They're calling for it!

Started by Sassy, January 10, 2009, 04:08:02 PM

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Socialism my know it. Let the papers go down. The days of CEO's getting rich needs to come to a grinding halt. We'll see what happens...We need free speech!  [chainsaw] even if we have to fight for it. If we are truly a democracy the government should not be in control of ALL the content that is reported. Yikes!
The wilderness is a beautiful thing for the soul. Live free or die.

glenn kangiser

Democracy is a bit of a misnomer for The Republic For Which It Stands.  A republic has controls on government... limits to prevent what is going on now.  Democracy is what they want - mob rule.  51 percent controls 100%  Makes it easy for the fascists to rule as they are doing.

We were founded as a Republic... not a democracy.  We are supposed to be a Republic...not a democracy. 

Why do the current Republicans want to be Democrats anyway? hmm  rofl
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We already have socialism they just aren't admiting it yet. They call it democracy instead but thats not true either since the votes don't really count. We are getting very close to a Stalinism like system. We'll never see true communism.

Pox Eclipse

Democracy and socialism are not mutually exclusive.  There are many nominally socialist countries who are broadly considered democracies; Great Britain, Sweden, France, et al.


Good point Pox Eclipse. That is true. ScottA, yes, it is so sad that our votes don't really count. That's not how this country was intended to operate.
This new Administration ought to be interesting....things are quite a mess. I wonder how Bush feels about all this? H and W....
The wilderness is a beautiful thing for the soul. Live free or die.