24 x 32 on Tug Hill NY

Started by nysono, June 27, 2011, 09:18:09 PM

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Can you use the extra green soffit material under the large front roof overhang?


Could always buy the box and then try to resell the stuff you don't use.



Jeez, just realized I havent written plans down for the weekend, I find it keeps me on track.
Plan to sheath gable ends, get windows and doors in.....if time allows start soffit.



Quote from: whatever on August 18, 2011, 07:16:11 AM
Can you use the extra green soffit material under the large front roof overhang?

Nah, Ive got other plans for that but that is next year


Quote from: pmichelsen on August 18, 2011, 07:50:36 AM
Could always buy the box and then try to resell the stuff you don't use.

yeah true but funds are drying up FAST.......


Well, we accomplished nearly all on the list....
gable ends are sheathed, all windows in except the basement and doors are in!!  A good weekend again.  Basement windows this week after work and get soffit ready for next week.  I will get the stove and pipe ordered so I just might reach my goal of being dried in and ready for the last inspection by Labor Day.  No pics yet, I didnt have time to download last night.


AHHHHHHHHHHH, success, we are dried in.  Chimney and stove pipe to go in this week and the big stuff is done for this year.  That is a good feeling.  I will get some pics tonight.



Do you have any pictures since the windows went in?


I will get some tonight.  Gotta frame some walls around stairs to basement and rock the master bedroom in for a little privacy this week.  Get stove situated and railings up then I can call for a final inspection and get my CO.  Days are definately getting shorter so after work time is getting cut down significantly....but so is the wallet so its all working out I guess.


Hey Steve, congrats on phase 1! You figure finishing the inside will be more fun than the shell? Once you rock a few walls, it's like "instant home" because of the space you've created. Can't say I enjoy spackling, but have fun!

PS. Post more photos! Would love to see more details of inside and outside features and space.



Ok finally got some pics to post, not as many and no action photos.  My camerawoman (wife) was not there when most of this was done

windows in.

stairs built to loft, photo is from middle of great room

our first attemp at stairs not to bad if I have to say so myself


stairs down to basement

basement from man door

wrap on

it is not very fun putting tyvek on alone, I did both gable ends above the 9' mark alone
notice the hammock in the foreground, my wife's favorite spot

its 32' to the peak from the ground on this side, glad I had the lift


soffit is up.....12' of F channel is lot easy to get leveled by yourself either, duct tape helps for a third hand.  Glad my stepdaughter came up that evening and is not afraid of heights or it would have taken me two nights...

view from the loft looking into great room

view out the loft windows, yup its half way up the trees.....


Ill post more as there is more progress, it has slowed down at this point and what is being done doesnt show like setting trusses or framing walls, its alot of hidden work right now.  Stove and chimney will be the big one this weekend I hope, maybe some railings for the deck.  I still have to think about the loft rails and am watching AdironDocs thread closely


Well we did manage to get the chimney up and the deck railing on.  We pick up the stove on Wednesday and hopefully it will go in Thursday evening.  Then its just the loft railing and some hand rails on the stairs and I can call for a final inspection and get my CO...... Shooting for next Tuesday for the final.  No free time for me this week for sure and I have to work at the hospital Saturday, got my work cut out for me.


Quote from: nysono on September 12, 2011, 09:05:25 PM
... and I can call for a final inspection and get my CO...... Shooting for next Tuesday for the final. 

I hate you.  ;)

I hope the humor can come across on the internet.


On a serious note, I noticed you don't have the insulation in yet.  Is this a seasonal residence?


It's really looking good!   :)

You will know the truth & the truth will set you free


Wow! Looks awesome and just in time for autumn. Even got an accent rug in.. lol. You were talking stove next?


Quote from: Squirl on September 12, 2011, 09:09:46 PM
On a serious note, I noticed you don't have the insulation in yet.  Is this a seasonal residence?

Yes it is a seasonal and since I am heating with wood I dont have to have insulation in before the final inspection.  If I was heating with anything else I would have to have that all done too.  I can insulate (and do other things) at my leisure (i.e. before snow flies which means a month or so.)


Quote from: Squirl on September 12, 2011, 09:07:11 PM
I hate you.  ;)

I hope the humor can come across on the internet.

Yes it did, I completely understand where your coming from...Block work is no fun and it seems like you will never get above ground but it will come together soon.  We laid 3 courses for a garage (a friends, not mine) 24 x 34 this past weekend and my back is still feeling it.


Quote from: AdironDoc on September 12, 2011, 10:24:03 PM
Wow! Looks awesome and just in time for autumn. Even got an accent rug in.. lol. You were talking stove next?

Yeah wood stove, a friend of my wife's gave us a stove, this one I believe..http://www.google.com/products/catalog?hl=en&q=us+stove+magnolia+2015&gs_upl=1313l7770l0l11319l14l11l0l1l1l0l297l2189l0.3.7l10l0&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&biw=1013&bih=550&wrapid=tlif131590894222010&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=10474678460607096018&sa=X&ei=WS1vTtG4M4fa0QHfxoyPCg&ved=0CCYQ8wIwAQ#
we have to pick it up wednesday night and hopefully install Thursday.  Supposed to be in the upper 30's this weekend at night so might get to use it a bit (if I didnt have to work)


We did get the stove in and all the railings up.  Had  the inspector stop and have to remedy a few things, nothing major at all.  Biggest pain was putting in a fire block in all stud bays (anything over 10' needs a block)  Just finishing those few things up now and will call for the review.  Should have a CO in a week....... Insulation starting tonight after work. I am not looking forward to that inchy mess at all.  Pics to come


Just a thought, Here there is a guy who will provide and install insulation cheaper than I can buy it. Might check around? I hate that itchy feeling.
West Tennessee