Orwell's 1984 is here!

Started by Sassy(Guest), May 31, 2006, 03:52:55 PM

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My son went to Hawaii about a week ago.  On the way back into the mainland TSA said the computer flagged his name and they pulled him in and did a complete search of him and his girlfriend.

I assume it was probably because of our postings so they put our name in their computer.  They can't stand it when you tell the truth about what they are up to.  It's not about terror --- they are the terrorists.  It's a control thing. Keep the people in fear and they will willingly give up all of their liberties for protection from the state.  Another lesson learned from Hitler.  Check out all of the parallels.  Don't be afraid.  1984 is here :)


Big Brother to control thermostats in homes?
Proposed mandate would grant utility companies unlimited remote access to regulate temperatures

You will know the truth & the truth will set you free


I saw that on Boortz. There's no end to the 'do-gooders' ideas.  :-*
Just because something has been done and has not failed, doesn't mean it is good design.



By Dennis L. Cuddy, Ph.D.
March 10, 2008

[Note: In my last article, I indicated that the power elite at the most recent Bilderberg meeting may have "directed a pullback" (at least temporarily) of an attack on Iran," given Russia's and China's objections. It would be much easier to attack Iran's oil ally, Venezuela, with its troublesome leader Hugo Chavez. But the U.S., couldn't just attack Venezuela without an incident. What if U.S. ally Colombia just happened to have an incursion into Venezuela, and Venezuela responded with military action? The U.S. would then militarily have to come to the aid of Colombia and oust Chavez, wouldn't it? The question is whether anyone would be gullible enough to believe such a scenario would happen just by accident!]

Most people see George Orwell's 1984 (published 1949) as fiction, but Orwell had been a Fabian Socialist and was actually warning people about a planned future dictatorship under Big Brother. When Big Brother's agent O'Brien is torturing Winston, who eventually reluctantly submits, O'Brien tortures him again and Winston is bewildered because he has already submitted. However, O'Brien explains that the goal is to have people submit not out of fear, but because they have actually come to love Big Brother and his rule over them.

Another work most view as fiction is Aldous Huxley's BRAVE NEW WORLD (1932). However, it too was about a real future we will face. On March 20, 1962, Huxley at U.C.-Berkeley revealed there will be "scientific dictatorships of the future." He stated: "If you can get people to assent to the state of affairs in which they are living, the state of servitude,... it seems to me that the nature of the ultimate revolution with which we are now faced is precisely this—that we are in process of developing a whole series of techniques which will enable the controlling oligarchy, who have always existed and presumably always will exist, to get people actually to love their servitude. People can be made to enjoy a state of affairs which by any decent standard they ought not to enjoy. And these methods, I think, are a real refinement on the older methods of terror, because they combine methods of terror with methods of acceptance. Among the various other methods which one can think of, there is, for example, the pharmacological method,... and the result would be that you can imagine a euphoric which would make people thoroughly happy even in the most abominable circumstances. I mean these things are possible!"

  con't at link above

You will know the truth & the truth will set you free


Can I just opt out of all this and start my own little society?


Like the ones in Berkley in the 60s? :)
Bad Wolf

glenn kangiser

Hey -- far out, man.

Come on over, Scott --- let's see what we can do.  I've already been trying.

"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin  http://countryplans.com/smf/index.php?topic=151.0

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New Spy Software Coming On-Line: "Surveillance in a Box" Makes its Debut

by Tom Burghardt

You've heard of the FBI's "Quantico Circuit" and were outraged by illegal warrantless wiretapping by Bushist minions. To no avail, you flooded Congress with emails and phone calls, angered by the bipartisan "FISA Amendments Act of 2008" and the swell party thrown by AT&T for "Blue Dog" Democrats in Denver this week for the convention.

But just in time for a new administration (and the bundles of cash always at the ready for the expanding homeland security market), comes a complete "surveillance in a box" system called the Intelligence Platform!

According to New Scientist, German electronics giant Siemens has developed software allegedly capable of integrating

    ...tasks typically done by separate surveillance teams or machines, pooling data from sources such as telephone calls, email and internet activity, bank transactions and insurance records. It then sorts through this mountain of information using software that Siemens dubs "intelligence modules". (Laura Margottini, "Surveillance Made Easy," New Scientist, 23 August 2008)

New Scientist reports that the firm has sold the system to some 60 countries in Europe and Asia. Which countries? Well, Siemens won't say.

However, privacy and human rights advocates say the system bears a remarkable resemblance to China's "Golden Shield," a massive surveillance network that integrates huge information databases, internet and email monitoring, speech and facial recognition platforms in combination with CCTV monitoring.

Designed specifically for "fusion centers" or their European/Asian equivalents, the Intelligence Platform promises to provide "real-time" high-tech tools to foil terrorist plots before they're hatched (or keep tabs on antiwar/antiglobalization activists).

The latest item in the emerging "intelligent" software niche market, Intelligence Platform has been "trained" on a large number of sample documents to zero in on names, phone numbers or places from generic text. "This means it can spot names or numbers that crop up alongside anyone already of interest to the authorities, and then catalogue any documents that contain such associates," New Scientist avers.

In the UK, the Home Office announced it plans to provide law enforcement, local councils and other public agencies access to the details of text messages, emails and internet browsing. This follows close on the heels of an announcement last May that New Labour was considering building a massive centralized database "as a tool to help the security services tackle crime and terrorism." According to The Guardian   con't @

Well, Internet 2 is quickly being implemented as Comcast starts to limit bandwidth - don't leave your computer on all day, especially with several open tabs on Mozilla Firefox or you might be looking at a huge bill...   

Comcast to make monthly Internet use cap official
Thursday August 28, 6:21 pm ET
Comcast to set official limit on Internet use to deter bandwidth hogs

NEW YORK (AP) -- Comcast Corp., the nation's second-largest Internet service provider, Thursday said it would set an official limit on the amount of data subscribers can download and upload each month.

On Oct. 1, the cable company will update its user agreement to say that users will be allowed 250 gigabytes of traffic per month, the company announced on its Web site.

Comcast has already reserved the right to cut off subscribers who use too much bandwidth each month, without specifying exactly what constitutes excessive use.

You will know the truth & the truth will set you free


So I couldn't open the "car spying on you" link, but dh has been *impressed* with OnStar's ability for years --and what California, apparently, has been wanting to do with it.  There is more than one reason why we will never own a new vehicle...

Stay-at-home, homeschooling mother of 6 in "nowhere" Alaska

glenn kangiser

It opened for me -- about black boxes - tattletales in cars -- Mine is and will likely always be too old - I hope.
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin  http://countryplans.com/smf/index.php?topic=151.0

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