Can you still get wood preservative?

Started by MushCreek, November 05, 2012, 04:30:59 PM

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I mean the good stuff, with copper in it. When you do a google search, a lot of places that had it no longer do, like Home Depot and Lowe's. It sounds like Cuprinol is no longer made.

I have exposed rafter tails, and would like to treat them to get a little more life out of them. Much of the house will have false rafter tails, and I'll make those out of PT, but the porch rafters are one piece 2X8' and I'd like to put something on them. Any ideas/sources?

I'm not poor- I'm financially underpowered.

alex trent

Down here I use zinc-napthenlate (brand Name is Wood-Zine).

Looked it up to see what it really is and looks like it is sold in USA.

Termites, carpenter ants, mold...or so they say.

Smells bad but smell leaves in a week.

alex trent

Was reregistered in USA and Canada in 2007 so it is legal and I see a lot of product on the web.

Same for copper.


Just a follow-up- I ordered some copper napthenate from a company called Copper Care. It was $40 for a gallon of 8% copper concentrate, which you dilute with diesel or mineral spirits. Their web site doesn't say how much you dilute it, so I don't know if this is a good value or not. It sounds like this is the good, old-fashioned stuff I was looking for. It's sort of a commercial website, and I was afraid that they would require me to be a licensed something-or-other, but they took my on-line order without incident. I did notice that they can't ship to New York state. I'll let you know the rest of the story when it arrives. You'll have to wait about 10 years for a review on its effectiveness, though!

I'm not poor- I'm financially underpowered.


More info- if anyone's interested.

I found the instructions for the stuff I bought, and it's 8% actual copper, and 68% Copper Napthenate. You dilute it 4:1 for ground contact; 8:1 for above ground. Cuprinol is (was?) 8% Cu-Nap, or about 1% actual copper. In other words- pre-diluted. This stuff appears to be the good stuff!

I have exposed rafter tails which I want to protect, so I'll soak them good with a 4:1 mix. I'll have enough to spray all of the sub-fascia, too. You can paint over it, which I plan to do. And yes, I'll wear protection. The MSDS is pretty strongly worded for this stuff. I also wouldn't use it inside a dwelling.

I'm not poor- I'm financially underpowered.


Don't forget to use galvy fasteners, you're building a battery  :)


I got the stuff today, and it is indeed very strong. Three birds fell out of the sky when I took the cap off. d*

It's thick and green; obviously a concentrate. It smells just like the old Cuprinol we treated dock wood with back in the 60's. I remember being covered with the stuff while treating docks as a teenager- I wonder how many years that took off my life? At any rate- I'm glad I found a good strong wood preservative. In my hot, humid climate in SC, I'd like the house to last at least until bathing in chemicals in my youth catches up with me!

I'm not poor- I'm financially underpowered.