Dogtrot at Hightop

Started by Redoverfarm, November 25, 2007, 08:34:07 PM

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The Cast Iron Skillet rack/light is finished

Skillet hooks

Skillet Handle grip was made by a friend who is also a CP member(ChuckinVA)


Nice iron work by ChuckinVa!  [cool]
Just because something has been done and has not failed, doesn't mean it is good design.


Well it's been some time since I last posted .  It appears that winter has finally caught up.  Recent temperatures have been in the mid 20's dipping to single digits. 

I decided to shut Dogtrot down for the winter.  The solar has really a blessing this summer.  The generator has only came on twice and that was because of night use.  Even then it only ran for a little over 2 hrs each time.  The ending voltage was 54.4 volts when shut down .  About the same as last year only to be put back in line in April at 51.4 volts .

I almost forgot something.  In June 2023 I was diagnosed with bladder cancer.  Chemo was the weapon of choice for 5 months followed by radical cystechnomy surgery in January 2024.  It turned into a lifestyle change but for the best as they say " I'm still on the right side of the grass".  Just ending the last of a year of Immunotherpy next month. I feel good just trying to gain my weight back and battling the annoying side effects.  

Just glad that for the most part the build in Dogtrot is finished with the exception of add ons ,improvements and enjoyment.

I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving and that your have a Merry Christmas.


Yes its been very cold in PA as well until yesterday, now we have 3 days of rain but we need it pretty badly so no complaints here....

Sorry to hear about your diagnosis however it sounds like you are coming out on the other side which is great news!  

Merry Christmas!


Good to hear from you John. I'm sorry for the bum diagnosis but it sounds like you are beating it back. I'm just back from a trip to blackbeards lair visiting the folks. Dad is now 90 and Mom is 88, both in good health and spirits. We had the cold blast and have been warmer the past few days. I got about 20 trees to the mill after the snow and sawed today when the rain came.