rough plan foundation question

Started by busted knuckles, March 07, 2015, 10:27:20 PM

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busted knuckles

Here is my basic layout.  I am trying to figure out what foundation to go with.  Frost line depth is 2 feet. Build is in southern central BC. Just across the border from Oroville or Omak Wa. Code is not an issue. I am open to suggestions on foundation and the cabin.

I was thinking of a perimeter footing 2.5 feet down with 10 piers. 5 per side. Then build on top of beams.

Second thought was trench out to frost line, fill with crushed rock, pour footing on top of crushed rock. PWF on top of concrete footer to create a crawlspace.

My main concern is the wind. The tallest face (front) will face south,  in a north/south running valley. Would either of these foundation ideas hold the house down in a wind?
you know that mugshot of Nick Nolte? I wish I looked that good.


With either it would be a good idea to start from below frost depth to avoid possible heaving problems. In wind the PWF will outperform the pier foundation you have described. With a continuous perimeter wall the wind can't get under the building and the wall is bracing against the wind. With piers the wind has a place to grab the underside and the bracing against horizontal forces from above is resisted by much shorter segments of wall, the width of the pier. If you have a continuous poured strip footing the cost of building walls between the piers vs the cost of girders to span from pier to pier is worth looking into.

busted knuckles

Thank you Don, I never considered wind lifting from under the cabin. I will be sure to get below the frost line. I am just starting to decide on what to build. Wow, the costs add up when you start putting it on paper.
you know that mugshot of Nick Nolte? I wish I looked that good.