Just a kewl little house

Started by hobbiest, January 26, 2006, 02:57:40 AM

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This house is in the Santa Cruz area, and though I've driven by countless times, and worked on phones right next to it, I never noticed it until my wife spotted it a few weeks ago.  It is so kewl, I am not even allowed to spell the word right!  It reminds me of "the Burrow", where Harry Potter's friends the Weasley's live in the books.  I want it so bad, but I could never afford the price of the dirt that it is on.  Probably be something in the neighborhood of $600,000!


Here is the side.  Maybe when we do finally get done with the core rennovations, and get our property, I'll just build it.


I can just see it with every part of it painted a vivid (yet comfortably dark hued) color, and a combination of siding choices.  The roof, likewise, would be part thatch, part slate.  Some parts of the building would have to be timberframed, with whitewashed cob infill though.


Looks like a Sea Captian's home away from home.  Is that a lobster pot in the yard?


Kinda neat.. But I wouldn't pay $60,000 for it let alone $600,000..... Damn real estate is out of whack in CA.


Yeah, that kind of price tag makes me sick.  I grew up here, and I'll never be able to afford to buy a house here.  Too many people now anyway.  I want to build some crazy houses.  One that looks like it has sunk a few feet into the ground on one corner, and the whole outside looks neglected, old yet cool, and then you would walk into the house an the inside is totally chic.  I would like to build a house that is bigger at the top than the bottom (multi story), and has an off kilter roof.  An I would like to go into a subdivision from the 70's, in a real suburban market, and remodel a corner house to be a two story victorian.  The front door would move to the side of the house, which would put the garage on the new side of the house.  In the same neighborhood, I would like to do the same kind of thing with a total craftsman bungelow as the new design.  I get too much time to think!  And I am a bit weird and crazy too!


I though I had a corner on the wierd and crazy market. :)


You're right... that is kewl...

The owner probably wants to build something nice on that property. So offer to haul it away for him...



Reminds me of a nursing home I did a septic system for.  All the houses around it used to belong to this property as it was an estate run by nuns...had clay tennis courts and a saltwater pool.  Anyways, one neighbor gave the nursing home a lot of grief as an abutter.  She lived in what used to be the dog kennels and her house was very similar to that.  I would venture a guess that the upper part may be up there because that puts it over the floodzone and/or velocity zone?  That was the reasoning for hers anyways.


there is no flood or velocity zone in this part of town.  the house is on a property with another, regular house that was built in maybe the 50's.  This little place just looks like somebody's experiment!  There is a for sale sign, but I don't know what for, the main house and land, or one of the new tract houses behind.


You're going to have to ask!  And then tell us.