Anybody feel like watching a short Indiana Jones spoof?

Started by Ernest T. Bass, May 15, 2008, 09:35:42 PM

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Ernest T. Bass

'Cuz it just so happens that we recently filmed a short Indiana Jones spoof! That... you can... watch.  d*

Our family's homestead adventure blog; sharing the goodness and fun!

Ernest T. Bass

Thanks. Wish my internet connection was as fast as yours...  ;D

Our family's homestead adventure blog; sharing the goodness and fun!


Shoot Ernest when I had dial-up I wouldn't have been able to do what you did. Mine would have timed out before I got half of it loaded.  Tried to send photos before and it took 5 minutes for one. Never tried more than that as they would never go.  Maybe some day.  I never thought I would have it either but I tried and it just worked. I am on the tail end of the transmission distance and wasn't sure.  Neighbor about 1/2 mile further never could get his to work right. He ended up going with Hughesnet $$$$$$

Ernest T. Bass

We're on the end of the DSL line, 8 miles from town... Pretty surprising that it goes that far in our area, but it's really not as fast as it's supposed to be..

Our family's homestead adventure blog; sharing the goodness and fun!


it is getting a bit ridiculous... Harrison ford is pushing 70

glenn kangiser

That was really great, Andrew.  We enjoyed it.  Very professional.
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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Homegrown Tomatoes

Ernest, enjoyed it, and I bet your kids did too.  Would you mind if I shared the link with my cousin and his wife who are homeschooling their four girls?  My cousin is in broadcasting and filming, and he's always talked about doing something like this, but he's been pretty busy filming Ron Paul PSAs and pro-life stuff, so I don't think he's gotten around to doing it yet, but I bet this would encourage him to do it.  Well done.

glenn kangiser

Andrew (Ernest) is 18 I think -- right - Andrew?  and those are his brothers and sisters - I forget which ones were all in the film.

Andrew, is this the type of thing we have to look forward to from the home schooled kids?

Who will do the graffiti, sell the drugs, steal and in general tear up the city at night.  Don't you kids have any gangs you can join for protection from the other gangs?  Who will teach you how to shoplift, hold up a store, how to get out of jail and have your own parole officer.  That's ultra cool -- then you'd be tough.

If you kids run around making movies, making houses, buildings, learning survival techniques and how to support yourself, doing things that may be useful in making a living later in life as well as right now, you may be guilty of taking away jobs from people who specialize in just one thing- spend their lives learning one trade as encouraged by government schooling.  They also support lots of other people who specialize. 

Aren't you concerned that you may have an unfair advantage over the ones who limit their knowledge to one major in college?  You are too diverse.  You may put some of the people who run the welfare and social services out of business.   

What will the social workers do if you kids don't learn to be a bit evil and keep spending your time staying out of trouble doing useful things.  Don't you care about the parasite trades? 

What about the unions?  You are guilty of learning electricity, and plumbing, and carpentry.  You know that if you were union you would have committed a major crime-- be fined -- banned - deep doo-doo.  A plumber cannot so much as pick up a hammer on a union job.  They have guys who run around watching for stuff like that, in fact, they rat each other out.  The contract you sign limits your future - you cannot leave and do the same trade for years without legal consequences.  Have you no scruples? 

Just asking Andrew.  You are growing up much as I did.  Great job - carry on- keep your eyes open.  I'm glad you are not a victim of modern society and I'm proud of you and your family. :)

I'm glad you are learning to survive as our government destroys and assists taking  the values of the last few jobs left in America down to such a low that the middle class will not be able to make ends meet if they are not flexible.
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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Andrew, I thought the film was great!  Kept me on the edge of my seat & the photography was very creative.  Imagine my surprise when DH told me you were only 18 y/o  :o  I was like HG, thought you were the dad, ever since you started on CP.   What is homeschooling doing to you???   c* [cool]

You will know the truth & the truth will set you free


BTW, Glenn wanted me to say that public school isn't all bad - he's a product of it  :o heh  And I am a product of it...  all of our grandchildren but one go to public schools, all our children went to public schools...  but if you have the desire & ability - homeschooling seems like a wonderful alternative.   :)

You will know the truth & the truth will set you free

Homegrown Tomatoes

Wow, I had no idea you were so young... that makes it even more impressive. 

