Good foundation reference books

Started by BenB, October 05, 2012, 10:56:18 AM

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My library has next to nothing on decent DIY books, I mean nothing. :(
Imagine I'll be buying one or two so looking for some recommendations from ya'll. Thanks


I have a bunch, but these are my dog-eared, spine-split, tape-bound favorites:

Independant Builder by Sam Clark

Do It Yourself Housebuilding by George Nash
The wise woman builds her own house... Proverbs 14:1

Alan Gage

Agree with above on the Sam Clark book. Haven't seen the Nash one.

Also recommend Visual Handbook of Building and Remodeling - Charlie Wing. I was disappointed when I first got it because it's not really a "how to" book. But since then I've referred to it countless times and it always comes through. Amazing amount of information in one book.



Thanks a lot .... Amazon , here I come. ;)