Pine walls - poly or stain??

Started by drainl, March 06, 2006, 11:24:00 AM

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Hi!  This is my first post.  My hubby speedfunk and I are having trouble agreeing on this issue.  We are building a First Day Cottage to sell in the late spring and the entire house is pine... the floor, the walls, the ceiling, etc.  Here's some info on the house and a link to pics...

Speedfunk would like to white wash the walls so it's a little less piney.  I say we just poly everything and let the buyer do what they want with it.  I figure it's easier to sand down the poly then sand down the stain & poly.  



My opinion is that all the walls I have looked at are just covered in poly.  They look great that way.  I would think that whitewashing them is a more personalized touch that some may like and some may not like.

I would stick with poly.


 How about Benite ,


Daly's has a reputation of producing outstanding finishing products for the past 50 years. Our association with them has been for the past 15 years and we are pleased to introduce them to the woodworking industry that we serve. We have used just about every finish on the market and continue to return to the Daly's product line. For furniture makers we have not found a better product.

This is a deeply penetrating wood sealer. It does not leave a film and protects the wood against grain raising. It will avoid the spotty stain penetration that you experience with cherry and other woods.

 It's a sealer that can be  stained over all it does is seal the wood so the stain when applied does not get blochie  and if they decided to stay witha clear finish it can be applied right over the Benite.

It will provide some limited protection from hand prints , dirt etc as well .  

I think you could even spray it with a garden sprayer on a light mist. If you did the benite before the finish flooring went in .  

   Good luck , PEG


Since you're building this spec, a couple of observations.

Men don't buy houses, women do.  I would think that more men than women would like the total wood look.

Once-upon-a-time I lived in a log house.  Even tho I didn't realize it during construction, the sea of brown got very old after a while.  Also tends to darken which is not in vogue at the moment.

I've seen wooden walls a lot lately.  HGTVs latest dream house, Sarah Susanka's latest book.  They all had color added.  Paint was all washes...could see the grain....creams and sages.

There's a realtor/ex-realtor who hangs around here some times.  Maybe she'll join in.