9/11 Anniversary

Started by glenn kangiser, September 10, 2006, 11:19:56 AM

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glenn kangiser

"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin  http://countryplans.com/smf/index.php?topic=151.0

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Tnd then we can try to figure out if a large airliner actually hit the pentagon.   :-/  Those picture have always looked a bit odd to me.

glenn kangiser

I'm going with the guys who say it didn't -- Parts didn't match the supposed plane they claimed hit it -- hole was too small - no major lawn damage - no plane -- ex-military witnesses said it was a missle --later released portions of videos were just as indefinite as the first released information, government confiscated all videos and won't release any that clearly show what went on-- it made a near impossible turn more like a missle- to hit a mostly unoccupied newly remodeled area.  The alledged pilot couldn't even fly a small plane -- no way he made that steep descending turn.  Unless you believe the government fairy tale. :-/  This is off the top of my head -- I can find the documentation if desired.
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin  http://countryplans.com/smf/index.php?topic=151.0

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What I Want You to Know About 9/11

Excellent, well documented article - lots of references & links


QuoteTnd then we can try to figure out if a large airliner actually hit the pentagon.   :-/  Those picture have always looked a bit odd to me.

A friend , well officer I served with in VAQ-141 was in the pentagon on 9/11 as the  going to be off going duty officer. He is and was then a naval aviator , he did not dispute any claim made by the news media. A jet liner did the damage , he saw the wreckage , pulled out people from the building etc etc .

Think what you want , it is a free country.  This huge vast conspiracy your putting forth would have to include him and hundreds of other eye witness's accounts , never knew the Lt. to lie , but hey anythings possible .

I heard today that  OBL, JFK, Jack Ruby , Elvis , RFK, the "Real" Saddam H. , and the easter bunny where all seen at GWB's ranch in Crawford , Tx. I even read it , and now so have you, so it must be true , cuz I never have been known to tell a fib either ;)


BTW parts of this message are true , see if you can figger out which parts . Your computer will self dectruct in 30 seconds . Prompt music for Mission impossible now , now , now  ;D  


I'm not disputing that something hit the Pentagon but most of anything big like a 757 did not appear to be there and other military people were not sure it was a 757.  FAA flight controllers thought it was a military aircraft.  Seems there was a lot of confusion by a lot of pro's about what it really was.  

Since they won't release the videos to prove themselves correct it is only logical to assume that there is something else there that they do not want us to see.  There is no reason other than that, that would keep them from proving themselves correct.


Check out the questions here and find the videos to prove there was a 757.  That's the official story - not disputing that there was something.



 Watch the vidio the whole thing it is a rendtion but has photo's from the site , you still won't believe it I know but at least watch it .


It takes about a minute to load , pretty neat even if it is made up by the govt. to cover up attacking it's own buildings , ya I know it's all part of a big plan . ::)


Thanks PEG -- I'll check it out.


I viewed the presentation, PEG.

What I really like to do in a case of something like this is to review a lot of the comments people make so I am not relying on my own judgment. It's hard to get enough information on my own and form an opinion. The people who comment have been studying the same issues so in reviewing the comments from this video, I see that about 75% of the posters do not buy the government explanation, one said that one FBI agent had 85 confiscated video's and that there were about 10 video cameras on the Pentagon building.  Unverified as you will agree, but still a good feel for what is going on.

Many commented that if the video's were released clearly showing the government story was true it would end the conspiracy theories.  That isn't happening -- that is the only real fact we have to go on.  If you can get me a credible real video showing the real plane, I would have to believe it of course --- I'm open to it. :)


Is it [highlight]possible [/highlight]as it was sort of a surprise that [highlight]no [/highlight]vidio (other than that grainy survallance camera )was taken at all and those tales of someone havig been at the site , standing around witha camera , with it on , loaded , on / in the right location etc etc ,

Case in point the dude who just confessed to killing JBRamsey , some people will say anything to get on TV /internet / newspaper etc etc .

