Duck Eggs

Started by MountainDon, July 15, 2012, 09:35:31 PM

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Anyone else have an allergy or a sensitivity to chicken eggs?  I found out I did a couple of years ago. Not eating them improved my gastro intestinal health. I'm okay with duck eggs, as both the testing and my gut can ettest. But duck eggs are difficult to find at retail level. Mostly I've done without eggs.

However when we were in CA, friends of Glenn and Kathy gave us 8 large duck eggs. Extra large is more like it. Three of them made a main course for the two of us. They were so good my interest in finding a source was re-kindled. After we got back here from CA I found some duck at Whole Foods! Wow! After the 18 eggs I bought were gone I found Whole foods did not have any. It turned out they did a local experiment. They had only sold 24 eggs during the test period. So no more.

Buying them online is a possibility. But at near $3 an egg (yes per egg incl shipping) that was way more than the $1.15 an egg at Whole foods.

Yesterday we found a local lady at one of the growers/farmers markets that sold duck eggs! Fifty cents an egg and laid within the past week. Darn good eggs too! So now we have a local source and I can enjoy scrambled eggs, omelets, chinese fried rice, egg salad sandwiches, potato salad with egg....  The list goes on and on.

Just because something has been done and has not failed, doesn't mean it is good design.


Here on the east coast, in urban and even in suburban areas we have Asian markets.  They usually have a good assortment of duck products including eggs.  They even have some interesting varieties.  Thousand year old egg anyone?

I shop more for the duck than the egg. When I'm in the country ducks and eggs are usually easy enough to find on craigslist in the farm and garden section.


You have to watch the Asian Markets Squirel.
Some of those places sell (I doubt they eat them) eggs that'll make a Billy Goat Puke.

And I agree about Rural Craigslist (Same Caveat). They sell for $2.00 to $4.50 a dozen here.
These here is God's finest scupturings! And there ain't no laws for the brave ones! And there ain't no asylums for the crazy ones! And there ain't no churches, except for this right here!


New Mexico.  Better than regular Mexico.

Pine Cone

Looking forward to duck eggs again.  The factory is still a little young

Its been 12 years since I last had ducks in the yard.  More wild critters around here as well as our dog, so these won't be a free-ranging as my last ones.  Thought we had 2 runners and 2 Khaki Campbells, but it turns out they are 2 Pekins, 1 gray runner, and 1 Khaki Campbell.   The Khaki's egg production can be over 330 per year, but I'm not sure of the sex on ours.  Should know in another month or two.

The mixed bantam chickens we got from the Murray McMurray hatchery have turned out to be almost all female.  We gave about half away to our daughter and her family, but we have a dozen left.  One great looking rooster (a Blue Wheaton Ameraucana) one possible Black Rosecomb rooster, and 10 females (Gold and Silver Sebrights, Black Rosecombs, and several mystery breeds).  Chickens should start egg production in about a month.  Here are some pictures of my little flock.  While duck eggs are pretty large, bantam eggs are smaller than regular chicken eggs.

Our prize Blue Wheaton Ameraucana Cock, Pretty Boy Floyd.  He learned to crow about 2 weeks ago and loves to practice. 

Anyone know what breed the 3 brown hens are or the white hen in the middle of this picture?  Lower left is a Silver Sebright.