PWF exterior finishing

Started by Triathlete, October 01, 2015, 02:04:33 PM

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I'd like to know what people are using other than leaving the green finish of PWF wood for exterior finishing on PWF walls on the exposed portion above ground of basement walls.  I'm not crazy about the look of green wood as a basement finish and I'm thinking there has got to be a better solution.  I was thinking cement board but I believe it would eventually rot.  Any other suggestions?


Lath wire and mortar parge or veneer stone?


Roofing material to match or complement the roof.
Just because something has been done and has not failed, doesn't mean it is good design.

John Raabe

I have seen corrugated roofing (Galv. installed vertically) capped with a beveled drip stop (2x4?) flashed up behind the siding.
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