smoked cornbread?

Started by Homegrown Tomatoes, March 28, 2009, 05:28:00 PM

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Homegrown Tomatoes

Got a big fire roaring in the fireplace today and the house was so hot that the central heat never did kick in all day or even last night  during the night (though we're having a "blizzard.")  It got so hot in here today that I decided I didn't want to turn on the oven to bake, so I'd just bake some cornbread to go with the beans in the dutch oven in the coals of the fire once it died down a bit.    Now, I've done the same thing many times over an open fire with good results.  However, the coals were hotter than I realized and the bread baked faster than it would've in a 450 degree oven.  One side of the bottom was burned (pretty badly :-\)  However, the part that wasn't burned is really good... it has a nice smoky flavor ;)


Homegrown Tomatoes

Four out of five really liked it.  Middle daughter said honestly, "Mama, this cornbread is just so bad I can't stand to eat it.  It tastes like fire."  DH devoured the whole pan of it.