Like I said Lt., now Commander Slice's(sp) can't remember the exact spelling so don't look up the name  ::) being there and his way of discribing the site / actions of the day , with no question that it was a A/C/ airliner that hit it .  

Do you know someone personally that was in the pentagon on 9/11?


No, I don't PEG and not questioning your friends honesty either.  

I'm only questioning the story for the same reason the others are and stories I have read from other witnesses who made statements that they were ex-military and the sound wasn't that of a 757.  One ex-military type said he was sure it was a cruise missle and the FAA controllers said the radar was that of a smaller military type jet -- going from published reports of course.  

All the published pictures show very little in the way of wreckage and some of it has reportedly been identified as being something other than 757 parts.  I didn't see much of anything big enough in the pictures that could be identified as large plane parts.  Only going from what they feed us and they are not feeding us enough to take the heat off of them.  Why won't they prove themselves to be telling the truth?

Recently the gov. released more video to answer the question and take the heat off of them, however that video was just as bad as the first pictures and did more to make it look like they are hiding something.

Obviously your friend rescued people from something -- the question is --exactly what?

Evidence supplied is insufficient for us to know for sure.  It doesn't have to be.  Keeping it hidden has nothing to do with national security.  There is nothinig it could hurt at this stage except the government story.

Phalynx, once again we are stuck relying on reports they provide us and as you know-- even if we did want to physically do a hands on investigation and had the money to do so, we would be jailed for trespassing, kept from classified material, not shown anything that would prove that their story is false  --or true.  If the stories they feed us were credible and true, there would be no questions left unanswered.  You don't have to leave things hanging and make up lies to cover up the truth.  It speaks for itself.



Senior Military, Intelligence, and Government Critics of 9/11 Commission Report


More interesting links - facts -questions


Please, check out the links before you pass it off as crazy.


Eyewitness accounts -- survivors stories.  If you only listen to mainstream media you haven't heard these.  Check them out if you care to know the truth.

Surviving Explosions



We both know that they are all lying...Just some left wing paranoid conspiracy against the man God has chosen to rule the world; George Bush ;)


Funny -- that's what the guy who wrote the article said they would say. :-/ :)


great minds think alike my friend ;)


Tenet told 9/11 panel that he warned Rice of Al Qaeda
October 3, 2006, Boston Globe/Washington Post


Former CIA director George Tenet told the 9/11 Commission that he had warned of an imminent threat from Al Qaeda in a July 2001 meeting with Condoleezza Rice, adding that he believed Rice took the warning seriously, according to a transcript of the interview and the recollection of a commissioner who was there. The meeting has become the focus of a fierce and often confusing round of finger-pointing involving Rice, the White House, and the 9/11 Commission, all of whom dispatched staffers to the National Archives and other locations yesterday in attempts to sort out what had occurred. Members of the commission, an independent bipartisan panel created by Congress to investigate the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks, have said for days that they were not told about the July 10 meeting and were angry at being left out. As recently as yesterday afternoon, both commission chairman Thomas H. Kean and vice chairman Lee Hamilton said they believed the panel had not been told about the July 10 meeting. But it turns out that the panel was, in fact, told about the meeting, according to the interview transcript and Democratic commission member Richard Ben-Veniste, who sat in on the interview with Tenet. Rice added to the confusion yesterday by strongly suggesting that the meeting may never have occurred at all, even though administration officials had conceded for several days that it had.

Note: Could it be possible that some of our nation's top leaders are lying? How could they have just forgotten about such important matters? For lots more see http://www.wanttoknow.info/911information.

You will know the truth & the truth will set you free


Until I saw this series of videos last week on Cryptogon.com:
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-7143212690219513043&hl=en-CA, I was beyond skeptical of the controlled demolision theory.  But...there are waaaay too many unanswered questions out there.  The "squib" explosions are what really stick in my mind.  I wasn't always so cynical, I just don't put anything past the neocon elites anymore.  Something like this would be horrible beyond anything we've seen from them, and I hope it's just conspiracy theory fodder.  

Interested in solutions, not despair.

glenn kangiser

Great to hear that you are at least checking things out and finding more unanswered questions, Peak Engineer.  

