9/11 Anniversary

Started by glenn kangiser, September 10, 2006, 11:19:56 AM

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I might should have put a smiley in what I typed too--but I didn't know which one.  :-/

(it may be easier to get people to nod their heads if the example you give is the prayer in the locker room before a football game, which I've always assumed would go something like "help us beat the pants off of Overton High School."  The prayers in the pep rallies when I was in high school came close)

Somebody sent me this this morning--may or may not be totally true, but unfortunately some of it sounds plausible:


QuoteHave "designed-to-fail" microchips set up the United States naval, air and ground units in the Persian Gulf for a disastrous defeat in Bush's looming showdown with Iran? Has a Wal-Mart mentality, and corporate sleight-of-hand fatally undermined the U.S. war machine with microscopic flaws?

Following this website's revelations of Israel's recent abortive nuclear air strike on Iran, agents of the United States military intelligence community have returned to visit my informant to disclose disturbing developments.


Hmm.  Will Thomas is also looking into radioactive hurricanes.

Which sound pretty unbelievable unless you've read Sarah Andrews' Killer Dust, featuring dust storms from Africa carrying who-knows-what-all.  Since she's pretty straight on her geology, I assume that this is possible.  After all one bird book tells me that cattle egrets probably blew across the Atlantic from Africa to South America in the not too distant past.

It also looks like there are some ideas that nuking the eye of an already formed hurricane might disintegrate it--or send a truly deadly storm on its way to us.

With Thomas, unless you are subscribed, it's hard to find his articles--maybe you even can't.  Some of what I put here was from just reading the bits on a search.


I was pretty sure you were on the same page with me Amanda.  I guess we can just sit here and type back and forth to each other.  Hopefully we will enlighten those who care to look in and aren't afraid to peek. :)

Wonderful article, Amanda.  Paybacks a B----.

Our corporations and jobs have gone across the seas for cheap parts and labor, while a large part of our people flounder around on minimum wage barely able to survive.  All of the sudden the Chinese have absolute emergency control of our military, our tech and our security with no way to fix it.  Our tech corporations and our elite bite themselves, our security and our military in the a$$.  The greed is finally coming back to roost.  Note that the Russian planes rely more on mechanical devices etc. old tech, and aren't susceptible to these problems (I've read).

Is it really true?  It looks like a duck --It walks like a duck -- It quacks like a duck....


Watch the demolition charges going off on the WTC just as the firefighters stated.



Being a pilot who has been intercepted before in turbulence, I have stated this dozens of times to people but now there is a former air traffic controller saying the same thing as I am.

9/11 was assisted by our government.  There is absolutely no way any plane got to fly around the WTC and Pentagram (gon) without assistance from our government elite.  The good government employees wanting to do their jobs and stop the attacks were prevented from doing so by their superiors who, if you go high enough , were in on the deal.  All they needed to do was give orders to their subordinates, who are trained to follow orders under no uncertain terms.

The bell rings --- you must salivate.



9/11 Truth Movement: Only Growing Stronger – And the Media are Frightened to Death!



For a while I kept running into ex-PATCO guys.  One was pretty scary--occasionally (during the Reagan administration) wore his "Give PATCO and Hinkley another chance" t-shirt into bars looking for a fight.

The other was reasonably happy to settle down and make bells for a living.  I have a handful of them.


Selfishly and personally 911 put me out of buissness making furniture and small wooden boats.I will return to this full time in the next year.It took and is taking lives but affected us all in some way


QuoteSelfishly and personally 911 put me out of buissness making furniture and small wooden boats.I will return to this full time in the next year.It took and is taking lives but affected us all in some way

Leo where did you do this business?? I guessing clientle lost jobs / where effected so their income to buy these items was effected???

G/L when you get back up and going. 8-)Sounds like something I'd love to do. :)


I sold gallery's mostly,Nashville Its not what you make compliments wont pay the bills you gotta find deep pockets Im gonna look for up scale flea markets in deep pockets territory.Dont let rejection deter you over time a 50/50 batting average evolved.even along the road to a deep pocket event.word of mouth and repeat made up over 20% dont do consignment. Its not what you build its who sees it Im 55 now and jobs will become harder so bye bye lay off INC.the small copper fish got 1/2 retail 12.50 i could do four a hour and get 108 out of a sheet of copper 3x8.most tables metal wit wood top 6 hours got 75 each the Canoe 2000 had to build the mold chase materials make the paddle with my youngest son in a back pack right at four weeks. when the cabin is done the shop is next.