My cousin and his best friend did a few of their own short films when they were in high school, but nothing quite so technically challenging.  My favorite was their "cooking show" where the two of them filmed themselves baking (and burning, quite literally) chocolate chip cookies.  They also did some music video spoofs that were pretty funny.

Ernest T. Bass

Quote from: Homegrown Tomatoes on May 16, 2008, 09:27:41 AM
Ernest, enjoyed it, and I bet your kids did too.  Would you mind if I shared the link with my cousin and his wife who are homeschooling their four girls?  My cousin is in broadcasting and filming, and he's always talked about doing something like this, but he's been pretty busy filming Ron Paul PSAs and pro-life stuff, so I don't think he's gotten around to doing it yet, but I bet this would encourage him to do it.  Well done.

Sure, go ahead! We made this little movie so that we could share more of our work for free, and I hope lots of people get to see (and hopefully enjoy) it!

Quote from: glenn kangiser on May 16, 2008, 10:57:34 AM
Andrew (Ernest) is 18 I think -- right - Andrew?  and those are his brothers and sisters - I forget which ones were all in the film.

Yep, I'm 18... Johnny is 5 and currently the youngest, though, Mom's expecting our 9th..

Quote from: glenn kangiser on May 16, 2008, 10:57:34 AM
Andrew, is this the type of thing we have to look forward to from the home schooled kids?

I'm sure you can! We're actually thinking of doing a creative and inspiring music video next, but nothing's for sure yet.. We're having a lot of fun experimenting with the different genres of film. 'Moses' was primarily a comedy, and we've always had fun with action and suspense, but we're all feeling like we would like to try challenging our acting skills with something a bit more from the heart...

Quote from: glenn kangiser on May 16, 2008, 10:57:34 AM
Who will do the graffiti, sell the drugs, steal and in general tear up the city at night.  Don't you kids have any gangs you can join for protection from the other gangs?  Who will teach you how to shoplift, hold up a store, how to get out of jail and have your own parole officer.  That's ultra cool -- then you'd be tough.

If you kids run around making movies, making houses, buildings, learning survival techniques and how to support yourself, doing things that may be useful in making a living later in life as well as right now, you may be guilty of taking away jobs from people who specialize in just one thing- spend their lives learning one trade as encouraged by government schooling.  They also support lots of other people who specialize. 

Aren't you concerned that you may have an unfair advantage over the ones who limit their knowledge to one major in college?  You are too diverse.  You may put some of the people who run the welfare and social services out of business.   

What will the social workers do if you kids don't learn to be a bit evil and keep spending your time staying out of trouble doing useful things.  Don't you care about the parasite trades? 

What about the unions?  You are guilty of learning electricity, and plumbing, and carpentry.  You know that if you were union you would have committed a major crime-- be fined -- banned - deep doo-doo.  A plumber cannot so much as pick up a hammer on a union job.  They have guys who run around watching for stuff like that, in fact, they rat each other out.  The contract you sign limits your future - you cannot leave and do the same trade for years without legal consequences.  Have you no scruples? 

Just asking Andrew. 

Thanks, Glenn... That was the nicest bunch of criticism I've ever received. :) Very well put, too. I think I'll have to show my parents...

Quote from: glenn kangiser on May 16, 2008, 10:57:34 AM
You are growing up much as I did.  Great job - carry on- keep your eyes open.  I'm glad you are not a victim of modern society and I'm proud of you and your family. :)

I'm so glad for the support! People who encourage our lifestyle are few and far between, unfortunately... It can be hard to stand alone at times... I feel very blessed to know you guys.

