Footer question

Started by Jtrussell, September 25, 2016, 06:29:50 PM

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Good afternoon, I am in the planning stages of building our home.  Looking at starting after the first of the year.  Home will be 20' x 24'.

I have a question regarding the footers for the piers.  I plan on using the 8" sonotube as forms for the footers, these shortest will be 12" above grade and the longest should be about 30". I plan on pouring 3ft deep footers under the piers, approximate 24" x 24".

My question is....Is it ok to only pour the footer directly below the pier (centered) or should I pour the footer the full length of the build?  I'll try to post of picture of what I am thinking.

or something like this?

Been a long time lurker here and am in awe of some of the builds. 


Pour a full perimeter footing and then lay a block wall on top of it.

Piers are very poor choice for a foundation, and anywhere subject to code does not allow them without an engineers stamp.

It probably will add some cost to the build, but you will be happy once you have 10s of thousands of dollars sitting on top of something substantial instead of hoping that your soil is capable of bearing and stabilizing piers.


Or just do a poured perimeter all the way up to the sill.  Concrete is by far the quickest and perhaps easiest way to get a foundation in the ground.  The perimeter foundation has the benefit of being within the prescriptive code of every building permit authority.  In reading many of the threads on this forum, a lot of folks say by the time brackets and bracing are taken into account that the effort and cost of piers can exceed that of a poured foundation.  Unless lot access and/or the terrain make a perimeter foundation impractical, you should at least take a look at what it would cost.
My cabin build thread: Alaskan remote 16x28 1.5 story