Leo, do you do any of the three big crafts fairs in Nashville?  Two TACA (Tennessee Association of Crafts Artists) one sponsored by the American Artisan gallery.  Might not be great for big stuff, and at last report Nancy
Zimmerman hated for her crafts artists to do either of the TACA fairs.  Usually early May, somewhere around Father's Day (American Artisan), and late September (The TACA show open to non-Tennessee residents).

There's another in Williamson county that some friends (stained glass and a few tables) did one year, don't remember how happy they were with their sales--or when it was.  And since I didn't go, I couldn't tell you what it was like, whether people were showing big projects like small boats.

I just go to look and buy, so I'm no expert on what they cost or what the procedure is for entering.  But a few people I've talked to thought that the cost was less than galleries, worth their extra time traveling with all their merchandise, setting up, sitting out in all kinds of weather and making nice with passers-by.  They are the people who enjoy talking to the passers-by.


PBS's Bill Moyers wll be showing a 90 min expose' on the Iraq war http://www.afterdowningstreet.org/node/21146 Record of Iraq War Lies to Air April 25 on PBS


That Bill Moyers thing is tomorrow.

Friend sent me this this afternoon.


[size=24]John Kerry: Building 7 Was Deliberately Demolished[/size]

[size=12]Massachusetts Senator's conclusion directly contradicts 9/11 official story, multi-billion dollar insurance lawsuit [/size]

At a recent speaking engagement in Austin Texas, Senator John Kerry responded to a question about WTC Building 7 by concluding that according to his information, the building was brought down as a result of a controlled demolition, directly contradicting the official line that the structure fell as a result of fire and debris damage.


News networks like BBC and CNN were reporting that the building had collapsed before it fell, indicating that the media were being handed a script of events that had yet to even unfold.

Ground zero EMT's, firefighters and police were all told hours in advance to clear a collapse zone for Building 7 as it was going to be "brought down."

Questioned on WTC 7 by members of Austin 9/11 Truth Now at a Book People event in Austin Texas, Kerry responded, "I do know that that wall, I remember, was in danger and I think they made the decision based on the danger that it had in destroying other things, that they did it in a controlled fashion."


Kerry is basically saying that the building was intentionally demolished to prevent a random collapse from damaging nearby buildings, but that premise has never been explicitly admitted, with officials clinging to the notion that the collapse was expected but was not aided by means of explosive charges, because to admit to a controlled demolition would be to expose foreknowledge of 9/11 itself.

Whether Kerry is basing his response on inside knowledge or hearsay is largely irrelevant, the fact that a sitting United States Senator is openly contradicting the official 9/11 story as well as a multi-billion dollar insurance lawsuit strikes at the root of the controversy surrounding Building 7.

In February of 2002 Silverstein Properties won $861 million from Industrial Risk Insurers to rebuild on the site of WTC 7. Silverstein Properties' estimated investment in WTC 7 was $386 million. This building's collapse alone resulted in a payout of nearly $500 million, based on the contention that it was an accidental event caused by the fall of the twin towers.


Amanda i sold direct to stores south side of Nashville.Im familiar with TACA. the last place to dry up was the south side of Nashville..wholesale You get one half retail,forget consignment.Its deep pockets that will pay for large pieces.hammered copper pieces 20 to 50 would sell.small shows.My first show in WVa 2nd biggest there sold nothing thurrsday,Friday,Saturday took best in show nice but a piece of paper?show was to end at 2 for the home coming game,between 12 and 2 I did 1400$ the alumni=deep pockets. some where between 6 weeks and four years ill move south central KY big boats 86'house boats lots of big boats = deep pockets ,striking distance to Nashville,Lexington,Knoxville.i wanna try upscale flea /antique markets., ive spoken with many who do the show circuits lots of time and expense.eventually word of mouth or comebacks for the oddest items?working for layoff inc Ive started amassing work in various stages of completion.at present metal framed wood top furniture and canoe molds.If i had 5 canoes i could sell them in a month or two..one customer would buy anything red for her store?


QuoteThat Bill Moyers thing is tomorrow.

Friend sent me this this afternoon.


[size=24]John Kerry: Building 7 Was Deliberately Demolished[/size]

[size=12]Massachusetts Senator's conclusion directly contradicts 9/11 official story, multi-billion dollar insurance lawsuit [/size]

At a recent speaking engagement in Austin Texas, Senator John Kerry responded to a question about WTC Building 7 by concluding that according to his information, the building was brought down as a result of a controlled demolition, directly contradicting the official line that the structure fell as a result of fire and debris damage.


