Camp Hope~ It's started! (Ozarks)

Started by camp hope, August 01, 2007, 10:35:23 PM

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I noticed something. I don't think it should cause the problem, but ya' never know with 'puters.

I see an extra IMG tag around each photo. It's as if you clicked on the Insert Image button on the YABB post message screen, and then pasted in what you copied from Photobucket when you clicked on the IMG CODE tag under the photobucket image (4th down) . Clicking on the tag line in Photobucket copies the code with the leading and trailing IMG tags already there. Duplicating makes the "button set" tags print out.

If that makes any sense to anyone.   :-/


Ya thats problally it , like Glenn sez computers are like a women , ya got tellum what you want and makum thing they thought of it , or some such thing ;D


I'll check it out, but the pix are fine for me.  Don's right -- if you copy the bottom Photobucket tag you don't hve to use the IMG button here.  The Photobucket one is in caps but works fine.

I'll edit the post pix.  Nice looking family BTW.


Computers are like women.  They only want to hear exactly what they want to hear exactly when they want to hear it and exactly in the way they want to hear it..  Close is not good enough. :-/

PEG - please try to remember that properly.  Every time you make me repeat it, it is just one more chance I'm going to get in deep doo-doo from the gals.  Sometimes thay have a hard time understanding that I must teach computers in terms you can relate to. :-?


The photos work now , must be Glenn's adminasstror's devine presence.

Thanks for detailing that for me Glenn, I love to put you on the edge / spot! ;D


Oh wow, I am not even gonna touch the slams about women.  :-X  

Both men and women have their quirks, and that's all Im gonna say. :)

But, thanks for fixing the pics for some people. I wondered why I needed the additional IMG, but just followed directions, and it worked for me, so..... anyway~

I am stuck at work tonight, forced to work over until 3am. I've been here since 3 pm yesterday! URgh!

I'm tired. I was hoping to help my husband on the house before I go to work tomorrow, hope I'm not too tired.

Thanks for the sweet comments about my family. I think they are pretty special!

Have a great night!



No slams about women, Billie.  Just kidding around -- they are some of my favorite humans. :)


Glenn is such a bad influence on me  ;D Some days I wonder.  ;D


Sure, PEG -- you can blame it on me -- it's OK.  I'm tough.  I can handle it. :-/ ;D


 :D We have electricity!! Woo-hoo!

They just finished hooking us up today! We are so excited, the thought of having power WITHOUT the sound of the generator! WOW!! We will never take our electricity for granted again, that's for sure!

I took some pictures today, but don't have time to post them now. I will post them soon!


Thanks for that enlightening update, Billie.   :)

We'll wait right here 'til you get them posted.


Hey there. We are still alive here in the Ozarks. Sorry it took me so long to post anything. Life has been a little crazy!  :o

We now have running water and electricity! W@@_H@@!!!  ;D

I can't tell you how nice it is to take a NORMAL shower (not a Navy shower)!!!  ::)

We have a lot more done since I posted last. We aren't where we would like to be, but the cost of the electricity being run, and getting the well put in (300 ft) and the well pump really set us back!

My husband used a pully to get the gable end up over the open side of the house.

This is the loft area.

We poured cement for the garage and started putting up garage walls this past week.

It's starting to get a little chilly here in the Ozarks!!  :o We are gonna try and get the garage dried-in
before it gets too cold so we can at least put the motorhome inside of it and keep it warm~keep the
lines from freezing. Keep the water-pump warm, etc...

We also have to cut some wood for winter, we are SOOO behind it's not even funny!

Please pray for us!!

God Bless,

Billie & The Thompson family  :D


Things never move as fast as we want them to on a project like this it seems.  Always six things to do just so you can do the thing you set out to do, but all in all, nice to see you are still progressing, Billie and family. :)


Hello again. We are four months into this, and things are progressing, thank the Lord!

We are worried about upcoming weather, and we are trying to get dried in a.s.a.p.

Here are some pictures of what we've done this past week.

We are really excited!! It's actually starting to LOOK like a HOUSE!! :)


Looks like you've been busy, Billie. :)


I need to add one: "Somebody to keep me from falling off the roof" to my tool list.  Looking great in such little time!


I love that half circle window!  Great progress, lookin' good!


Thanks! We are excited about getting it dried-in! Then we can start on the fun stuff. electrical work and plumbing!! Fun Fun!!! :)

We will have more pics to post soon!


BTW, was that you, Billie, hanging by the seat of your pants?   :o


Hello again. No, Sassy, that was my daughter helping out her Dad. She has been such a great worker through this whole thing, a real blessing. All the kids have! They will definately appreciate this house when it is done!

We are getting ready to get the house dried in this week. Here are some pictures I took this morning! I will add more when we get the roofing on.



Very nice - the kids will learn so much that will be with them all their lives & be able to look at what you all have built - I'm sure they have a great sense of accomplishment being a part of this.   8-) :)


Sassy, you are completely right. I was just saying that the other day. They have acquired so much knowledge early in their lives that they can use. I really think it will help them to appreciate things too. They are wonderful people, let me tell you. When I think about myself at their ages, there is a huge difference! They love the Lord, and they love their family and friends. I am a blessed Mother, for sure!

This is my oldest daughter and my son.

This is my other daughter.

This is my husband, he is pretty special too! He is the reason this house is getting finished, he is amazing!



Know what you mean - I went to church as a kid but it wasn't real to me - our favorite thing was to give the Sunday School teachers a hard time - there was one teacher whose hands would shake the whole time... we were pretty onery  ;D  Must be wonderful to have kids who've known the Lord since they are young - great legacy!  :)
Good looking family, too  :)  You are really moving along on that house.  

I wouldn't have ever imagined that we'd hve the underground cabin & some of the unique touches - Glenn's pretty creative & can do anything he sets his mind to  :)