1 1/2 Story Exterior Wall Question

Started by VannL, July 09, 2017, 07:38:37 AM

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I believe I read that 12 foot height is max allowable for exterior wall studs, but I just saw in the IRC that 10 foot is. So, this brought me to another question.

As I am the sole man on this project, I was trying to figure a way to make things simpler in lifting the exterior wall. What if I designed the walls so that they were 8 foot tall, and then built a 3 foot knee wall, which would still give me the upstairs space I want, but 'might' be simpler in construction?

Thoughts, ideas?
If you build it, it will be yours!


that simply becomes a platform build, I used 6ft upper walls on mine and scissor trusses above


If you do it that way you either have to use trusses or a ridge beam. Also if you have a lofted area - an open space - that will still have to be balloon framed. You can't have a joint in the wall without a floor intersecting to brace it.