How Clever!

Started by RainDog, January 26, 2010, 07:46:49 AM

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Lotta accomplices too!

The Pentagon, WHO, Rotary International, Center for Diseases [sic],  the ICC Control [sic], UNICEF, and the World Bank.

Oh, Bill and Melinda Gates.

People actually believe this kind of stuff.




   I can't imagine that the Gates would have a Zionist connection.  Purposely sickening the Asian people.

   We seem to have plenty of left over Swine Flu Vaccinations. . .   Perhaps, that will also get sent overseas.

    . . . said the focus was safety, not filling town coffers with permit money . . .


Quote from: bayview on January 26, 2010, 08:11:10 AM

  I can't imagine that the Gates would have a Zionist connection.  Purposely sickening the Asian people.

  We seem to have plenty of left over Swine Flu Vaccinations. . .   Perhaps, that will also get sent overseas.


Could crate it up for shipment with some of this stuff:

(Sung to the tune of Tom Jones' Sex Bomb)

Sex gum sex gum love my sex gum
You can give it to me, when I need to come along
Sex gum sex gum love my sex gum
And baby you can turn me on.




 Oh, and...

 WWII was staged. It never really happened. The Illuminati employed elaborate special effects, stage magic, and phony journalism to scare the world into pacifism.

The early Middle Ages (614-911 A.D.) never occurred. Everything that supposedly happened during those years was either a misunderstanding, an event from a different era, or an outright lie - Charlemagne, for instance, is a fictional figure. We are actually living in the 1700s.



Which pill was I going to take?


Quote from: RainDog on January 26, 2010, 08:57:50 AM
Oh, and...

 WWII was staged. It never really happened. The Illuminati employed elaborate special effects, stage magic, and phony journalism to scare the world into pacifism.

The early Middle Ages (614-911 A.D.) never occurred. Everything that supposedly happened during those years was either a misunderstanding, an event from a different era, or an outright lie - Charlemagne, for instance, is a fictional figure. We are actually living in the 1700s.

Well, that certainly explains quite a lot.  Now I know why my dishwasher keeps breaking... it has not been invented yet!
"Officium Vacuus Auctorita"


Quote from: RainDog on January 26, 2010, 08:57:50 AM

 WWII was staged. It never really happened. The Illuminati employed elaborate special effects, stage magic, and phony journalism to scare the world into pacifism.

;D Reminds me of a Family Guy joke

"Just don't go saying that down at the VA.  They are really committed to the lie."

glenn kangiser

My wife works at  the VA.....  She takes care of damaged veterans on a daily basis while working.

The WHO is currently being investigated in the for profit  fake swine flue pandemic.

"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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 :D :D

What we really need is a conspiracy theory vaccine.
Rwanders lived in Southcentral Alaska since 1967
Now lives in St Augustine, Florida


Just because something has been done and has not failed, doesn't mean it is good design.

glenn kangiser

Likely it would be another population control attempt by the elite ....  [waiting]
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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That's why they're funding the research and development of super realistic silicon robotic "love" dolls.  8)


Quote from: pagancelt on January 27, 2010, 11:55:39 AM
That's why they're funding the research and development of super realistic silicon robotic "love" dolls.  8)

And when they're produced, women of the world will discover whether the saying "If they didn't have ****s, we'd throw rocks at 'em." is really a joke or not.

glenn kangiser

This is why the conspiracy theorists are necessary. 

The government along with big business often manage to pull the wool over the eyes of people who trust them.

WHO was involved in this conspiracy (composed of our politicians in a lot of the world and big business) that is just now being investigated.... It stole billions of taxpayer dollars and another part of our freedom....

It put those dollars from taxpayers into the pockets of the politicians invested in big business.  Barky owns stock in big pharma. 

Rummy bought a new mansion by Cheney when his sneering little face fooled non-conspiracy theorists the first time a few years ago.
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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Quote from: glenn kangiser on January 27, 2010, 09:29:24 PM

The source quoted in that article is Wolfgang Wodarg, German physician and politician. He's always the one quoted in these fake-pandemic articles.



Australia's chief medical officer, Dr Jim Bishop, called Wodarg's claims "historically and medically inaccurate,"


Dr Gregory Poland, MD, director of the Mayo Clinic's Vaccine Research Group in Rochester, Minn., told CIDRAP News that though he has no knowledge of interactions drug companies might have had with governments in Europe, Wodarg's claims are "preposterous."

"The idea that pharmaceutical companies made official agencies squander their resources is ludicrous," he said.

"Vaccine stockpiles are like insurance policies," he said. "You're talking about the health and welfare of entire nations."


"It's absolutely irresponsible and plain nonsense," said Michael T. Osterholm, PhD, MPH, director of the University of Minnesota's Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy.

He likened the criticisms to complaining after a category 3 hurricane about having spent the money to build levees for a category 5 event. "I'd much rather be in that position than the other way around," he said.