Planes don't make squibs.  The official story is like the McGuyver TV series.  A few things are believable, but anyone who knows anything about building construction, demolition, or is a pilot cannot buy the whole thing.  Just as McGuyver made things miraculously work, many of them were impossible.  The uninformed believed he was a genius but people who knew what he was trying to pull off knew many of the things he did were not possible the way he did them.

If the fires were so hot in the trade center, someone needs to explain away the lady who was standing in the hole waving a white cloth or object to attract attention for help.
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin  http://countryplans.com/smf/index.php?topic=151.0

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glenn kangiser

QuoteUntil I saw this series of videos last week on Cryptogon.com:
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-7143212690219513043&hl=en-CA, I was beyond skeptical of the controlled demolision theory.  But...there are waaaay too many unanswered questions out there.  The "squib" explosions are what really stick in my mind.  I wasn't always so cynical, I just don't put anything past the neocon elites anymore.  Something like this would be horrible beyond anything we've seen from them, and I hope it's just conspiracy theory fodder.  

The words "conspiracy theory" are the way they explain away the truth.  They are the ones putting forth the conspiracy theory.

When this first happened I was spewing my lines to a few people after an independant  movie here in town.  After about a half hour with no lightning coming down from the heavens, a fellow spoke up.  He said he was in airline security and he just couldn't believe they went this far -- sacrificing citizens -- to forward their cause.  Point being he was an insider and he knew they did it.  I also spoke to an FAA writer --she also believed they did it-- some of her writing topics were censored-- she was told what she could or couldn't say in regards to some of this.
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin  http://countryplans.com/smf/index.php?topic=151.0

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If you can read this website and not know the truth then you really have to be in denial.  It may not give you the who's but it will give you the hows.


More info links -

Current News from Educate-yourself.org


Thank you Glenn, Sassy and others...

As you know, I have been unwilling to get too deep into what I emotionally consider a distasteful conspiracy theory. This has been going on here for months and I have not read the threads links until now. (And I've certainly not read them all yet.)

I realize it is time for me to give some of the arguments a bit of study. You have helped by making that information available here.

This was one of the best videos I've seen.


Disturbing, deeply, deeply disturbing... is all I have to say.
To quote PeakEngineer: "I hope it's just conspiracy theory fodder." hope, hope...

To consider the alternative is to define a network of internal terrorists far larger and more inhumane than any band of suicidal religious fanatics could hope to be. If such an attack was staged, and the towers were imploded with coordinated explosions, then there would have been hundreds of people with knowledge and involvement of the considerable work that was done to bring this off. Not all of those people will be able to stay silent and carry such horrific guilt with them to their graves. Where is our Deep Throat?

I realize that emotionally I don't want to think this was an "inside job" because to do so means that our experiment in democracy is fatally flawed and I have misplaced my trust in the processes of American government. This is my emotional bias and I need to acknowledge this.

To give up this trust there needs to be clear and solid proof. Our trust of democratic civilized government is not something to be lightly thrown off for a new theory no matter how convincing.

The guilty will need to come forward, or be forced to come forward. [highlight]If it was a conspiracy they will talk[/highlight]. To me, that is when I will have to face my emotions and my fears. Then I will stand up and demand the changes needed to rectify the evil.

If nobody talks, then it didn't happen - no matter how good a story you can tell about how it might have happened. Bottom line it is that simple.

I base that assertion on an even deeper faith than my faith in democracy - and that is my faith in human nature. I believe that most people, most of the time will not consider it right to take the lives of their friends and neighbors no matter what a superior might order them to do.

It takes a great deal of training in military schools to overcome the natural altruistic instinct in a soldier. That is why so much effort is taken by media and the government to dehumanize the enemy.

Who was the enemy we were bombing the twin towers to vanquish? What is my motivation to do such a thing? I might imagine a greedy, controlling mastermind of uncaring total evil who could press the button. But such an effort needs scores if not hundreds of willing workers to plan, toil and coordinate such a project. Who was the subcontractor? Cheney and Haliburton? Really? They would do this just for the money and power? The military? Who was that enemy again?

