Any Plans for Iran?

Started by Sassy, May 13, 2006, 06:30:43 PM

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In April 2006, the US National Command Authority issued orders for more than 20,000 US soldiers to prepare to deploy to the Persian Gulf within 48 hours of receiving an execute order from either GW Bush or Donald Rumsfeld. Generals fear "Persian Gulf Incident" trigger.


The fact they have a plan is just that , a plan.  Truth be known we have plans to attack just about every  country.  

 Wouldn't be prudent to not have many plans , for many countries .

  The Zero's (officiers ) in all military comands need something to keep them busy so the enlisted guys can get a little bit done , so they constantally are planning to do thier thing to some one , just a fact of military business.

Reporters and such just make it a big deal if they find out  ;D

 Just like every news network has a plan for a show when any famous politcal leader dies , when Sheron kicks off the news will be all most  "real time " with his bio.  

 Same sort of deal planning , lets hope it's a good plan and that it never gets used ;)


True, PEG, both that we have what-if plans for invading everybody--very likely even ourselves--true that every time the word gets out there's a big stink.



QuoteTrue, PEG, both that we have what-if plans for invading everybody--very likely even ourselves--true that every time the word gets out there's a big stink.


 But what ?? No planning , just hope it all works out , or plan to shut the barn after the horses all have run off ::)

 Besides what would all those Zero's do all day?  


But, do we trust this administration to have such a lovely plan for regime change in an axis of evil (and oil) country and not use it?

Or to have new freshly tested nuclear weapons and not use them?

Even if they're "just" DU coated ones (which seem to have been right nasty for our troops that come in to the area afterwards)


QuoteBut, do we trust this administration to have such a lovely plan for regime change in an axis of evil (and oil) country and not use it?

There is a plan in place , more than one.  So I'm sure your question is a moot point. Would I trust Al Gore any more than GWB ? I personally would not , who you trust is your business not mine.

But the fact you don't trust GWB is moot . Write your congressmen and senator , let them know of your concern.  Beyond that it pretty much out of your hands .



Or to have new freshly tested nuclear weapons and not use them?


 We have lots of weapons , have any been used (nukies) of late ? Again not much can be done except that letter/ call etc to elected officals.  


Even if they're "just" DU coated ones (which seem to have been right nasty for our troops that come in to the area afterwards)


  Got any facts? Other than left wing news reports ?

And I'm not happy with all that is going on in the middle east, not at all.

#1 Why didn't the guy who opened the hole Hussein not do the right thing ? Which in my opinion would have been to empty his weapon into said hole .

#2 Why can't we find Zarquie(sp)? And when we do he should be , ah no longer with us, IMO.  

#3 Why did Sharon give up so much of Gaza ?

#4 How much closer will Israel let Iran to getting a nuc built/ in the air ? Because if Iran builds one and it flys it will come down on Tel Aviv . IMO.

noted history of this Israeli action from :  

On July 7, 1981, the Israeli Air Force bombed the Iraqi nuclear reactor at Osiraq in an attempt to foil Iraqi efforts at producing an atom bomb.

 I could go on but it's to depressing really :'(

 I personally I'm not worried about us / US / using Nukes . If they are used by others , large scale , not small dirty bombs , I'm also sure we can retialate quickly with more / better / than most civilians in this country let alone the ones / one that would be on the recieving end can even fathom .

In fact ,right now , as  I type this,  ships are at sea and under the sea (think ICBM/ Boomers ) fully loaded ready to launch within 48 maybe 24 hours .

 Although I can neither confirm nor deny the existance of nuclear weapons on board any USN Man of war  ;)
And I sleep well at night  :)



The Hussien in the Spider hole was a staged photo op.

Zarqawi while probably originally real is simply a tool of fear to keep the US population in line.

Maybe left wing stories but seem to be more credible than the lies coming out of D.C.

Not working well as a 29% approval rating for the currently installed administration is reported.  How's that go-- You can fool some of the people some of the time....


Well if I was as unhappy / fearful of the Govt. as you seem to be ,  I would move to another country. Canada comes to mind .

As we've seen Panama was mostly a scam ::)

  You seem to have done pretty well under "the system " two houses , equip., business ,  etc in some part / way the protection the Govt. provides has allowed that . Wife works for the VA  :o :oHumm  :-/

Maybe Howard Hugh's old penthouse / building is still avaiable ?

Got to go watch the Grandson play some college golf and do the mothers day gig :),(even though my Mother is long since gone , Is it wife's day as well ?? ) don't over- throw the Govt. while I'm gone , and enjoy a safe / free day , God and Govt. willing.