"I feel the US did a highly credible job in making early vaccine production and purchasing decisions, assessing and reassessing needs, adjusting high risk definitions, and modifying vaccine recommendations, all as knowledge of the novel H1N1 continued to emerge," said Walter R. Dowdle, MD, a former deputy director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), who is director of the Malarone Donation Program and a consultant to the World Health Organization on its polio eradication initiative.



Occam's Razor: The simplest of two or more competing theories is preferable and that an explanation for unknown phenomena should first be attempted in terms of what is already known.

I ask, which is more likely, that this politician Wodarg is full of BS, or that everyone else is?

glenn kangiser

I think the fact that the pandemic did not happen is evidence that he is correct.

This article is also regarding the fake pandemic and I did not find Wodarg's name.

It is often that there is only one voice exposing corruption and profit taking by scare mongering big industry and big money.  It is also common for them to want to protect their own interests and pocketbooks therefore many more will say he is not speaking the truth.

I don't see where killing the messenger (Wodarg) makes the ripoff any less severe.  He has enough points that the British government is investigating the scam.  He was not the only one reporting the corruption.

"Also giving evidence, Professor Ulrich Keil, a WHO adviser on heart disease, said the decision had led to a 'gigantic misallocation' of health budgets."

This was at an inquiry into the corruption.  Not simply a statement that there was corruption.

"With just 250 or so deaths in Britain and 14,000 worldwide, the WHO is being asked to account for its actions.

The Government is now trying to off-load millions of jabs it ordered at the height of the scare."

The fact that most of the WHO advisers had conflicts of interest (were from or representing big pharma) should have raised a lot of eyebrows.

"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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Quote from: glenn kangiser on January 27, 2010, 11:49:59 PM
I think the fact that the pandemic did not happen is evidence that he is correct.

Does the fact that you didn't die in an automobile accident yesterday prove that you shouldn't drive safely, soberly, and wear a safety belt?

Quote from: glenn kangiser on January 27, 2010, 11:49:59 PM
This article is also regarding the fake pandemic and I did not find Wodarg's name.

There's nothing in that article about a "fake pandemic". It's concerning the cost of preparation for the flu pandemic and whether too much was spent in over-reaction.

Quote from: glenn kangiser on January 27, 2010, 11:49:59 PM
 He was not the only one reporting the corruption.

"Also giving evidence, Professor Ulrich Keil, a WHO adviser on heart disease, said the decision had led to a 'gigantic misallocation' of health budgets."

That quote in context:

Also giving evidence, Professor Ulrich Keil, a WHO adviser on heart disease, said the decision had led to a 'gigantic misallocation' of health budgets.
'We know the great killers are hypertension, smoking, high cholesterol, high body mass index, physical inactivity and low fruit and vegetable intake,' he said.

He's shilling for his own specialty, as his position demands. No accusations of corruption.
Quote from: glenn kangiser on January 27, 2010, 11:49:59 PM
This was at an inquiry into the corruption.  Not simply a statement that there was corruption.

There's no mention in that article of corruption at all. It's simply reporting costs and that there are questions as to whether there was an over-reaction

Quote from: glenn kangiser on January 27, 2010, 11:49:59 PM
"With just 250 or so deaths in Britain and 14,000 worldwide, the WHO is being asked to account for its actions.


"It's absolutely irresponsible and plain nonsense," said Michael T. Osterholm, PhD, MPH, director of the University of Minnesota's Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy.

He likened the criticisms to complaining after a category 3 hurricane about having spent the money to build levees for a category 5 event. "I'd much rather be in that position than the other way around," he said.

Quote from: glenn kangiser on January 27, 2010, 11:49:59 PM
The Government is now trying to off-load millions of jabs it ordered at the height of the scare."

Well, that makes sense.


glenn kangiser

It would be fine if there was a real pandemic and a real credible threat. 

The point I see here is that there were insiders telling the WHO to lower their standards and declare a pandemic and bending to the big Pharma advisers, they did even though more people die from common flu.  It looks like a duck.... WHO complied with their wishes. 

Amid lots of reports that the untested vaccine was more dangerous than the flu, the rule of follow the money says there was insider promotion for profit.  Advisers from companies that stand to profit by millions if not billions are not by any stretch of imagination unbiased.

On the other hand, blowing the whistle on them does not make anybody money.  There is not the same motivation for corruption there.
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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Quote from: glenn kangiser on January 28, 2010, 01:08:15 AM
It would be fine if there was a real pandemic and a real credible threat.  

The point I see here is that there were insiders telling the WHO to lower their standards and declare a pandemic and bending to the big Pharma advisers, they did even though more people die from common flu.  It looks like a duck.... WHO complied with their wishes.  

Amid lots of reports that the untested vaccine was more dangerous than the flu, the rule of follow the money says there was insider promotion for profit.  Advisers from companies that stand to profit by millions if not billions are not by any stretch of imagination unbiased.