[highlight]If nobody talks, then it didn't happen. [/highlight]This is true because if it did happen somebody will have to talk. It's just human nature, and I'll trust that over any government anytime!


If a man goes out into the forest and speaks--- and no woman hears him---- is he still wrong?

My point is, that if no one is listening, they can talk all they want and no one will hear.  They are talking - you have to listen.  There is a conspiracy at play here but it is from our government - not from the ones they are calling conspiracy theorists.  

We consider our Countryplans friends as family and happily post information at the risk of being called crazy (actually I don't mind that at all) so that if they read their eyes will be opened to the truth also.  Blindly closing your eyes and hiding from it will not even get you started on the path to a solution.

Open your eyes and your mind - look at the evidence- listen to the other side of the story.  You have only been listening to the official story and all other stories have been branded as conspiracy theories.  There is a long history of government deception in the past for them to get what they want.  You are right - for the most part man wants to do the best for his friends and neighbors.  The higher ups didn't get there because they care about whether the peons live or die.  They don't.  Money and power - that is all they care about.

Check out the firefighters - study up - open your eyes - look at the evidence - reject the absurd - add the explained and believable to your knowledge base.  Soon your eyes will open and you too will be able to see what is happening.  If you are afraid to look and don't look and buy the stories fed to you by the government controlled mainstream monopoly press, you are doomed to live in fear of something you cannot understand.  You will never understand if you don't know what they are up to.  

Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Jeb Bush, and Paul Wolfowitz signed a Statement of Principles of the PNAC on June 3, 1997, along with many of the other current members of Bush's "war cabinet."


QuoteThe 90-page PNAC document from September 2000 says: "The United States has for decades sought to play a more permanent role in Gulf regional security. While the unresolved conflict with Iraq provides the immediate justification, the need for a substantial American force presence in the Gulf transcends the issue of the regime of Saddam Hussein."

"Even should Saddam pass from the scene," the plan says U.S. military bases in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait will remain, despite domestic opposition in the Gulf states to the permanent stationing of U.S. troops. Iran, it says, "may well prove as large a threat to U.S. interests as Iraq has."

A "core mission" for the transformed U.S. military is to "fight and decisively win multiple, simultaneous major theater wars," according to the PNAC.

The strategic "transformation" of the U.S. military into an imperialistic force of global domination would require a huge increase in defense spending to "a minimum level of 3.5 to 3.8 percent of gross domestic product, adding $15 billion to $20 billion to total defense spending annually," the PNAC plan said.

"[highlight]The process of transformation," the plan said, "is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event—like a new Pearl Harbor[/highlight]."

American Free Press asked Christopher Maletz, assistant director of the PNAC about what was meant by the need for "a new Pearl Harbor."

"They needed more money to up the defense budget for raises, new arms, and future capabilities," Maletz said. "Without some disaster or catastrophic event" neither the politicians nor the military would have approved, Maletz said.

The "new Pearl Harbor," in the form of the terror attacks of Sept. 11, provided the necessary catalyst to put the global war plan into effect. Congress quickly allocated $40 billion to fund the "war on terrorism" shortly after 9-11.

Read up a bit -- keep the good stuff - throw out the crap --

Your faith in mankind is great.  The people in power are only a small percentage of mankind - less than 1 %.  That is all it takes.  Note that as you study you will find that most of the people involved in 9-11 were innocent bystanders.  Most were not in on the joke.  All it took was the right people in the right places doing the right things.  A Bush (brother Marvin)  related company was in charge of security at both airports and the WTC.  Jeb declared martial law in Fla. 4 days before it happened.


Nobody wants to see-- that is why they won't see -- they are afraid to confront the truth and would rather hide behind the belief that man could not do anything so bad to their fellow man.  You can step out of fantasy land now --- this is the real world.  Open your eyes and see.  :-/

The enemy does not need to be defined -- we bought a war on terror.

They have given us our new Pearl Harbor.  They gave us 9-11