Tornado hits my building site!

Started by Kingrace78, May 06, 2014, 09:30:25 AM

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My plans of starting on my 1 ½ story cabin is being delayed until I get some stuff cleaned up.
Sunday 4/27  a Kansas tornado decided to tour my land.   It went straight down the middle of the property.   It is amazing what a tornado can do and this was just a F2 about 400 feet wide.  This is the first time I have explored tornado damage this close.  Luckily we were home 80 miles north watching it on TV when it hit.  I have 90 acres with a 20 acre lake.
There are a bunch of trees down now, mostly cottonwood and cedar trees.  Some elm, hedge and not sure what others kind. Some of the trees are fairly large, 4' diameter.   I am not sure what I can do with all of these.   A bunch ended up in the lake, I will leave some for structure but there are too many in it now. 
There are a bunch of people that are knowledgeable and have great ideas on this site.         
What can I do with these downed trees?  I can leave them where they are and let them rot; I don't need that much firewood.  I do not think I have many that would make good lumber to mill.
I am looking for Ideas that could make these trees useful.
Thanks for your ideas,

Path of  Tornado through the property:



Anything worth salvaging for lumber should be stacked off the ground.  If left on the ground the bugs will find them and you will have swiss cheese after a few months.  I would just cut up into manageable lengths and stack the other portion for firewood.  I still have several dozen on my property that a Derecho had devastated that I haven't got around to getting yet.  Some I have access to and some not.