Checks and balance , a fine line  ;)



I am happy with this country - Canada has the same problems.

Patriotism does not mean blindly following whatever primate is currently installed in office no matter what he does.

I think if he is overstepping the limits the founding fathers set up just so he can create unlimited wealth and power for himself and his cabal, no matter how invasive his NSA illegal spying is or how many of our children are maimed or die -- no matter how many innocents are killed around the world, no matter how many lies he foists upon the citizens  ---  I think we should have the guts to make it public knowledge and at least voice our disapproval.

The blind following and approval you suggest as being the correct move is exactly what Hitler's followers did.

Please explain to me how destroying Iraq and killing scores of thousands of innocent citizens there is protecting our country.  Please tell me how what we have accomplished there is worth one of our children losing a face, limb or life.  The main accomplishment in Iraq so far is to transfer billions of present and future tax dollars to the US corporate war machine and associates of the currently installed ruling party.  This happens while the children of lower and middle class America lose blood, limbs, minds and life.


PEG said:
QuoteChecks and balance , a fine line   ;)

That says it all, PEG!  It is the responsibility of the citizen to make sure that our constitution is not trampled on by any gov't "servant".  For the BIG picture...

The Globalization Strategy:  America & Europe in the Crucible

It is, indeed, depressing... I love my country, I respect the Veterans I work with for putting their lives on the line... my dad is a veteran with 30 yrs of service.  Most of the men & women who are in the military do it for good motives, to protect our country... that's not saying that our gov't leaders have the same motives all the time!   :-/

Blackwater USA Mercenaries

That is why it is MANDITORY that we stay informed & aware & not always look for the news that agrees with our party line.  I am not negative about our country & what it has stood for, I am very disillusioned about where our so-called "leaders" are taking us.  That is why I take an active role in contacting my representatives in Congress & the Senate & even Bush's office.  I also feel it is my responsibility to talk with others about information I find that is going against what our Founding Fathers had in mind for our country.  In that way I try to counter-balance information from both sides - I don't just accept the word of one side against the other, whether it be far left or far right.  I know there is "spin" by both sides.  

Or we can just sit back, enjoy our comforts & blessings until it all falls apart for our children & grandchildren so that they can try & pick up the pieces - to put it back together again.  Remember the nursery rhyme
Humpty Dumpty had a Great Fall?...  :-/

Depleted Uranium


In addition to Sassy's post including Blackwater, here is an article specifically detailing the use of them and Israeli mercenaries against US citizens in New Orleans.

I guess hiring mercs is a good way around the law?  All the more reason to limit the power of our public servants.


Here's some good books to read - I read them a couple years ago...

House of Bush House of Saud

The Halliburton Agenda

Light Force
"Brother Andrew's compelling new book introduces a third group of people in the midst of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict: Christians. Brother Andrew proves that Christian believers on both sides share in the only true hope for peace in the Middle East."

I need to get a good book on the Carlyle Group.  If anyone knows of one, let me know... or a good source on the internet.  

I am not against corporate America... or profits - I like to be paid well for the work I do as much as the next person  ;) - again, it goes back to "What do we want?"  There are a lot of people who think "Globalism" is the way to go...  & there is truth to that - the planet is getting smaller - the internet & travel has made it so, the world population is ever growing... we need to get along.  But who will be the global leaders?  What will be their goals?  Globalism will necessitate concentrating power to a smaller group - who will they be if "Joe Citizen" sits back & lets "others" do the leading?  

BTW, PEG, Glenn & I do almost 100% of the work ourselves, we don't spend any money to have cable TV, we don't smoke & rarely drink, we find great bargains, both with our land & equipment, Glenn is self-taught on all the various skills etc he has in building, equipment use & repair, computer etc, I went to college for my nursing degree, we use a lot of barter for things we need, we recycle... and yes, our great country has provided us with the freedom to do most of it, but if you look at the increasingly complex & punitive tax structure & regulations for virtually anything you do, there is no real freedom unless you learn to work around or use the system.  One of the subtle goals of our "leaders" has been to turn us into a nation of "entertainment freaks" & people who are dependent on the government for their subsistence.  When you come to that point, government is father & mother & we become the infants no longer able to care for ourselves.   :-/


Test for ya ,

 I'm a realist the test sez ;). See how you score  ;) For what it's worth ::)


Well, PEG, they put me in with the Liberals, but I don't totally fit there either.  I hate everything. :P


We had an interesting guy give a speech here last night--he'd been in charge of training local police in Iraq for a little over a year, came back just a few months ago.  He thought that the elections were inspiring.


Jimmy Carter and Woodrow Wilson are the poster boys for liberalism?