My TN land

Started by swampbuck, December 31, 2010, 09:19:36 AM

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New here thought I would post a little story ...

I looked high and low for property in several states for many months. At first I went the FSBO route which was largely unproductive. I had a certain amount of cash money to spend no payments for me I like to live debt free..

Then I stumbled across land and farm .com or is it farm and land .com????{anyway it don't matter} A whole new world opened up to me.. I concentrated my search mainly in the southeast as we live near ATL now and I wanted property I could get to relativity quick ie:less then a half day.

We looked it west TN West KY parts of MO and ARK as this is where the cheapest land is, GA  AL and the Carolinas were too expensive. We wanted to stay around or under $1500 an ac and there is a lot of it out there.

Finally we settled our search on the area between Nashville and Memphis.. And after looking at several tracts we purchased 80ac of wooded land near Clifton TN just north of Savanna TN and near the Tennessee river .We paid $85k the owner was asking $109k but cash talks..

It was timbered off years ago and has grown back nicely. I will also add they did not cut the hollows or creek bottoms which are full of mature timber. There are many awesome home sites, but we plan on building a weekend/bug out cabin first..

yellow gas line.. brown trails.. blue is a spring..

gas line

cut over looking back at my property

another view from gas line,

It is surrounded by 3000 ac that is being cut into large tract 20 to 50 ac.. The people that are buying them are building second homes..


Hey Neighbor,

We just closed on 15 acres just outside of Hohenwald, Tn. Paid a little bit more than you $2k an acre, but we are very happy with the purchase!!!!


nice looking place. 

Looks like some decent elevation changes on the place by looking at the pictures.  I love the visual flow of green hills. 

From the picture, it appears your landlocked?  Do you have an easement to allow you ingress/egress from the property? 

That gas line will make a fantastic hunting lane, those long sendero setups are very effective for getting deer in thick brush areas. 

Oh yeah,  w*


Quote from: muldoon on December 31, 2010, 11:45:52 AM

From the picture, it appears your landlocked?  Do you have an easement to allow you ingress/egress from the property?  

It's not land locked the lite green to the south is a county maintained gravel/chert rd.. It runs to the southeast and intersects with a a paved rd to that comes out of Clifton to the north.The part that goes to the north dead ends. So access is not a problem... After selling real estate many years ago I learned to shy away from easements .. And As of right now my nearest neighbor is about 2 miles away

I jumped several deer while walking the property and found a few turkey tracks.. By next deer season I should have my cabin built and be ready. The gas company mows the line several times a year so yeah I will have box blind on it..


Here is a shot of the rd to the SE that was cut in a turned over to the county.