Are county tax inspectors allowed to trespass?

Started by NM_Shooter, January 24, 2013, 10:32:35 AM

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A couple of weeks ago, while I was out of the house, my family told me that they got scared by two strange men who were walking around my back yard.  My daughter was in a back room when she saw two men walk by a window, and she ran and got her mom.  They went to the front, and noticed a strange car parked in our driveway.  They started to call 911 when the men got into the car and left.  I came home shortly after that.

I then asked some of my neighbors if they had any visits from anyone, or if they saw an unusual car in my drive.  One neighbor across the street said that she saw a car with government plates on it, and she said something about that it had county markings on it.  Not really sure what she meant by that. 

I'm guessing that my property taxes are about to go up to include my outbuilding.  But I gotta tell you, I am a little upset that they didn't provide my family the courtesy of a knock on the door to let us know that they were going to take a look.  If they had, my wife would have called me, and I would have asked them to wait so I could show them that my outbuilding is barely a frame structure and has a dirt floor. 

Had I been home and found them in the back of my house, I would have had them sit on the ground until the police arrived to escort them off of my property.  I'm thinking about going to the county to complain.  Probably will to have to head down there to argue my new tax appraisal anyway. 

I am amazed at the gall of government workers.  In their defense, New Mexico is a "post out" state.  If your property is not posted, you can't accuse someone of trespassing.  Looks like I need to get some signs.  For my damn house.   >:(
"Officium Vacuus Auctorita"


I had a similar experience, I caught our county assessor on my trail cam.  My property is posted, plus he went over a split rail fence which in PA if you have a fence you don't need to post.  Anyways, I am fairly certain, at least here in PA that the assessor is not allowed to go onto your property, as here on our county websites they take the pictures of the property/house from the road, at least they are supposed to.  I guess the guy who trespassed on my property figured there was no one there so he could do it.  Unfortunately for him I have really good pictures of him on my moultrie cam.   

To try and answer your question it is probably a state by state thing.  Although if I were you I would wait to see if the taxes go up, if they do then complain.  IF they don't and you complain, they may come back at you harder.  Government at its best...

Good Luck


It IS a state by state thing. And I am not sure what if any NM Statutes there are on this. Thing is if they can't come onto the land they can still bump the assessment. That may go unchallenged and they have the extra taxes anyhow. They can use binolulars if they want.
Just because something has been done and has not failed, doesn't mean it is good design.


Yep, it is a state by state issue, but here in little Rhody, every three years they send out a contracted company to revaluate the properties. Each time, they send me a postcard, asking "what's a good time to come and inspect your home?" I tell them that, if they make an appointment, they can come and take pictures of the exterior of my home and stretch a measuring tape, if they so desire. I also tell them that they will never enter the interior of my home. That is none of their business and I have had to throw one of these folks off my property because he ridiculously told me he had a "right" to come in! I asked him to supply me with support of his position and of course, he couldn't. These knuckleheads tell the same thing to many folks and are allowed entry to their homes. This particular moron was driving a beat up Suburban and was wearing jeans and a faded shirt and he wondered why he was not allowed in my home?  d*


I am an ex Ky assessor. It is state by state. In Ky the property valuation office has trespass rights, to walk over and inspect your property and do any building measurements as needed. Outside only, they have no rights to do an interior valuation. Check your state, but in Ky the difference between personal and real property is how it is "affixed to the land".. Will not help  on the house but can save you on any outbuildings you add to your property..example a 12x20 storage shed on concrete is "affixed" and taxable. The same building on skids is personal property and nontaxable