Quote from: Sassy on May 16, 2008, 12:32:22 PM
BTW, Glenn wanted me to say that public school isn't all bad - he's a product of it  :o heh  And I am a product of it...  all of our grandchildren but one go to public schools, all our children went to public schools... 

So did both of my parents as well... Fortunately, by the grace of God they are no longer the same product they were when they graduated. ;)

Glad you guys liked the movie and thanks for the compliments!!

Our family's homestead adventure blog; sharing the goodness and fun!

glenn kangiser

We're glad that you have the attitude that learning something useful is OK.

Can you tell us what your feelings are about it, Andrew? 

Do you kids feel you are missing anythng?

Do you feel you are way ahead?

Do you feel you are missing things from public school?


Extra curricular activity?

Do you feel you have advantages others don't?

Answer what you feel well about answering - ignore the rest.  Thanks, Andrew.

"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

Please put your area in your sig line so we can assist with location specific answers.

Ernest T. Bass

Quote from: glenn kangiser on May 16, 2008, 10:44:39 PM
Can you tell us what your feelings are about it, Andrew? 

Sure.. Any particular reason?

Quote from: glenn kangiser on May 16, 2008, 10:44:39 PM
Do you kids feel you are missing anythng?

I don't think any of us miss anything we'd get in PS, if that's what you mean... We used to get more interaction with like-minded home schooled families in a community we used to live in, and I really enjoyed that on a social level. Unfortunately, that neighborhood fell apart around the time we moved... To much city influence creeping in. We are trying to build another community of like-minded wholesome families here to give one another support and encouragement, as well as provide playmates for the kids.

Quote from: glenn kangiser on May 16, 2008, 10:44:39 PM
Do you feel you are way ahead?
Regarding what is important to us, yes. As far as quickly memorizing useless facts in a textbook so as to get passing grades only to forget them a day later, no. In fact, I hardly learn anything I plan on forgetting...

Quote from: glenn kangiser on May 16, 2008, 10:44:39 PM
Do you feel you are missing things from public school?

Quote from: glenn kangiser on May 16, 2008, 10:44:39 PM
I used to play lots of sports with the many boys in our old community, and I always enjoyed it (though, it was too much of a competitive issue for some). We really hate the way sports are handled in PS, with all of the ego-pumping junk... This town where we live puts waaay too much importance in sports, and the kids are driven to compete from the youngest age... Not to mention the crazy amount of hours and gas spent on the games...

Quote from: glenn kangiser on May 16, 2008, 10:44:39 PM
Extra curricular activity?
Just about everything we do in a day could fall in that category... ;)

Quote from: glenn kangiser on May 16, 2008, 10:44:39 PM
Do you feel you have advantages others don't?
Obviously... :) Are we going to qualify for fancy high-paying jobs? Probably not. Are we going to survive when the world as we know it topples over? I hope so, but at least we stand a better chance than most. :)

Is that thorough enough?

Our family's homestead adventure blog; sharing the goodness and fun!

glenn kangiser

Thanks for your viewpoint, Andrew.

Particular reason-- Yes.  Continuing my education.

I feel this off topic section John has provided for us is a great place to share knowledge, experiences  and viewpoints.  We have home schoolers and public schoolers here and your insight allows them to see how the younger ones feel about it.  This is your place to add experience to the discussion that most of us do not have.

I myself feel that the big cities are pretty well beyond repair.  Giant throw away wastelands where the new fancy areas continually move to the outside while the inner cities turn into a giant festering puss filled sore. 

Gangs, drugs, kids with nothing to do except destroy.  Not much hope there.  Sassy and I were  on a board of supervisors for a school that was supposed to rehab these city kids for a few months.  These aspiring criminals don't want help.  They were still flashing gang signs and being cool even at the school that was supposed to be rehabbing them.  They just used it as an excuse to stay out of juvenile prison.  In my opinion most of them weren't worth the trouble it took to try to rehab them.  We got out before we got included in the lawsuits against them.  These collections of trash are like a giant vacuum that suck in potentially good kids and dirty them just like the rest of the trash in the garbage can we call the city.

