
Started by Homegrown Tomatoes, April 03, 2009, 09:52:29 AM

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Homegrown Tomatoes

Because guineas in the sunroom were just not enough to clean up after....

DH promised DDs that when we moved out of the city they could have a cat again.  It's been about four years since our cat died, but DD still remembers him and has been pestering us forever for another cat.   Our old cat and the dog were the best of friends.  DH is horribly allergic to cats, but a barn cat is OK, and he just started on allergy shots which will hopefully help his allergies to improve over time.  Anyway, we went yesterday to borrow a trailer from my uncle to haul material to build a chicken coop this weekend.  When we got there, we realized that the electrical hookups were incompatible and the adapter he had wouldn't work, either.  However, my aunt had promised to give her cat, Blue-eyed Kitty, to the girls next time we were down, so true to her word, she gave us the friendly, laid-back snowshoe with blue eyes.  Now, I am truly a dog person, but don't mind cats if they behave themselves, and she seemed like she'd be OK as DD dragged her all over the place, hugging and kissing on her.  Anyway, we got home last night and I wanted to try to let her out to check out her new territory, and put her on a leash so she wouldn't run off.  First thing, she flew at my dog.  Who knew cats could fly???  She attacked him, and of course, he returned and I had to pull them off each other, and then the cat ran up under DH's car and climbed inside the bumper and sat there hissing and growling and making all sorts of awful noise.  I finally was able to drag her out, but was halfway afraid to touch her because she was crouched and ready to spring and still growling.  I finally got her back in the cat carrier and decided it would be best for her safety as well as the dog's to leave her penned overnight.  The girls have been out there this morning trying to coax her out of the cage, and she doesn't seem too keen on budging.  Hope that everyone can learn to get along!!!!  She is a really pretty cat... I'll have to take a picture before the dogs eat her. ::)

glenn kangiser

Sassy's cat is a very poor excuse for a cat, but she likes me so I have to put up with her.... the cat likes me I mean.... [waiting]
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Homegrown Tomatoes

Well, Blue-eyed Kitty decided she'd best start earning her keep today.  We got home from church to find a field mouse she'd left us as a present right in front of the garage.  Good cat.  She's convinced the dog that she is in charge now, too.


She sounds like a good kitty!  We have 2 kitties that look like what you described that Glenn got from someone - they are fairly wild but we feed them, they let Glenn pet them sometimes & I'm hopeful that they also get mice & rats...  doesn't seem like we've had as many this year, anyway.

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Homegrown Tomatoes

She caught a mole this morning, but we've not seen her. 
She just left her present by the woodpile.   ::)  I called her and didn't even hear her hollering back from the cedar trees, so hopefully she is just out hunting something else.  The girls have a theory that she is going for a squirrel.

Homegrown Tomatoes

 :P  I think maybe she got the squirrel.  Something outside smells dead!!  The cat came back this morning for some petting and some cat food and water, and to glare at the dog with her pale blue eyes.  I took pics of her the other day but haven't downloaded them yet.  I'll have to do that at the same time I download the first pics of our chicken house building project.  We got the foundation and floor done on Saturday, and yesterday DH built a couple of walls, but we haven't raised them into place yet.  The ticks are TERRIBLE in the spot we're building so I can't wait to move the guineas into their new home and put them to work!!!  We must have killed a dozen or more ticks while we were working, and still we found some crawling on us when we came in for the day.  Today the weather is nice again, and still for a change, so it is the perfect day to build.  Wish us well!


Don't forget the cat when it comes to tick treatments.  Especially if she is doing a good job with the small fury objects.

Homegrown Tomatoes

Don't worry, she and the doggies are already treated... we're starting out early this spring with the bugs being pretty bad because it was such a mild winter.  Yesterday, my mom's dog died, and I can't help but wonder if it was something preventable like heartworms or some tick-borne or flea-borne disease or parasite... she isn't the best at keeping up with treatments for stuff like that.   :-\  It's sad, he was such a big friendly, goofy dog, and so pretty too.  Anyway, I just don't want anything like that happening to our critters.  Cat is getting friendlier and coming up to the house more, and she's been killing about a rodent per day that we know of... who knows how many she is getting that we don't see?  She's definitely gotten fatter since we got her... she was pretty lean when my aunt and uncle had her.  She has gotten past the extreme fear of the dogs and has moved toward utter disdain for them, and the dogs, who originally were determined to run her off, have become almost oblivious to her presence. 


SO the cat has a disdain for the dogs, hmmm that sounds about right! She feels at home or I should say she is tolerating the dogs living at her home. heh