allegedly plundered and wiped out, destroying thousands of lives in the process. But according to Primack, three of these companies – UniMac, KB Toys and DDI Corp – laid off employees and shut down well after Romney left Bain Capital in 1999. Two of those companies, UniMac and DDI Corp., weren't even owned by Bain at the time of the layoffs.

I should mention at this point that this video IS the video I originally complained about.  So, sir, you are quite incorrect and my opinion, like it or not is apparently more relevant then perhaps even your own considering, sir, that mine is actually based in fact rather then emotion.

I am NOT a Romney guy either.  I'm just sick and tired of propaganda and people who are so into one side or another that they cannot or will not open their eyes to see they are being fooled by their own side.

By the way 'side' may mean left or right or up or down or Gingrich or Romney or Paul or Obama -- you have to realize that the problem in America isn't that someone is left or right but rather blind or eyes wide open.

Most appear completely blind to me.


I won't even both to type more then that.  You do some reading folks.

That video is complete and total hawgwash and propaganda.


I think it's been obvious for some time now that we will be forced to choose between Obama and Romney for our next "leader".  Even though he seems to evoke the least amount of enthusiasm and passion from the conservative side Romney gets the nod because we have been told that he is the one that has the best shot of defeating Obama. He certainly looks the most like an American president (secret govt. cloning factory?) , talks the talk (can't understand a word he says), walks the presidential walk, and most important of all has the largest roll of cash.

Recently heard quotes on the news:

"What are the most important issues for this republican nomination?"
Answer: "Turning the country around and defeating Obama"
"Of the two, which is more important?"
Answer: "Defeating Obama"

From South Carolina: "I like Ron Paul but don't think he has much of a chance here"
"Why is that?"
"He wants to end the war in Afghanistan and a lot of folks here are employed because of that war"

People will not vote for who they really like because the polls tell them they have no chance. People will vote for anyone wearing the correct team colors because they so hate the other team.
Divide and conquer.

"Corporations are people"- Mitt Romney


Oh come on, that is CNN saying that

CNN is a propaganda network

Just look at how they treat Ron Paul with Dana Bash


Politifact on KB Toy: "We rate this claim Mostly False" not completely false

The large debt that Bain forced on KB (as in stolen from them) was clearly a factor in their demise.

Then there is Romney's Steel Dynamics deal

In 1994 Bain invested 18 million in SDI

5 years later they sold their interest for 104 million nice 85 million profit

Smart investing -- you bet -- especially if you can get the state and county governments to build the company for you with TAX DOLLARS

The citizens of Dekalb County are still paying off the 23 million they invested in Bain's SDI and the state of Indianna invested 13.6 million

can you say "corporate welfare"

Did Romney's Bain capital pay back Dekalb Co or the state of Indianna 37 million out of their 85 million in profits



I have worked for a comapny that was almost killed by a corporate raider

The company was S-P

The stock was depressed not because of any weakness in our products or profits or technical strengths but because of criminal activity.  The board discovered it and put a stop to it albeit with significant financial cost but the company stayed profitable and in business.

Unfortunately this caused the stock to drop and corp raider, Saul Steinberg, started agressively buying stock

Steinberg invited the company president to his penthouse in New York. The president that started SP thought perhaps this was a negotiation meeting. Instead that "slimey son of a bitch" told our president  to his face that he was going to buy the company and split off each division to our competitors that he had already lined up and he take home a cool $90,000,000 in profit by scrapping the company and he could either help scrap the company or he would be the first to be fired.

The only thing that saved us was a 'benevolent' very large pharma company purchased SP to save a research project SP was doing for them

they latter dumped us for a small profit and we went through a series of companies that bought us and then sold us.....

I went a lot of years with no pay raise because of this corporate raider bastard

It is NOT the same as selling a car for parts

it is greed and it hurts the economy and people

Often, our ignorance is not as great as our reluctance to act on what we know.


"Every Rose has its thorns".

Seems to me that people are always looking for something bad to say about the other guy.  Ron Paul supporters do it while ignoring some of Paul's issues, Gingrich supporters ditto, same with Clintonista's and Obamaites.

Sadly, this is what is wrong -- no intellectual honesty.


I hate conspiracty theories, but I'm afraid I'm drinking the coolaid on this one.  Seems to me that the media wants Romney  to be the candidate.  I can't help but notice all the negative press all the other GOP candidates get. 

But not Romney.  I wonder why?
"Officium Vacuus Auctorita"


Quote from: NM_Shooter on January 15, 2012, 01:42:58 PM
I hate conspiracty theories, but I'm afraid I'm drinking the coolaid on this one.  Seems to me that the media wants Romney  to be the candidate.  I can't help but notice all the negative press all the other GOP candidates get. 

But not Romney.  I wonder why?

The media has been influencing elections since at least the 1760's in this country (James Otis Jr and Sam Adams both used the printing press to make their arguments for the fight they were having with Hutchinson and it never stopped)...

As for Romney and the Press I assume it's because he's got Romneycare, appointed Liberal Democrats as judges and is generally known as a progressive -- so he'll either lose to Obama (after all, they will say, why vote for Obamacare Lite when you have Obamacare already?) or we'll get Obama Lite...either way it's a win-win for Progressive Media types.