On the other hand, blowing the whistle on them does not make anybody money.  There is not the same motivation for corruption there.

Glenn, the problem is that no matter what happened you'd see evidence of conspiracy. Had things played out in just the opposite way, had we ended up with a global disaster akin to the 1918-1919 Spanish flu pandemic, you'd have cried conspiracy, "follow the money", and claimed it was a plot to reduce the planet's population.

Every single newsworthy event, apparently even completely natural geological phenomenon, are evidence of some nefarious plot, it seems.

There is plenty in this world to fear, distrust, and rage about without concocting at every corner these massive sinister geopolitical plots. It's a distraction from what we should be concentrating on, and trivializes healthy skepticism.

The main problem with conspiracy theories is that they foster a mind-set of paranoia and national division unnecessarily. Societies in which conspiracy theories become the primary explanations for events are unhealthy places.

Not that I don't enjoy the heck out of the discussion.   ;)



I think raindog has been planted by the government to discredit us.  d*

glenn kangiser

 ???  That may be possible, Scott.  :)

Raindog, this discussion is the perfect example of why America is being sucked down the tubes at light speed.

My view is that if we are not constantly on their case that they will do what politicians and big business seem to do best.  That is to make a profit to benefit them, no matter what the consequences for the people of the country, mainly the middle and lower class.

The politicians and big business are well aware that the American public are a brainwashed, government educated, intentionally dumbed down group of sheeple who will believe everything they say at least in quantities large enough to see to it that there is no legitimate investigation of their crimes.  

They can even put their own insiders in charge of corruption investigations and we will not complain most of the time.  Our watchdog groups can scream their lungs out and the sedated, drugged, drunk, entertained masses will just sit there and flick to another channel with the remote because it is much easier than complaining about it or hoping something will change.  

CHANGE.... hardly... more like business as usual.  Continue every scam in the book right on the schedule of the puppet masters because the spineless people have no energy or desire to accept any more than what is handed out to them.  They will not question the lies and corruption no matter how blatant.  Any legitimate new  politician is quickly blackballed or set up so they will no longer make noise against the machine.

No wonder the financial system was able to steal all of the money they loaned us that they did not have, leveraged 10 times over so they could profit from the interest and get free money from the government that they have no intention of paying back. They don't even feel they have to tell us how much they got and who got it, and then they expect us to pay back the loans anyway.

Free money, giant bonuses continue and they still get to collect on the exorbitant coerced borrowing by the dummies who wanted everything the big boys have, but could not afford it.  They were not smart enough to realize what was going to be done to them and the elite knew that.  

They know we do not have the balls to check them out and they own our politicians because all of them are looking out for their own interests and investments.  It doesn't matter.  No one will call them on the carpet because, the way it was slipped in they can simply call a spade a spade --- the people were stupid enough to let them do it and will not investigate.

At this point here is a story that may help some who were sucked in.

Here is a link that may help also

Don't feel bad if you are stuck with a house now worth 1/3 of its former value and have to use the above services and ideas.  You were set up to borrow more than you could ever possibly pay back.  The crash was engineered to make the rich richer and the poor poorer.  Damn all of those who fell through the cracks.  The banks have already been paid by the American public, who unwillingly agreed through their lying, self serving, conflicted interest, investment protecting congress critters.  Good luck to you.  Hope someone is able to benefit.  

No wonder big business, big pharma, the WHO, the military industrial complex continues to steal our grandchildren's taxes into the distant future.  We as a group are exactly the group of mindless cattle wandering aimlessly as they herd us in any direction they want.  Soon it will be round up time and they will all profit off of our weight gain over the years.  We are working for them but all we have to do is sit back and eat,  No cow in its right mind would question the cowboy and if one gets aggressive and challenges too often or persistently, no problem, it will be eaten at the next cowboy barbecue.

That is why there is no accountability.  There is no group of American people who will stop the wholesale ripoff of the middle class by the elite and they know it.  We do not want to even think that we are stupid enough to get screwed so badly.  We will allow them to do anything they want while we simply roll over and play dead....

Sit back.. don't question.... label all dissenters as conspiracy theorists...after all, questioning the system is un-American..... [waiting]
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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 Um... I concur that people should have a healthy skepticism and distrust of government and big business, and that there certainly should be adequate, yet not overbearing, oversight, regulations, and controls.

But, it's quite a stretch to go from that to saying that the earthquake in Haiti was caused by the evil US government's secret earthquake machine in order to facilitate a massive invasion under the cloak of humanitarian aid to steal oil that no reputable petroleum geologist believes exists.

Don't ya think?

glenn kangiser

May be a thing that will remain to be seen.  Funny that we were already staged there.  Funny that HAARP was on high for the two days preceeding the quake until just an hour or so before it happened but off several days before and after the event.  We admit that we have earthquake causing capability but would never use it.

No proof of anything but it looks like we have just annexed another poor country.

"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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glenn kangiser

I see you are beginning to understand, Raindog... :)
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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