Building on Skids

Started by DaveBell, April 02, 2018, 12:59:57 AM

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I'm looking for the best way to connect two 10 foot PT skids (4x6's) end to end so they stay level.
The building will be on gravel. 



I didn't know they came that large.

6x6x20' weight = 240 lbs
6x6x24' weight = 288 lbs

Wonder about moving them?


Walking the dog... lash or single bolt two studs or stud length poles together as if you were making a teepee, creating an upside down V. Straddle the legs of the inverted V just a little forward of the center of the timber, a leg of the V on each side of the timber. Tie a rope or strap around the 6x6 timber just ahead of centerline, or really anywhere along the front half of the timber, lean the V top towards the rear of the timber about a foot and securely wrap the rope around the apex of the inverted V. Push the top of the rig forward and it'll lift the timber and drag it forward. Splay the legs, bring them back forward and bring them together into the inverted V again, planting them forward with the apex pointed rearward as before and push the top forward again... if that made sense now you're walking the dog. You can move large logs and timbers this way once you play with it a little and understand the principles at work.


Depends on the distance: At those weights, I would consider clamping one end to my hand-truck and muscling the other along (perhaps with a young helper).