It may soon be a reality

Started by lillybean, December 08, 2005, 09:48:16 AM

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We're waiting on Christmas bonus.  I think I finally talked (ie. nagged) my dh into letting me buy the materials (if the bonus is big enough, we aren't sure yet) finally to build my building in my backyard.  Yes, bout time!  

Seems like it's been so long since I been here (*waves* at everyone), not even sure if anyone remembers me, lol.  

So this is what it would be like: built of metal and tin to butt up to dh's shop, and match his tin.  Easier for dh to build, he's basically built his 30x60 shop almost entirely by himself.  One wall will be butted up next to the long side of his shop (thereby reducing the need for one walls worth of supplies, just insulation and inside finishing).  We're contemplating making a door between his shop and my little retreat and putting a bathroom in it, not sure yet.  The good news is there is water and sewer right beside where my building will be, and dh knows exactly where they are, so if we go that way it's do-able.  The other good is his shop already has electric ran through it, so it'd be easy to run my own from the breaker box to my building, since they're touching.  

Here's the 'I dunno' part....    Last year I checked with the city, this town is zoned out the wazoo!  Oklahoma, go figure.  Ugh...  I got the 'it has to have a cement slad poured or anchored, have a permit and inspections every step' blah blah blah.  I got disheartened last year about it and near gave up.  Now, this may offend some of you, cover your eyes.... ;D   *screw them!*  Just mad at the system and gonna go 'off the books' with this one.  We will anchor the posts, it will be built post and pier type.  Will try to get as close to their specs as possible, just in case.  Not gonna get a permit, not gonna tell them greedy a-holes either.    8-)

Here's my question:  Now if they really get to be butts about it, exactly how much sq ft do I make it under?  I forgot and am now confused, is it 120 sq ft or 200 sq ft?  Do they usually include a porch on this sq ft?  I'd ask them...  but hey, don't want them checking up on me, eh? lol  

I took some pics of the area, will try to upload 'em later.   See yall round


Okay, got some pics I can add.  The first is looking out my back door looking west, this is what I see.  That's the long side of the shop where my little retreat will be.  Notice towards the right along the shop, there's a water hydrant, dh put that there, it's where the water and sewer are.   :)


This second pic is looking north across the expanse of yard.  The shop is to the left and the patio is too far right to get in the picture.  Plenty of room!!


Consider "portable" or "temporary," e.g. a building on skids.  See what the manufactured ones look like.  Quite common around here.

But you could build it.  Maybe easier than building on a permanent foundation.  You'd get to tie it down somehow for tornado protection--seems like I've seen systems.

Most places it's sround 200 sf.  But localities could change that.

glenn kangiser

I like your attitude, Lillybean.  Sizes without permits may vary - some 200 - some 120 -other sizes???- Some allow RV shelters with no permit - some people then enclose them and do what they want.  I can't tell you to do this - it's up to you -- I do what I want -- I may get to have a big fight some day-- I just view it as recreation then go for it.  

The first time I got caught took over 20 years - I allowed the assesor to come on the property because I wasn't aware at the time that I could refuse.  He was nice enough and credited me for my trees  and charged me for the addition - it was a wash on charges.  They were charging me for vines which get taxed more - I only had trees on the property.
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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