Yes - I'm aware there are good parts -- no discussion can be all inclusive but I'm not talking about the minority here.

What you are doing is far beyond failed rehabs.  Eliminating the problem before it ever gets a start is the safe way to advance and not loose all the years wasted in recovery from crime and drugs.  Most don't make it out anyway or recover only to relapse.  Why waste your or your children's lives if you don't have to. 

Just teaching them right from wrong and good principles may be enough but reducing the bad outside influences can help them greatly in my opinion.

I feel the big emphasis on sports is a major part of the government agenda.  Yes it has it's good qualities, but it also teaches following the leader without question, responding to stimulus, bells, whistles, and orders of those deemed to have authority for many times very little reason and without question as to whether they are right or wrong.

Follow the coach even if he leads your team into failure.  Suppose you know how to make the team succeed? 
Sorry -- you don't have the authority.  Sit back- shut up - do as you are told.  Where's your team spirit?

Our current economy situation is the result of following unfit leaders and not having the means to get rid of them.  Hey - bad coach-- bummer.

Seems I'm way out there, but still if you look you can see how all of this ties together.  You must not think for yourself.  Who are you anyway?

If you answer, a small part of the whole then theres not a lot of hope for you.  If you answer, I'm Andrew, then you are on your way to thinking for yourself, being somebody who is above the team and equal or better than anyone who holds office of the president of the United States.  You have principles.  You both put your pants on one leg at a time.

The difference is not his power.  It is the power given to him by the people or taken illegally by him.  It is the position he is allowed to hold at this time and his being allowed to control forces who can kill us if they or he desires.  Other than that he is no different that you or I-- OK -- so ...not as smart - but I wasn't counting that.

I applaud your ability to think for yourself and hope your family makes a tradition of training independent thinkers.
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

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I know what you mean about getting too serious about sports... they asked me to coach little league a few years back...I had to say no...They practiced three nights a week and there was at least 2 games a week......So little league was at least a 5 day a week committment... Holy Crap

As for a regular education I also agree 100% people are book smart in the sense that they read a text over and over so they can recite it and pass a test and yet they learn nothing...Nothing is absorbed they do not grow as people or learn new skills...They do not even develop analytic abilities..

What really makes me laugh sometimes is when I encounter someone out there in the real world and we do not agree and they say right off..."well I have 3 degrees, I know what I am talking about"...And they do not know their head from their arse

glenn kangiser

I argued with a water geohydroligist at a town meeting once.  He tested the new town exploratory well and was trying to sell them a multi-million dollar filter system.

I showed him and everyone else at the meeting that he had polluted the new test well from top to bottom at 900 feet deep,with his methods, so his several hundred thousand dollar test was garbage.  I told him the water would be clean at 400 feet if the well was done properly.  People were up in arms.  He had the well drilled rotary, and used polluted town water to keep the hole open - as  "make up water", so the temporary test hole wouldn't cave in.

They redid it the way I said.  I was right .  He was wrong.  He could have taken his PHD and wiped his bottom with it for as much good as it did him.

The degrees mean your peers will support you in a good ol' boy method, but whether you really know what you are doing is another matter.

"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin

Please put your area in your sig line so we can assist with location specific answers.

Ernest T. Bass

Quote from: glenn kangiser on May 17, 2008, 12:44:25 AM
I applaud your ability to think for yourself and hope your family makes a tradition of training independent thinkers.

Well, they're doing the best they can! And that's just it.. I can't take any credit for the person I am today, it's just how I was raised. I'd probably be quite a rat if I had been brought up in a typical American home..

Our family's homestead adventure blog; sharing the goodness and fun!