News networks like BBC and CNN were reporting that the building had collapsed before it fell, indicating that the media were being handed a script of events that had yet to even unfold.

Ground zero EMT's, firefighters and police were all told hours in advance to clear a collapse zone for Building 7 as it was going to be "brought down."

Questioned on WTC 7 by members of Austin 9/11 Truth Now at a Book People event in Austin Texas, Kerry responded, "I do know that that wall, I remember, was in danger and I think they made the decision based on the danger that it had in destroying other things, that they did it in a controlled fashion."


Kerry is basically saying that the building was intentionally demolished to prevent a random collapse from damaging nearby buildings, but that premise has never been explicitly admitted, with officials clinging to the notion that the collapse was expected but was not aided by means of explosive charges, because to admit to a controlled demolition would be to expose foreknowledge of 9/11 itself.

Whether Kerry is basing his response on inside knowledge or hearsay is largely irrelevant, the fact that a sitting United States Senator is openly contradicting the official 9/11 story as well as a multi-billion dollar insurance lawsuit strikes at the root of the controversy surrounding Building 7.

In February of 2002 Silverstein Properties won $861 million from Industrial Risk Insurers to rebuild on the site of WTC 7. Silverstein Properties' estimated investment in WTC 7 was $386 million. This building's collapse alone resulted in a payout of nearly $500 million, based on the contention that it was an accidental event caused by the fall of the twin towers.

Great find there, Amanda.  Slowly a few tell the truth -- messing up the others lies.   :)

See -- I'm starting to look less and less crazy as time goes on. ;D


The pro's get involved.  How about signing up, John. ;D

Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth!  

glenn kangiser

New clues - 4 short videos showing mainstream news clip analysis.

"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin  http://countryplans.com/smf/index.php?topic=151.0

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You will know the truth & the truth will set you free


There are several good sites up  about the pentagon hoax...Have been for some time now...

glenn kangiser

The problem is that most do not want to believe anything but the .gov story because they don't want to believe that their .gov would do anything other than have their best interests in mind.  Hey -- dubya said there was an axis of evil didn't he?  Just lied and didn't mention it was in DC.  Over 3000 citizens and over 3000 official military sacrificed to the Military/Political/Industrial Complex.  Most cannot face the fact that 9/11 was assisted by our own insiders.

"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin  http://countryplans.com/smf/index.php?topic=151.0

Please put your area in your sig line so we can assist with location specific answers.



When you start to look at the scary facts....Like the Saudi's being personally escorted out of America...And some of them were Family to Bin Laden...Authorized by bush!!!

And then we try to justify holding "suspected militants" in Cuba for 4 years without giving them representation, rights...We do not even charge them with anything...We confine them break them down torture them and interrogate them..Breaking every part of the Geneva convention.

Then you look at the towers and how it was physically impossible for the steel to melt... or the hoax at the pentagon...

And all of the errors in the defense system that were made all at the same time to allow the planes to even strike the towers...Or the FBI and CIA reports that indicated that this thing was planned and the reports were buried and not acted upon to stop it before it started...

So yeah they got a lot of inside help on this one...

What really blows me a away is the fact that the dynamite or c-4 whatever they use had to already be in place in tower number 3.... the charges were expertly placed ...Only a handful of people know how to handle and work with those explosives and to set the charges in such a way to minimize risk and lives...Not to mention to let the building come down without smashing into other nearby buildings...

This is not something you do while the building is on fire in 20 minutes.....So the charges were there before the first plane struck the towers.

But yeah...Thousands of Americans have died for a lie...Hundreds of thousands of Iraqi's have died for the lie as well...

All so bush could have 4 more years to line his pockets

glenn kangiser

Him and many, many other "elites" and corporations.  Not to mention the power goals of world domination.
"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin  http://countryplans.com/smf/index.php?topic=151.0

Please put your area in your sig line so we can assist with location specific answers.



We have to keep the Rockefellers among the world's wealthiest... come on man

glenn kangiser

100 Professors Question 9/11 Official Story.  Bound to be among the smartest people in the world--- should we not check it out too? :-?

"Always work from the general to the specific." J. Raabe

Glenn's Underground Cabin  http://countryplans.com/smf/index.php?topic=151.0

Please put your area in your sig line so we can assist with location specific answers.


911 and the British Broadcasting Conspiracy

911 and the British Broadcasting Conspiracy - new documentary by Adrian Connock and David Shayler about the BBC's selective and distorted  ... all » 911 coverage. With particular reference to the Conspiracy Files programme aired on BBC Two on February 18th 2007